Thursday, 2009-06-11

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Alex|... CAFÈ installer, arrayIndexOutOfBoundsException... yeah03:22
Alex|and all texts in the installer are shown as xml....03:24
pboroArrayIndexOutofBoundsException is probably the most stupidest error, since it is most likely caused by the programmer...03:24
Alex|the actual error message is a blank dialog... the bounds exception then comes after the installer has crashed....03:26
grantcone for submission to WTF?03:32
grantcAlex|, you know where you can go find the source :P03:32
grantcperhaps you should get your hands dirty again ... or has looking at the OPF code scarred you ?03:34
Alex|I only need cafe to fill the gap of 10 minutes while the JBoss stack installs :)03:35
Alex|it's for a quick demo of our development tools03:36
Alex|still trying to think of an excuse what to say when they ask for Ruby :)03:37
grantcah that client...03:37
grantcit's been assigned to a/the developer03:37
Alex|two, to be precise... I'm flying to Vienna on 16th, do a workshop there on 17th, fly back to do a workshop in Duesseldorf on the 18th03:38
grantcyou chose - LONG NVARCHAR in PHP or JRuby on rails support for ingres... since they are both from you :P03:38
Alex|I... can't... decide.... :)03:39
grantcPHP then Jruby - there i decided for you03:39
Alex|unless you can get me a working Ruby demo ready on Monday?... ;)03:40
grantci have a n00b C programmers question - why would you get a SIGBUS for a variable that is defined but not defined as extern as it should be...03:40
grantcRuby demo of what exactly... are they tending towards Rails?03:41
grantcor would the IFF demo be good enough?03:41
Alex|this is this customer with the jruby thing in rails... but the IFF would be enough for me to show something03:41
grantchmm ok03:42
grantci'll take a look at that whilst i am waiting for my PHP IP to be approved03:42
Alex|pure work efficiency ;)03:42
grantci try :P03:43
grantcthe IP i am about to submit for drupal has some significant changes in and it's a bit difficult to work on separate things with CVS03:44
grantcwhen they intermix03:44
Alex|never really worked with cvs03:44
grantcit's ok if you want to work on one thing at a time...03:45
grantcsometimes have 2 or 3 work areas open...03:45
Alex|with only one person :)...03:45
grantcindeed - working from home has that effect03:46
grantcAlex|, - i seem to remember you asking about multiple xdebug users03:54
Alex|yeah, you can create more listeners... not sure I tried that and failed or what I did... it's been a while03:55
grantcthe blog post mentions you can use a proxy to debug the same code03:56
withdefaultgrantc, what are submitting for drupal?04:53
grantcan improvement on the patch you and atrofast have04:55
grantcwhere improvement = less tests fail...04:55
withdefaultok, edge type tests or core tests?04:55
grantcimportant stuff  sort of tests04:55
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withdefaultoh, so don't use it in anger then04:56
grantcerr no ... :)04:56
grantci think my sig for the fix kind of sums it up04:57
grantcAnything that happens happens, anything that in happening causes04:57
grantcsomething else to happen causes something else to happen, and anything04:57
grantcthat in happening causes itself to happen again, happens again. Although04:57
grantcnot necessarily in chronological order.04:57
grantcthere is an issue with the setting of environment variables but apart from that everything else should work.04:58
grantcwhere env variables = using ingres_set_environment()04:58
grantcif you want i can give you a source bundle for your AMI or you can wait until bruce reviews the change and it goes into CVS05:00
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grantchi atrofast05:12
grantchow do you enable debugging in the drupal code?05:12
atrofastYou have to change the $debug variable to = 105:14
atrofastIn _db_query and db_query05:14
atrofastIf it's turned on during install, the install will fail for some reason05:15
atrofastBut you can always turn it on after install05:15
grantci am getting
grantcsomething is not working :(05:17
atrofastDid you destroy/createdb? If you turned on debug before it was installed, it will not complete properly05:18
atrofastI haven't figured out why05:18
grantcyup i have destroyed the db05:19
grantcit seems to want to create the objects twice05:19
atrofastHmm is it possible that earlier changes don't get committed properly?05:19
atrofastOr hm05:19
atrofastWell if it doesn't update the status properly at the end it might get confused and try installing again05:19
grantcit being what exactly?05:22
atrofastI *think* it does an update system to indicate that the install was completed etc, but I'm not 100%05:27
grantcthe problem is that issue with the update05:38
atrofastAhh good.. Is it related to the new autocommit code?05:58
atrofastWhat's your setup?06:07
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grantcno its the problem you have with the updates06:18
grantcand no it's not related to the auto commit code...06:19
atrofastAh okay06:30
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planetingresyou can now access this channel via
NoeJekohey is ii_log an eggdrop?07:21
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grantcit's a supybot07:21
NoeJekooh =x07:21
NoeJekoya so you can add an "irc" block to the forum/portal page07:22
NoeJekoshows channel, server, topic, who's on, etc07:22
NoeJekobut requires an eggdrop in the channel with a tcl script loaded to communicate07:22
NoeJekofigured it may be kinda cool - gives more visibility to the channel07:23
grantcit's possible yes the html is -
NoeJekooh lol i don't need the thing you just added07:23
grantci tried to add it to the wiki but you cannot embed iframes07:23
NoeJekolook @ the bottom before the statistics07:23
grantcthat's where you hide out then :)07:25
NoeJekoi could add a line in there that either points to your web chat, a vbulletin java IRC client addon, orthe wiki page @ how to connect07:26
NoeJekowe use the second option on mymmo07:26
NoeJekojust curious if anyone would be interested in something like that07:27
grantcthere is a wiki page that points to mibbit07:27
NoeJekoya, just trying to think of ways to keep tying things together07:27
grantci think it will be useful ... the page needs sorting out07:27
NoeJekoirc isn't immediately obvious when you visit community.ingres07:27
NoeJekoheh, ok ill queue it up and compile an eggdrop on my itdev vms or something07:28
NoeJekothe bot for mymmo also collects logs which we parse with pisg07:28
NoeJekofor web stats, but we already have a stat collector here07:29
grantcdo you know of any good irclog2html generators?07:30
NoeJekopisg =]07:30
NoeJekofor windows, you have mircstats07:30
NoeJekoand pisg - prolly the best 2 out there07:30
NoeJekopisg is a perl irc stat generator07:30
NoeJekomircstats can only read mirc logs, but pisg can read mirc, eggdrop, and quite a few others07:31
NoeJekoit may support your bots logging format07:31
grantck i'll take a look07:31
atrofastgrantc: did you commit the changes to CVS that you sent me a patch for last week?07:31
grantcno there is an IP awaiting approval07:31
grantci cc'd you on it07:31
atrofastI saw that, wasn't sure if that meant the chagnes were committed or not07:32
grantcno it's review then commit07:33
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grantc@config supybot.plugins.ChannelLogger.flushImmediately08:37
ii_loggrantc: True08:37
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grantcatrofast, those changes are now in CVS10:27
grantcNoeJeko, NoeWork  the tar ball i emailed you has been rolled in to CVS. In fact you should use the CVS code since there were some issues with the patch.10:28
NoeWorkthat was more of a "10:31
NoeWork"in my nonexistent spare time" project10:31
NoeWorkso haven't really done anything with it yet =]10:32
grantcare you going to look at installing that 1.4.4 release i gave to for the wiki?10:37
grantcStill getting the parameter array messages...10:37
* grantc wanders off10:38
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