Monday, 2009-06-01

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NoeWorkhry grantc, you around?18:04
grantclo NoeJeko18:04
grantcor NoeWork  :)18:04
grantcnice nick btw ..18:04
NoeWorkwell, I am at work lol..18:04
grantcsure but it's more what it sounds like ...18:04
NoeWorkyeah haha - I actually never thought about that =]18:05
NoeWorkhave you seen the test integration of c.d.i and the forum?18:05
grantcI have, I mailed a picture to roy so he could see it18:05
NoeWorkso I had a question about that18:06
grantci also tested to see if forum->cdi would work :)18:06
NoeWorkI'm sure you noticed but it's not properly threading everything18:06
NoeWorksome things get threaded, some do not18:06
NoeWorkdo you think this is a show stopper?18:06
grantcIt looked ok for me18:06
NoeWorkif you look in the test forum18:06
NoeWorkthere are like 5 threads on the first page18:07
NoeWorkRe: [Info-Ingres] ABF - VMS to LINUX18:07
grantcrather the threads in the forum matched the threads in my mail client18:07
NoeWorkI assume these should all be in the same thread?18:07
grantcin theory yes - in reality people use mail clients that  don't preserve all the header information, destroying threads18:07
NoeWorkok, so that's not the nntp gateway breaking the threading then?18:08
NoeWork*vB nntp gateway18:08
NoeWorkI just don't want to do more damage than good with this, heh18:08
grantcas roy says he is just happy to see it thre18:09
NoeWorkI'm going to be spending the better part of a week cleaning spam out of here..18:09
NoeWorkbut it should be easy top maintain once the initial import is complete18:10
grantci assume the spam moderation works the same as with the rest of the forum?18:10
NoeWorkoh.. so it breaks in a news client as well18:10
NoeWorkeh, yeah we can delete things from that forum18:10
grantci receive cdi via email18:11
NoeWorkand they won't reappear since their id is less than last_import18:11
grantci don't have access to usenet anymore since my ISP discontinued it18:11
NoeWorki had to buy an account on giganews to make this work, heh18:11
NoeWorkwe have 10 gb/mo xfer but since no one attaches anything I don't foresee us exceeding that18:12
grantcperhaps we can setup a NNTP server inside using your account :)18:12
NoeWorkeh.. would probably need to up the bandwidth but I don't see why we couldn't18:12
grantcat least to get the comp hierarchy18:13
NoeWorklol every time i ask doug for money for something its like, $10 or less...18:13
grantcand perhaps alt.devil-bunnies.die.die.die18:13
NoeWorkmm we can look at that after the launch18:13
NoeWorkhave you noticed any functionality issues with it?18:13
NoeWorkthe blog templates aren't complete, and i still have some stock icons18:14
grantcthe only thing is posting back in to cdi...18:14
NoeWorkbut from all my testing it seems to work pretty well18:14
NoeWorkoh, that doesn't work?18:14
grantci don't think so18:14
NoeWorkoi... i don't know how to check that18:15
NoeWorkoh, google groups18:15
grantci just pm'd you the post i put out18:16
NoeWorkyeha, I saw it in there18:16
NoeWorkwasn't sure of its origins18:16
NoeWorkI'm going to reply to an existing thread18:17
NoeWorkthe server rejected it18:18
NoeWorkCan we post? server responded: 440 posting not allowed18:18
grantci guess you can post, which plan did you get from gn?18:19
NoeWorki thought i got one that allows posting - i need to look up my password haha18:19
NoeWorki have the um18:20
NoeWorkpearl single user account18:20
NoeWorkthe trial didn't allow posting18:21
NoeWorki just activated the full service18:21
NoeWorkand its going to ignore both of our tests now, so i'll post another test thread18:21
NoeWorkresult: 240 post accepted18:23
NoeWorkbut i don't see it in google groups18:23
NoeWorkcan you verify in your news client?18:23
grantci will get it when the mailing list picks it up18:23
NoeWorkoh, it tried to retrieve the message18:24
NoeWorkand skipped it because it exists18:24
NoeWorkso it *should* show up18:24
grantcgive it a few minutes for the electrons to show up18:24
NoeWorkthis will be the last thing i do friday night.. last time i ran the import it took umn, 6 hours18:25
grantcits in google groups18:25
grantcit attributes the post to Ingres Forums... is there any way that can be changed?18:26
grantcor perhaps that's your "username"18:26
NoeWorknah, anything that comes from the forum was set to display as Ingres Forums18:27
NoeWorkthe reason being18:27
NoeWorkthe vBulletin user repository is not updated with things like email addresses18:27
NoeWorkbecause we use LDAP18:27
NoeWorkso its possible people could post with noreply@noemail.com18:27
grantchmm ok18:27
NoeWorkit was too much of a hassle to keep 3 user repositories in sync18:27
grantci just got the mai18:27
grantcmail even..18:28
grantcyeah i understand18:28
NoeWorkok i replied in google groups18:28
NoeWorkand the forum picked it up18:28
grantcperhaps you could set the email address to info-ingres@kettleriverconsulting.com18:28
NoeWorkand threaded it properly18:28
NoeWorkeh? what's that haha?18:28
grantcinfo-ingres is a mailing list gateway to cdi18:29
NoeWorkwhy isn't that
grantccoz it never has been18:29
NoeWorkoh.. just seems weird to me to use a 3rd party email for this18:29
NoeWorkbut if that's the best way then I'll make the change18:30
grantcwe can setup a usenet gateway on but I don't see much point when info-ingres works fine18:30
grantcI think it's best using for the time being18:31
NoeWorkok - should i keep the display name as Ingres Forums?18:32
grantcSure - I see no harm in that18:32
NoeWorkok, the change was made18:33
NoeWorkthis integration will add18:33
grantcthere might be some other newsgroups of interest but I guess we should see how this one goes for the time being18:33
NoeWork38k posts to the forum18:33
NoeWorkit went all the way back to 200318:33
grantcthat's not bad...18:34
grantcanything older we can use google18:34
NoeWorkyeah and anything < 2003 wouldn't do too well for our web interests18:34
NoeWorksince it maintains the original post date18:34
NoeWorkthe SEO engine would just discard it as useless18:34
grantcgoogle rates older as better :)18:35
NoeWorkfor pagerank and the like18:35
NoeWorkbut not for bringing up relevant searches18:35
grantclooking at the search in the test forum site - there are no characters in the captcha to type18:35
NoeWorkbecause you have to be logged in18:35
NoeWorker - don't you?18:36
grantcit does not tell me that - i have a box where a captcha should be but no letters to guess18:36
NoeWorkyeah, i can't reply anonymously to any of those threads18:36
NoeWorkon what page?18:36
NoeWorkoh, i don't have it enabled there18:37
NoeWorkit will show up in production18:37
NoeWorklacking gd library18:37
grantcspeaking of which, when will it go live?18:37
NoeWorkfriday at 10pm pacific i'll start the process18:37
NoeWorkthe community eill be "shut down" for about 6 hours18:38
NoeWorkbut ill bring it back up during the c.d.i import18:38
NoeWorkthere are an unbelievable number of moving parts to this update18:38
NoeWorknew forum version, new SEO version, new skin, blog plugin, new wiki skin, updates to login/reg system, new nntp gateway18:38
NoeWorkum.. probably more that I can't remember offhand..18:39
NoeWorkill be glad when its over haha - this has been quite an extensive project18:40
NoeWorki learned a lot about better ways to integrate vB and MW, though18:40
NoeWorklast time, i copypasta'd the resultant HTML from the forum templates into the MW template18:40
grantcanything us users would notice? apart from the layouy18:40
NoeWorkthis time, it uses the forum template engine18:40
NoeWorkthe comm8unity blogs18:41
NoeWorkthe community portal18:41
NoeWorkCSS foxes to the wiki18:41
NoeWorkwe'll have an announcement/press release crafted highlighting all the changes18:42
NoeWorkoh hell, i just remembered - we need a person to feature in the "Community Spotlight" box18:42
* grantc ducks18:42
NoeWorknah, we want external members so you're safe haha18:42
NoeWorki'll probably target roy or karl haha18:43
grantcright - it's time for me to knock off18:44
grantctks for sorting out the usenet stuff18:44
NoeWorksure thing - ive been wanting this for a while18:44
NoeWorkjust didnt have any time to invest18:44
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