Monday, 2009-08-24

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Deyangood morning peeps01:05
* Deyan got his Ingres T-Shirt! \o/01:06
Deyanit is AWESOME01:06
pborofrom zazzle?01:07
Deyanthe one i designed01:07
Deyanit is really nice01:07
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Deyaningres: :D01:23
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Deyanhello guys03:51
Deyanguys a short question: how to get the time needed to process a certain query?03:51
Deyani want to compare how fast/slow our new server/database is comparing to the old one03:52
Deyanand i want to run a particularly slow query03:52
Deyan(needs around 10sec to finish)03:52
grantctake a timestamp before and after and execute04:08
magnusg|Deyan, there's an old method for statement benchmark containing these steps:04:18
magnusg|Flush the cash04:18
magnusg|set trace point dm421;04:19
magnusg|select dbmsinfo(โ€˜_cpu_ms')   as cpu; select dbmsinfo(โ€˜_et_sec')   as time; select dbmsinfo(โ€˜_dio_cnt')  as dio;04:20
magnusg|run query and repeat the dbmsinfo queries and calculate how long your query has taken to execute.04:21
Deyani get crazy char04:45
Deyanis it dbmsinfo('a_cpu_ms') ?04:45
Deyan < magnusg|> select dbmsinfo(รข_cpu_ms')04:50
Deyanthis is what i got04:50
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magnusg|Deyan, it should be dbmsinfo('_cpu_ms'). I had problems with the copy/paste and failed to proofread enough.05:01
magnusg|No, it looked ok om my screen. I don't see any a-letter before _cpu_ms.05:02
grantcmagnusg|, there appears to be a different quote char at the start of the string05:03
magnusg|grantc, I realize that. I copied from a ppt via Word and this web-browser and something must have happened on the way.05:07
grantci thought MS would be involved somewhere05:07
atrofastIsn't MS always involved? :P05:08
grantcwelcome back atrofast  - how was your vacation?05:10
atrofastThanks grantc, it was really good, although too short ;)05:10
grantcas always :)05:10
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Deyani hope you had a good time, atrofast05:57
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atrofastThanks Deyan, I did... We went to Florida for a few days :)05:58
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grantcatrofast, have there been any changes on bugs recently?09:33
atrofastOnly one, I installed a plugin at clach04's request09:34
atrofastDid it cause any issues?09:34
atrofastYeah it did okay looking into it09:34
atrofastOkay fixed09:41
atrofastDo you want me to reply to the email or do you want the honour? :)09:43
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Deyansee you tomorrow guys10:04
Deyantime to go home10:04
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