Tuesday, 2009-06-23

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grantcmorning all, does anyone know how to get the current date/time using a timestamp column? for ingresdate we have date('now') but i cannot find the equivalent for timestamp03:16
Alex|isn't there a constant defined?03:17
Alex|as it is a constant you can even use it in create table statements03:21
grantcthat's what i want it for03:21
grantcarg .. i was one page before that one ... should have scrolled on..03:21
grantcdamn doc site03:21
grantcAlex|, when you did the mw port for ingres did you have to setup the database manually?03:32
Alex|we never migrated the install script03:32
Alex|it's more or less a dump of a mysql installation03:32
grantcthat much i guessed - i took the tables.sql file from svn and ported it based on the DB2 schema03:33
Alex|I'm not sure if the mw installer does anything other than simply running the sql script03:33
grantcit does some checks i believe ...03:56
Alex|what's the default lock level in current Ingres releases - table level?04:46
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grantcAlex|, the default is page, escalating to table when some condition occurs05:48
grantcthere is an escalation level, if i remember correctly it's 10 pages...05:48
Alex|ok, I guess he gets into the usual readlock issue in his web app...05:49
grantcreadlock=nolock should not cause escalations05:49
Alex|yup.. he just sees deadlocks and I told him to use readlock=nolock05:50
grantcperhaps he should use read committed and perhaps row level locking (depending on the number of rows in a page)05:50
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thiagomzguys... how you get statistics from your databases ?12:01
thiagomzi´m using -zk -zc12:01
thiagomzAlex|: how can i setup readlock=nolock to all my system... and clientes... i have a client server environment.12:02
thiagomzAlex|: my want my system work as "read commited"12:03
DarylMthiagomz: the configuration parameter is system_isolation  and readlock=nolock is not the same as read committed12:19
thiagomzDarylM: humm12:20
DarylMIn fact, mixing the old Ingres based readlock= setting and the ANSI isolation levels can be extremely confusing.12:21
DarylMand even depend on the >>order<< you issue the statements.12:21
thiagomzingres is pessimist ou otimistic12:22
DarylMpessimistic locking12:22
DarylMMost systems build optimistic locking at the app level (or middleware level)12:22
DarylMYou usually only want to use the dbms locking system for its ACID ability12:23
DarylMIn fact you could probably write an entire book on the subject12:24
* DarylM things that is a cool idea......12:24
* DarylM thinks** (rarely)12:24
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thiagomzbye guys12:58
thiagomzmy day finished12:58
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