Saturday, 2009-03-28

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khmHello troal0102:02
khmGo to sleep!02:02
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troal01lalala, it's quiet here on weekends11:57
troal01Unlike #ubuntu where it's so busy your question is bound to get lost :P12:02
pborohehe, too much noobs asking silly questions...12:04
troal01Yeah always 1000+ people in there12:05
troal01#archlinux is pretty busy too, 500+12:06
troal01And they're pretty brutal in archlinux, if you ask a stupid question, prepare to be ridiculed :P12:06
troal01Or get a RTFM12:06
pborowell that's good, since the chan is probably not any helpdesk but for discussions12:07
troal01Most of your problems in Arch Linux can be solved by reading the wiki... It has one of the best wikis I've seen12:09
pboromost problems can be solved by... reading the manuals / documentation :) ppl are just too lazy to put effort in finding the information or they don't know how to find it12:11
troal01I'm guilty of that at times... Mostly with Ingres because I assume google won't turn up anything useful hehe12:12
pboroagreed :)12:16
troal01For fun today I'm attempting to build Ingres on Arch 64 bit12:28
troal01Haven't been able to do so yet12:28
pborohehe :)12:29
troal01hey pboro ever used cmake? I got into a couple of weeks ago, totally love it12:32
pborohmm nope, how does it differ from make?12:33
troal01It's a cross platform build support tool, kind of like autoconf but with a less convoluted syntax12:35
troal01And works on all platforms (essentially)12:35
troal01It's also very good at determining dependencies, hence make -j can be used freely12:35
pborooh, sounds nice12:36
troal01I'd love to convert Ingres to it but I fear that would be a pretty big job :)12:37
troal01The end result to build Ingres WOULD be: cmake ING_ROOT, make12:40
pborothat would be neat :D12:41
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