Friday, 2009-08-21

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Deyangood morning01:15
magnusg|God morning Deyan01:39
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pborooh my... the price of HVR is... stunning03:04
pboroHVR for two databases costs more in a year than our Ingres subscriptions in five years03:05
pborowell, at least it's an easy decision :)03:05
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pboroIf I really, really, really needed hot-standby option, I guess any other DBMS would be cheaper than Ingres :( Even Oracle.03:25
magnusg|pboro, you can use incremental rollforwarddb to get a stand by, if not hot so at least pretty warm. that's in 9.2 though. Many of our customers use a failover cluster to get a stand by.03:50
pboromagnusg|, yeah checkpoint every 30 minutes is enough considering the price of HVR :(03:51
magnusg|You don't need to take checkpoints often - you need to copy the journal files.03:52
pboroit's not journalled03:52
pborobut yeah, that's true03:53
pborostill stunned by the prices, damn... and most other dbmses even support hot-standby (one-way log based replication) as an integrated feature03:54
magnusg|pboro, I think there has been discussions in that direction with Ingres too - as a way of improving the Replicator, but I think the decision has been not to invest in the Replicator.03:58
pborothe Replicator is trigger based and pretty ugly, it should be pretty easy to create a new module that would tap into logging system, read the log and send the data over to another server which would then apply the log operations into the database03:59
magnusg|Even if Oracle has bought Golden Gate it could be worth while checking what they offer too.04:00
magnusg|Yes the current Replicator can only handle small number of transactions, or at least not high numbers.04:01
pboroI believe that couple skilled Ingres developers could create a simple hot-standby feature in Ingres under a month :)04:02
pboroI could be wrong, but just based what I have been digging the code and talking around. I would even try it myself if I had the time :)04:03
thiagomzguys, what is  XROW lock ?04:34
pboroexclusive row lock?04:34
magnusg|  Hi all, I had a question from a customer regarding Ingres 9.2 build numbers. The current bulld (enterprise version) is 143. They was asking when to expect a new. I suppose that would be a service pack or Ingres 9.3 - Is that correct?04:52
grantcmagnusg|, service packs would be 9.2.1, 9.2.2 etc...04:54
grantc9.3 and 10.0 are major releases04:54
grantcas to if there will be a service pack for 9.2, you would have to contact support to get an answer04:57
magnusg|grantc, they asked about the build number (143). Is it correct that it is only changed with service packs or major releases?05:04
grantcit used to be the case that build numbers went from 99 to 0 and that 0 = final release05:04
grantcnow they go from 100 upwards...05:04
grantclet me check to see whether 9.1.1 had build numbers > 105:05
grantc100 even05:05
grantcSPs follow the same rules  - 100 = first build, then incrementing05:06
magnusg|But when it's GA the number is kept until a new SP I suppose. Patches have the same build number as the GA version. If feels like build are used pretty much like the old GEN LEVLS05:09
magnusg|Enterprise versions that is. Community version might differ.05:09
grantcyup so 9.1.1 (...../103) is newer than 9.1.0 (..../123)05:10
grantcthe genlevel was CA's released to QA date IIRC05:11
grantccommunity releases don't get patches but apart from that they follow the same naming scheme (more or less)05:12
* grantc wanders off to get some fruit.05:13
* grantc is away: wanders off05:13
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pborohehe, some good comments in the archiver code... "I've left this code in because it compiles. However, I don't think it works and I don't know what we should do with it."05:57
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pboroHm hm... it was rather easy to copy and modify the archiver code to read the log and output some records on screen... but since archiver and logging system talk to each other, a log-based replicator would also need some modifications to the logging system to make logging system aware of it06:01
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