Tuesday, 2009-03-24

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satanmalinhi gerhard08:25
Gerhardhi satanmalin09:28
GerhardI've received your installer file, will test it in the next days09:28
satanmalinoki danke schon  gerhard09:34
satanmalinjust one question are you a painter ?09:34
Gerharda painter? what do you mean?09:55
satanmalini saw on google a painter with the same name as you10:20
satanmalinand thought irt was you10:21
satanmalina painter like ingres10:21
Gerhardno, I'm not a painter (-:10:26
satanmalinoki LOL10:27
satanmalini hope i hqve not ofeended you ?10:28
Gerhardno problem10:47
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troal01When you run verifydb in report mode, where does the report get saved?11:31
troal01Well it only says a report is being run, nothing else11:32
pborohmh :/11:32
grantctroal01, i think it goes to the screen11:33
troal01But if it doesn't output anything11:33
troal01And I know there's something fishy11:33
troal01should I use xtable instead of table?11:33
grantcpboro, re your perl script - nice work12:34
grantcany chance of a write up in the community wiki?12:34
pboroI wish I had time :) So not right now, sorry :( I'm currently also writing a blog post about using VARCHARs versus LONG VARCHARs with some considerations12:35
grantcah ha - in that case you want to be added to planetingres.org?12:35
pboroahaha :) I do still have your proposion about that in my blog... maybe after the next writing12:36
grantcoh go-on12:36
grantci can restrict it to your ingres only posts12:37
pboroproposion? is that even a word...12:37
pborothat would be nice :)12:37
pboroyeah :D12:37
pboroI havent slept well after my trip to london12:38
grantctoo much rain=12:38
pboronot because of the trip but because of hurry after the trip...12:38
pboroit was sunny and approx 15 degrees of celsius, so verry nice weather :)12:38
pborobest I could hope for12:38
pboronow back to finland and it's minus eight and over minus fifteen during nights :S12:39
pboroback in finland12:39
grantca bit of a shock12:39
pboroI wonder if the spring ever going to arrive at all this year...12:39
grantcit has been 20ºC+ here12:40
pboro"whether the spring is ever going"12:40
Alex|here it is just snowing a little bit at a few degrees plus12:40
pboroat least London made my English worse12:40
grantcpboro, you are on/in the planet.. http://planetingres.org/ - all your posts will get sent out on twitter too...12:40
pborook, thanks12:41
grantcyou're welcome :)12:42
pboroI'm trying to try write something useful every month12:42
pborotrying to try :D12:42
pboroI really need some sleep12:42
pborobye guys :)12:43
grantchot chocolate and whisky...12:43
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thiagomz./reload.ing |& tee reload.log13:36
thiagomz-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&'13:36
thiagomzwhat is the similar on bash or sh ?13:36
thiagomz[ingres@sel-dit-02 dbsv]$ ./reload.ing | tee reload.log => worked ;-)13:37
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thiagomz_how do i unload that =>  â”‚iicese                          â”‚dba                 │Star-CDB    â”‚14:56
thiagomz_│cese                            â”‚dba                 │distributed │14:56
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troal01What do these functions do in Ingres: LOtos, STcopy, STlength20:15
troal01I can guess STcopy and STlength (strcpy and strlen?) but waht about LOtos20:15
pboroSTcopy and STlength sound like string stuff... lemme check LOtos20:16
troal01Thanks a bunch pboro20:16
pborodamn, Alex was faster :)20:18
troal01Thanks Alex|! and pboro for trying :)20:18
pboronicely aged code btw20:18
pboroall the one row of it...20:19
troal01What's that supposed to do?20:22
pboroits an old hint for the compiler that it should keep the parameters in cpu's argument registers20:22
pboroand not put them into stack etc.20:22
troal01Does it actually do anything on modern machines?20:23
pborodepends on the compiler... as far as I know, GCC completely ignores it, maybe others too20:23
pboro"The best reason not to bother with register is that modern compilers are far better at deciding what to put into registers than the vast majority of programmers."20:24
Alex|gcc probably ignores just about everything that's from 1983 :)20:24
pborooptimization hints in general are not nearly so important as they were 20 years ago20:25
troal01Yeah it ignores me too... never does what I want, and I'm from 1983!20:26
Alex|see :)20:26
pborosince there is only a limited amount of registers, using "register" may even be bad for performance in situations where the registers could have been used for something more useful... it's a bit of voodoo, different cpus have different amount of registers etc.20:29
pboroI feel dirty. I just wrote 200 lines of MIPS assembler...20:31
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troal01That's so cool pboro20:33
pboroit's a stupid program for a mips programming course :D solves simple equations...20:34
troal01Still cool, It would be useful for hacking my PSP :D20:36
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macyawayIs there anybody still alive?23:10
macyawayAnd maybe swedish?23:10
troal01I speak Swedish but I don't live there anymore macyaway :)23:15
macyawayaww it doesnt matter really i am not planing to ravish you.... i just bumped in to this minor problem that i dunno where to put really23:16
macyawayMaybe if you could assist me, i would like to do something with it, i would believe it is an integrity i should create ... but it looks odd23:17
macyawayYou see it sais like this:23:17
macyaway Flera biograf kan ha samma namn men inte inom samma ort.23:17
macyawayWhat do you say?23:17
troal01Is this a database design question?23:18
macyawayIt obviousely sais that i cant have redundancy on ort23:18
macyawayyes =)23:18
macyawayIt is!23:18
troal01Okay so biograf_namn is not unique globally, however you need to check to see if when two biografs have the same namn, that their orts are different23:19
macyawayBut they are not23:20
macyawayI got redundancy going on23:21
macyawayIt's like i got studio in luleå with 3 salar 2 times23:21
troal01You could always create a rule on insert23:21
macyawayThat is why i recon i should write an integrity23:21
macyawayhum ... i never created a rule on insert23:22
macyawayI only did create integrity on biograf where  how do i make  biograf studio  to exist in only one city ? :(23:23
macyawayVery depressing23:23
macyawayI made that bloody ER diagram and the tables respecting the normal forms and since half an hour im stuck on this23:23
troal01Well your problem seems a little unusual to me, you might either a) want to check on the application side before inserting to make sure the constraint is satisfied or create a procedure and rule on teh DB side23:24
troal01Does it have to be done in a certain DBMS? Like Ingres?23:24
macyawayAye, we work in ingres23:24
troal01Oh duh23:25
troal01Do a unique on namn and ort23:25
macyawaySo i am not creating integrities?23:25
troal01create unique index on biograf (namn, ort);23:25
macyawayCuz you see .... I got these other things going on as well ...where i am to do23:26
macyawayVarje aktör kan spela solika roller men inte inom samma film23:26
macyawayVarje film visas på flera biografer samtidigt23:26
troal01Okay so unique the combination of aktor and film23:26
macyawayaha ... so if i do a create index on biograf  meaning that i make it into an isam it will solve it?23:27
macyawayJust slap me if im off singing to bird ... but dont slap too hard23:28
macyawaybirds even23:28
troal01Hehe, you can also use it in a create table statement23:28
troal01create table biograf ( namn varchar(255), ort varchar(255), unique(namn, org));23:28
troal01You might have to add with structure = btree ( or hash or isam)  to the unique I didn't try it myself23:29
macyawayEventho if i do an isam on the column it will still show the ort ... cuz that just does indexing and sorting .... so it was a stupid idea :/23:30
troal01Yes, you need to use the unique keyword23:30
macyawayYou are sure that it works with  create table biograf ( namn varchar(255), ort varchar(255), unique(namn, ort));23:31
troal01Hehe not 100% but it's my best guess, try to run it :)23:31
macyawayAnd that means that on biograf every each biograf can exist in only one city?23:31
macyawayI cant run it, im not at uni .. am on a vista and i work against a phpmy admin :D23:32
macyawayI'm a luxury child you see huhuhu, rather dull but heh :/23:32
troal01Yeah the combination of namn and ort has to be unique which means studio lule can only occur once23:32
troal01You can run Ingres on Vista :)23:32
macyawayGot to get down this bloody vista it's killing me at every each reboot!23:32
troal01Linux FTW!23:33
troal01For the win23:33
macyawayhum o.O`23:33
troal01Kinda like saying something is the best23:33
macyawaycuz you see wtf is not the best23:34
troal01I know haha23:34
macyawayGot a ubuntu kd on me mums23:34
macyawayit's cool, friendly... she likes me... we like each other23:34
macyawayI didnt figgure how to start it up tho ... she got to push the button so i can manoover it23:35
troal01Hehehe, I used to use Ubuntu23:35
macyawaybut this is ubuntu kd :P23:35
macyawayReally odd tho, had to install kopete and the old bird pidgeon23:35
macyawayDunno why the kopete died on yahoo msg .. so mum got a hard time starting up both of them and got to bugger arround in the sys quite often ... she lives like 3 days and nights away from sweden so i cant just run over and fix it :/23:36
troal01Ah so you're not from Sweden originally?23:38
troal01Just going to school there? :)23:38
macyawayI'm a transylvanian little devil .. men behärskar Svenska språket rejält bra säger dem, i alla fall det blev att jag tar fristående kurser här i ume23:38
macyawayAye :)23:39
troal01I've not been to Sweden in like six years, your Swedish is probably better than mine! :)23:40
* macyaway smirk23:40
macyawayI got to remember a lot of skills to check up where ya are ... lets see :D23:41
macyawaygot yer dns :P23:42
macyawayNow i just got to remember where is it that you check up them numbers23:42
macyawayI havent been on irc since about 9 years soon23:42
macyawayMan i'm getting old and senile haha23:42
troal01Just to help you out :)23:43
macyawaynono, there used to be another site23:43
macyawayDid it die?23:43
troal01Not sure, but that one is really good23:44
macyawayIs it?23:45
macyawayI will troll around some and i see if i find the old one .... oh im soooo tjurskallig23:45
troal01Well it pretty accurately picked out where I am :)23:45
troal01Says you're in Vindeln, Vastebotten23:46
macyawayyou mean i?23:47
macyawayWöll .. you got me ... red handed ... good that it doesnt say i am on tvistevägen23:49
macyawayit sais you are in canada nepean city and it is 18:48 .. region ontario23:49
macyawayDo you want the latitude and longitude as well?23:49
macyawayI got yer hostname as well .. oh if i would have known that i dont have to run the dns on yer host  i could have just copied yer host :P23:50
troal01Hehehe, yeah that's pretty close... Not sure why it says Nepean though... It really is all Ottawa now a days23:51
macyawayProlly cuz it is a free software they dont update maps too often ;)23:52
macyawayoh i just found out it is a demo of maxmind23:53
macyawayprolly that is why it sucks :P23:53
troal01if you go to maxmind.com it does about the same search too23:55
macyawaylipgeoip does the rest ... and you can do your manual queries on it23:56
macyawayOh i found this chick that is a super geek on sverige on the undernet23:57
macyawayman she rocks23:57

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