Friday, 2009-07-31

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pboroI had never thought about this... but it looks pretty cool:
thiagomzGuys, on imadb how can I known if a session is active ?05:23
thiagomzthat means .. it is processing.... and not IDEL05:23
thiagomzsession_state <> of what ?05:24
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magnusg|thiagomz, a typical idle session has session_state = CS_EVENT_WAIT and session_wait_reason = BIOR05:29
thiagomzmagnusg|: tkz05:30
magnusg|most other combinations of session_state and session_wait_reason shows some kind of activity or possibly a problem such as waiting for mutex05:32
thiagomzmy server is with a high cpu utilization... i wanna known who are my users using cpu....05:32
thiagomzanyone has a SQL query to identify active sessions ?05:33
magnusg|We use ima to monitor session activity05:34
thiagomzmagnusg|: how ?05:34
magnusg|First I'd like to point to the column session_cpu in ima_server_sessions_extra. When it works it gives information which is useful. Problem is that it only works on limited platforms/versions. It works on windows but fior the rest you need a fix for bug 11958605:38
thiagomzmagnusg|: I am using ingres 2.6, and i do haven´t that collumn :-(05:42
magnusg|We collect information about sessions from ima_server_sessions ,ima_server_sessions_extra and  ima_log_transactions every tenth second or so, stores the information in a tables and run reports where we calculate different states, how long sessions been in that state etc05:43
magnusg|It's a C-program we wrote for a customer a year ago.05:43
magnusg|What operating system are you using?05:44
thiagomzrhel 4.6 64bit05:45
thiagomzLinux sel-dip-01.sev.intra 2.6.9-67.ELlargesmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 7 14:07:22 EST 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:46
magnusg|OK, I thought that if you were on windows it might have been worth while to get a later version of the imadb database in case the underlying structure which ima_server_sessions_extra is using were in place. But on Linux it doesn't work.05:47
thiagomzis possible update my imadb from a new version of ingres ?05:49
magnusg|In some cases yes05:50
magnusg|The definitions in imadb relies on underlying structures sometimes they are in place even there is no imadb table/column defined.05:54
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thiagomzmagnusg|: do you known how to exclude myself from my query result ?
thiagomzi mean... my own session06:11
magnusg|I would suggest either where a.db_name <> 'imadb'  or where a.db_name = 'The_DB_users_are_using'06:14
magnusg|You might also want to use where a.db_name <> '' to get rid of system threads06:15
thiagomzgood answer... i was thinking i a complex way ...hehehe...06:18
thiagomzguys, i was monitoring my dbms´s ... and i always have insert into session.XXXX update session.XXXXX, what can be ajusted to comport a lot of operations in temporary tables ? dmf cache ? sort area ?06:57
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atrofastAlex|off: ping07:48
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atrofastAlex|: Would it be possible for you to create a user i nthe community LDAP that has @ in the username? I've tried from the web form but it doesn't let me08:07
Alex|email addresses are no longer allowed as names08:08
atrofastBut there are still users that have it and I suspect it is causing issues with review board08:15
Alex|there are still many out there, rtight08:17
Alex|but no new users can be created...08:18
atrofastAh but I need one to debug :)08:18
atrofastCan't one be directly written to the LDAP?08:18
Alex|you can create the user in ldap directly but Im not sure if you can log in then because that would mean adding him to the forum as well, which is not allowed.....08:18
atrofastI only need it in the ldap, reviewboard just queries uid, and mail attributes08:21
Alex|easiest thing is to copy an existing ldap user to another name08:22
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Deyangrantc: you got a kudos from me on Ohloh ;D08:32
grantcHi Deyan, oh really? thanks08:32
Deyanyeah mate08:32
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thiagomzsee you guys on monday... cya !12:57
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