Thursday, 2009-10-22

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ultrav1oletI have installed Ingres 10 on Linux. What's the easiest way to import MySQL DB?04:52
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ultrav1oletI have installed Ingres 10 on Linux. What's the easiest way to import MySQL DB?05:10
bonsaikittenultrav1olet: that'll be fun05:49
bonsaikittenyou can motivate mysql to create a plaintext dump, which you could then massage until it can be imported by ingres05:50
bonsaikittenbut there will be lots of pain in the process because what mysql thinks is "SQL" and what everyone else uses is slightly different05:50
atrofastYeah MySQL is notorious for not following standards :P05:55
atrofastPostgreSQL <-> Ingres is easier05:55
bonsaikittenwhy would you do that? ;)05:57
atrofastJust saying it can be done easier, not that it should be done ;)05:57
atrofastIf Ingres was off the table, I'd take Postgres over MySQL any day05:58
bonsaikittenwell, you want a DB, right?05:58
bonsaikittenso mysql doesn't qualify ;)05:58
bonsaikittenMyISAM is a nice game, and InnoDB ... wuargh. Not funny.05:59
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Dejanhi everybody07:37
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Dejanquestion: what is the easiest way to rename a PK field in a table?09:09
Dejandrop table, make a new one and then copy?09:09
grantcat the moment that is the only option09:19
grantcalter table rename column is in the pipe line09:19
Vroomfondlewoohoo, looks like we might *finally* move to 9.2 next week09:19
grantcVroomfondle: just as 9.2.1 comes out? :)09:20
Vroomfondleunfortunately it took a catastrophic failure in our 2.6 system to precipitate this09:20
Vroomfondlebut, meh, all's well that ends well I guess09:20
Vroomfondlegrantc: heh, naturally09:20
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Dejanit is actually more tricksy...09:33
Dejanbecause the colum is an identity column...09:33
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Dejani cannot wait RENAME TABLE|COLUMN to be in Ingres...09:59
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ultrav1oletHow can I import SQL file from the shell?21:32
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