Wednesday, 2009-08-05

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Deyanhello guys01:16
Deyanteh Ingres noob is back01:16
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VroomfondleHmm. It would appear that auditdb on our Ingres 2.6 installation is sticking in a \n every 130 chars or so. Does anyone know if newer versions still do this?02:42
Vroomfondleit's a PITA when you want to grep through the file.02:42
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Deyancan i grant specific permission to all tables to a certain user?04:48
Deyando not tell me i must executa grant statement for every table...04:48
Alex|maybe a * works... or you can say table1,table2,table3...05:07
atrofastI don't think * works (I couldn't find a way) but you only have to execute one statement, just list all tables in a comma delimited list05:10
atrofastIt would be a nice feature to be able to use the * in grants05:11
Deyani have a database with 183 tables here...05:21
Deyanand around 300 views05:22
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Vroomfondledoesn't "all" work? grant select on all to me;08:31
Vroomfondleor am I remembering incorrectly08:31
atrofastVroomfondle: grant select on all to me just gives an error: Table 'all' does not exist08:33
Vroomfondleah. Perhaps I am mistaken then.08:38
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rossandDoes anyone know if there's code that runs when temporary tables are removed for whatever reason?09:41
rossandI expect there must be but wanted to check if anyone knew off hand.09:42
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rossandHi All, following up what I asked earlier about cleanup from temp tables for the log. The answer is easier than expected, turns out temp tables don't show up in the catalog tables which answered our question about whether we have work to do regarding registering/cleaning geo meta data in temp tables.13:13
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