Tuesday, 2009-10-13

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pboroHmmh... I'm trying to dump a table into file for inserting it to a different system. The source table contains a bunch of varchars, and if I use "col = char(0)tab", the value in the copy file is padded with spaces00:59
pborobut it can't use varchar(0) either, 'cos then Ingres adds the length in the beginning of the value01:00
pboroso... fail :(01:04
grantcpboro: try http://www.dbforums.com/other/927555-ingres-unloading-simple-table-comma-delimited-file.html#post340817201:08
pboroyeah, I just used sed to trim the fields01:10
pboroshould have remembered that copy to/from is only good for moving data between ingres installations :)01:10
grantcAlex|: congrats with getting Ingres into gentoo01:11
Alex|I'm working on an ebuild for v10... but it doesn't compile :(01:40
Alex|failed to build csmtmonitor.o01:49
Alex|and that leads to failing libcompat and the then rest is broken01:50
grantcwhy does csmtmonitor.o not build?01:54
Alex|it just says failed right after the call to cc... no error message01:55
Alex|even when I run the cc line manually I only see warnings, no errors...01:56
grantcam building on ubuntu 9.04 now - there appears to be a missing erglf.h01:59
Alex|ah no, there is indeed an error01:59
Alex|/usr/include/sys/select.h:85: error: previous declaration of 'fd_mask' was here01:59
Alex|Ingres is using a typedef for fd_mask which is already used by this system header02:02
grantcif you define "xCL_014_FD_SET_TYPE_EXISTS" does the problem go away?02:08
Alex|yes this is the problem...02:09
Alex|not sure where it gets defined02:11
Alex|there is a define in clconfig.h02:11
Alex|ah, tools/port/shell_unix/mksecret.sh:168202:15
Alex|$vers is int_lnx but fd_set is defined in select.h and not in types.h02:15
Alex|so the define is not set02:15
Alex|not sure what the sense of this if is... why not just always running the else part02:17
grantcperhaps it got over looked in some recent changes (last 3-4months) to the jam process02:19
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Alex|is bugs being used?02:32
Alex|ok, so I can put my patches there02:33
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Deyanguys, i have a table with 4 rows04:41
Deyanone of them contains a single char04:41
DeyanH, L, M, C04:41
Deyani want to select those rows and add additional column04:41
Deyanwhich will contain a number04:42
Deyani used IF04:42
DeyanSELECT code, IF(code='H',3) FROM table04:42
Deyancan i have multiple IFs there?04:43
Alex|sounds like CASE04:43
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DejanAlex|: yeah, it does ;)08:00
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cytrinoxE_US1914 APPEND: Sequence '`\u2013X`\u2013' referenced in next/current value was not found.10:39
cytrinox..does anyone know what this message means? :)10:40
pboroyou have some column set to get its value from a sequence and that sequence was not found?10:40
pboroat least that's how I understand it10:41
DejanUTF ?10:42
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cytrinoxif this is utf-8, this is a very curious name for a sequence..10:46
Dejanyep :D10:46
Dejanfrom my experience - ingres sometimes gets confused with sequences10:47
cytrinoxI'm only use autogenerated sequences by GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY10:48
cytrinoxthere is really such a sequence10:48
cytrinoxlooks like |||`X`|||10:48
cytrinoxhmm.. seems i have found the next bug *grr*10:50
pborocytrinox, which version of ingres?10:50
cytrinoxthe sequence was auto-generated from my create table "article"(... statement10:51
cytrinoxmy script tries now to delete the table, that triggers the deletion of the sequence and deleting a sequence with this same seems impossible :)10:51
cytrinoxfrom visual dba i can't delete the sequence via context-menu/delete, too10:52
cytrinoxdrop sequence cytrinox..`-.X`-..10:53
cytrinoxE_US0A94 line 1, Unexpected character ''.10:53
cytrinoxsoo eh... how can i delete the table (and the sequence)? :)10:56
pboroyou could try copydb on the db to see how ingres names the table and sequence in copy.out/in script10:57
pboroand then use that name in isql or similar to delete them10:57
Dejancytrinox: then i am not surprised you have problems10:58
Dejancytrinox: which version of ingres?10:58
Dejan9.3 and above?10:58
cytrinoxDejan: 9.310:58
Dejanhow many tables?10:58
pborocytrinox, is it community version or the commercial version?10:59
cytrinoxpboro: the name is totally fucked up, it contains non-printable chars. so I think I can't use any direct DROP SEQUENCE xxx; statement11:00
pborookay, doh :(11:00
cytrinoxDejan: 2 tables I have just created11:00
cytrinoxpboro: uhm.. it's the demo version which is available from the ingres.com page11:00
pborocytrinox, ah, ok11:01
Dejancytrinox: could it be that you did not properly escape those chars?11:03
Dejanor, could it be that you did not create database with unicode in mind?11:03
pborocytrinox, what is the name of the table?11:03
DejanIDENTITY column will autogenerate sequence behind the scene11:03
pborojust wondering about the name of the sequence...11:03
cytrinoxDejan: it's the demodb database that was available after installation11:03
Dejanname of the sequence should be in "help table <tablename>"11:04
Dejan(autogenerated for the INDENTITY field)11:04
cytrinoxDejan: I have executed my table-create script yestermay very often again and again to test some issues with stored procedures in ingres.11:05
Dejanyou can always get it via "select * from iisequences"11:05
Dejancytrinox: try to see if you have many locks11:06
Dejani had to increase number of locks because by db got borked after a while11:07
Dejangrantc helped me, and we found that increase of locks can help11:07
Dejansomething like: iisetres ii.*.rcp.lock.per_tx_limit 200011:07
cytrinoxDejan: a select on iisequences returns something like \f'\0x23....11:08
cytrinoxwait, i take a screenshot :P11:08
Dejanthat is weird11:08
pborocytrinox, did you use other chars than those in ascii or iso8859-1 in the table names?-)11:08
Dejaneither that, pboro, or he does not have terminal11:09
Dejancapable of showing special chars11:09
Dejanneeded for TM11:09
Dejanwell, screenshot will help11:09
cytrinoxpboro: noo, I havn't do anything other from that what I have done yesteray 100000 times11:10
cytrinoxthe selected sequence is.. you will see it ;)11:11
pboronice :D11:12
cytrinoxthis sequence is used by the article table. the user table uses the $iidentity_sequence_xxxxx11:12
Dejancan you check for which table is it used11:12
cytrinox < cytrinox> this sequence is used by the article table.11:13
Dejanyeah, those are typically assigned for IDENTITY columns11:13
Dejanthe problematic sequence is used for something else11:13
Dejancan you check which table is associated with it?11:13
cytrinoxan again:  < cytrinox> this sequence is used by the article table.11:13
cytrinoxyou can see the create table script in the background window11:14
cytrinoxIf I want to drop the "article" table, ingres tells me it can't delete teh table because drop sequence \x(/&"8XX as a syntax error11:15
cytrinoxjeeep :)11:15
Dejani never used visual sql...11:15
cytrinoxI'm using now ingres for two days.. two bugs in two days, maybe I should become a beta tester :-)11:15
pborosomething went really wrong when the sequence was created... :D11:15
Dejani use squirrel-sql on winblows11:15
Dejanand terminal monitor on linux11:15
Dejancytrinox: i know the feeling11:16
Dejani have already submitted 1 bug11:16
Dejancan you try to use command line utility?11:16
Dejan(terminal monitor)11:16
Dejani see you are using some unix there11:17
Dejanwhy using visual sql...11:17
cytrinoxbecause I don't want to install anything outside of the virtual machine ;)11:18
cytrinoxThe initial idea was to include ingres in an article over stored procedure I'm currently writing on. I don't need any productive ingres system11:19
cytrinoxI have switched to another db, now the script works11:20
cytrinoxsoo.. I'm using SELECT x INTO :myvar FROM y; inside my procedure. but that is broken in 9.311:22
cytrinoxis there a second method to assign vars?11:23
cytrinoxsomething like myvar = (SELECT...)?11:23
pborolemme check the manual11:23
pborohmmh... can't spot stored procedures in the manual... :D I guess I'm looking from the wrong places11:25
pboroha, found it11:27
pboro"SELECT c_name, c_zip INTO :custname, :custzip FROM customer WHERE c_id = :custno;"11:29
pborocan't spot alternate syntax11:30
pborowhat was the problem with the syntax, error is reported?11:30
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cytrinoxno, but such statements breaks selectable procedures11:31
cytrinoxsee last post11:31
pborook, thanks for the info11:31
pboroahh, yes... unfortunately11:33
pborooops, *unfortunate11:33
cytrinox[...]If you replace both of these selects with an assignment statement that assigns the variable that's being assigned in the select statement, then the select from the table procedure runs.11:35
cytrinoxI thought about var = SELECT ....11:36
cytrinoxbut that doesn't work11:36
pboroyou could ask for an example from the forum, I can't spot any alternative syntax :/11:38
cytrinoxyeah, that is what i will try next :)11:39
cytrinoxoh and.. I have asked on the forum but noone answered - I have a bug ID, but on bugs.ingres.com there isn't any bug with tis ID. is there a second bugtracker?11:40
pboroyes, it is an internal bug tracker used by Ingres Corp.11:41
cytrinoxis there any chance to get an notice when the bug is closed/fixed?11:45
pboroif you're a paying customer, then yes11:46
pborohmm I guess that if the bug was logged at bugs.ingres.com, the guys at ingres would close it once fixed11:47
pborobut don't really know :)11:48
pboroconsidering the amount of bugs in Ingres, it's a saviour that the support service is so good11:49
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