Monday, 2009-08-17

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Deyangood morning gents00:58
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Deyanhow was your vacation? :)02:07
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grantchi Deyan - restful, a shame to finish it :)02:08
grantcbeach vs the office is no contest02:09
grantcand i am not a big beach fan ... :)02:09
Deyanyeah, me neither02:10
Deyani like rocky beaches02:10
dykibo to Brighton :)02:12
dykiyou won't see the sand there :)02:12
Deyani will bo02:12
grantcthe sand does not bother me, it's the sitting/laying down all day doing nowt02:12
Deyanyou could make forts02:15
Deyanout of sand02:15
Deyanor something02:15
Deyanplay volleyball with girls02:15
Deyanetc etc02:15
grantcI do the typical british thing and catch up on my reading02:17
dykibeach volleyball is fantastic02:19
Deyangrantc: are you up for some bug hunting/02:20
Deyani think we may have a problem in PECL Ingres...02:20
grantcumm ... depends on how easy the bug is to reproduce02:21
Deyanit is already on forum i think02:21
Deyani have a good test case02:21
Deyanhold on02:21
grantcin that case I will get to it in due course - still processing the 1000+ emails02:21
Deyani just need to find it02:21
grantcalso if you have a test case you should log the bug via
grantcthat way i get to see it sooner rather than later02:22
Deyanlets first see if it is a bug02:22
grantci don't mind bogus reports being logged02:24
Deyanit is reported02:38
Deyanor anyone else02:39
Deyanwe have a very strange problem here...02:39
Deyanafter a while TM reports that our sql script has weird character02:39
Deyanand it does not create table(s) because of it02:39
* grantc is away: wanders off02:39
Deyanso we just put whole create table statement in one line02:40
Deyanand it works02:40
Deyanwe do not change anything02:40
Deyanwe even tried to find it in hex editor02:40
Deyanit just randomly appears02:40
Deyanout of nowere02:40
Deyandid someone have similar problem? :D02:41
Deyanok grant see you later02:41
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Deyanmeep Alex|off02:48
Deyanhello Nornagest02:48
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dykiguys, one quick question.03:09
dykihas anyone of you have a table with more than 58 columns and have one table that has AUTO_INCREMENT?03:09
dykicolumn^ (not table^)03:10
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dykion one of the fields, Ingres gives error saying that unexpected character has been encoutered03:11
dykiwhen I have more than 58 columns03:12
dykiany ideas?03:12
Deyani think we have found a serious bug in Ingres03:17
Deyanrelated to identity fields03:17
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Deyanwb grantc03:51
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Deyanwb grantc03:54
grantcsorry i had to pop out suddenly03:54
grantci have not seen your problem with the create tables03:54
Deyangrantc: we are desperate here ...04:07
Deyanwe have SQL statement04:07
Deyancreate table with around 60 columns04:07
Deyanand ingres keeps shouting about some weird char04:07
grantccan you paste the statement into a pastebin?04:08
Deyanallthough it really does not exist at all04:08
Deyando you have 9.3, Grant?04:09
Deyanit seems like ingres 9.3 issue04:12
Deyani am buffled...04:12
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Deyanguys, anyone here from Ingres?09:08
Deyani need someone to help me solve a mystery09:08
DarylMContact Scotland Yard for solutions to mysteries      ........    LoL09:10
DarylM(just kidding)09:10
DarylMjust post the mystery.  someone might recognize it.09:13
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* DarylM actually enjoys mysteries - at least the geek kind....09:17
Deyancat DarylM09:19
Deyantoo tired09:19
DeyanDarylM: are you there?09:26
DarylMon an important call09:26
Deyanaham, sorry09:26
Deyani am sending you some PMs...09:27
Deyanread them when you have time plx09:27
DarylMThere is an Ingres clipping site we usually use:
Deyani cannot use that one09:48
Deyanbecause i could not find a "private" paste there09:48
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