Tuesday, 2009-09-08

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Dejanhi everybody02:27
Dejanii_log: tell grantc he is the best02:27
ii_logDejan: Error: I haven't seen grantc, I'll let you do the telling.02:27
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Dejanhiya atrofast04:45
atrofastMorning Dejan04:45
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DarylMOK, Snow Leopard now installed.  Should be interesting doing the 64bit Ingres compile again.......06:26
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Dejanit has 32bit kernel?07:44
Dejani read somewhere it still uses 32bit kernel07:44
Dejanuser needs to do something to switch to 64bit07:44
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DarylMThat entire 32/64 bit stuff is a "tempest in a teapot".  The applications, can still run in 32 or 64 bit mode as they wish.  No one cares how many "bits" one part of the kernel or another has so long as it addresses more than 4GB memory (It does).  Most of the applications in Snow Leopard are now 64 bit.09:02
DarylMI wonder how fast Vectorwise would be with the new OpenCL standard .... ;)09:03
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atrofastDarylM: What is OpenCL exactly and is it in any way related to OpenGL?13:24
DarylMOpenCL is a technique for using the vector processing capabilities of modern graphics cards in a conventional application13:25
DarylMWho knows, might be handy for GIS systems also.... ;)13:28
atrofastAh neat, how does one take advantage of OpenCL? :)13:30
DarylMApparently a special purpose C dialect?  That is about all I know about it so far.13:34
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