Monday, 2009-08-03

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Deyanmorning gents02:43
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Deyanhi Gerhard04:06
GerhardHi Deyan04:15
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Deyananyone using 9.3 in production?05:27
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* Deyan is installing ingres 1007:05
Deyanhelmets on!07:05
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thiagomzGuys, how can I identify what is the table_name ==> KEY(PAGE,DB=4A272087,TABLE=[4006,0],PAGE=18889)07:06
magnusg|thiagomz, You need to connect to the database where the table is (if you don't know which it is you can use 4A272087 to identify it). Then do a select table_name from iitables where table_reltid = 4006 and table_reltidx = 007:09
thiagomzmagnusg|: tkz07:10
magnusg|If the second table is 0 then it is a base table and not an index07:10
magnusg|The second number07:10
thiagomzmagnusg|: 0 rows07:13
thiagomzwhere can i identify the database name with 4A272087 ?07:13
thiagomzmagnusg|: tkz, worked07:15
magnusg|I was afraid of that question - I've always known which database to look in :-). I think it is a hex format of the db_id in the iidatabase table of iidbdb.07:17
magnusg|Yes, I verified that.07:19
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thiagomzare there a way to identify what lines are in a page ?07:25
magnusg|But I don't have the formula in my head. A the page number can be identified by tid/512 (Tuple ID)07:28
magnusg|Someone else?07:28
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magnusg|It is possible that select * from qq where tid > 23*512 and tid < 24*512 will give you the rows of page 23 but I haven't verified it and unfortunately I have to go now.07:35
magnusg|It should be where tid >= 23*512 BTW as the tid of the first row of page 23 is exactly 23*512 IIRC.07:37
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thiagomzi will try07:44
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dykidoes anybody know if the permissions or something regarding reloading databases have changed since 9.4 -> 10.0 ?08:58
dykii have unloaded dbs from 9.4 that worked fine, tried on most recent 10, reloading is successful, but tables are not accessible.08:59
dykiusual message "does not exist of is not owed by you" appears.08:59
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FrankWI wanted to mention I was successful thursday night on the ingres spatial branch build.  Now, I'm digging into how to install the built DB, setup an instance and experiment a bit with the spatial capabilities.11:37
pboroFrankW, congrats :)11:53
atrofastFrankW: from $ING_ROOT (where is) just do buildtools/createdbms <Instance ID>12:20
FrankWI have that, and I did createdb to create a particular database.12:21
FrankWNow I'm reading the online docs to learn about the sql command a bit, and I hope to find some kinds on testing spatial somewhere.12:21
FrankWA pity that the Ingres Trac instance is not integrated with subversion instance.  There are a lot of nice attributes to having these connected.12:51
FrankWI was hoping to explore commits that have been made on the geospatial branch, but I'm not so sure how to do that nicely directly against subversion.12:51
pboroFrankW, yeah, that's something I like too12:55
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atrofast1FrankW: Trac should be integrated with SVN, you might have to log in to see everything though (just use your svn account)15:09
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FrankWatrofast1:  you are quite right!18:26
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