Monday, 2009-10-19

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Dejanhello everybody05:57
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Dejanguys, is there a statement that will just make a pause?06:37
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Alex|is the database too fast?06:37
Alex|can we have a reference story with you?06:37
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Dejanwhat you mean?06:53
DejanAlex|: it is related with the bug i submitted06:53
Dejani have hundreds of tables, and when i create them in a script, it generates too many locks06:53
Dejanbasically, sql code crashes the database06:54
Dejani need to put few breaks06:54
Dejani was thinking of splitting manually the into few chunks06:55
Dejanand execute them one after another06:55
Alex|I don't think there is such a thing as a sleep statement07:02
Dejanwhat i did now is using split07:02
Dejani have splitted into files with ~5k lines of code07:02
Dejanand i am executing them from a bash script07:03
Dejanwith 10sec pause between07:03
Dejanif i execute whole DBMS crashes07:06
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atrofastAnyone know why my Ingres build can't figure out libxerces, I get this message: don't know how to make <hb>
atrofastIt used to work07:41
grantci saw the same on my mac this morning - no idea why it's changed07:42
atrofastThis is a 64 bit system and I guess it's not picking up the 32 bit lib07:42
grantcand the line before says /usr/local/src/.lib/lib....?07:43
atrofastWell the reason I say that is because of this line: ...skipped /devsrc/geospatial/build/lib/lp32/ for lack of <hb>
grantci see "don't know how to make /usr/local/src/.libs/libxerces-c.2.8.dylib"07:47
atrofastThat's a weird one07:48
atrofastIt seems happier if I export XERCVERS=28 instead of creating symlinks :P07:52
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atrofastBoth Ubuntu and Fedora are changing away from Pidgin to Empathy as default IM app with their new releases before the end of the year08:06
grantcwhat's empathy like? and why the change?08:07
atrofastEmpathy is a front end to the Telepathy communications library08:09
atrofastSo I think the idea is that telepathy will support more protocols08:10
grantclibpurple already supports lots of protocols - it underpins Adium on the Mac08:11
DarylMCool  Telepathy.  We won't even need any electronics.08:11
atrofastYeah true, well Fedora doesn't give a lot of info on the whys:
atrofastFound this on the Ubuntu wiki, it's a bit outdated:
atrofastSeems like telepathy has support for voice and video which Pidgin does not08:17
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rilsonhi guys, I'm trying to use the 'copy <table> from <file>' command to load a file into a table. I'm having problems to define the formar of the last field13:26
rilsonthe column delimiter is '|' (pipe); in the last row I have for instance "... xxxxxx|<nl>", being <nl> a character representing a new line13:27
rilsonso I got an error when I do  FIELD= char(0)'|'nl  for the last field13:28
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rilsonfound a way: ... LAST_FIELD=char(0)'|',nl=d1) from ...14:57
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