Tuesday, 2009-11-03

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cthibertIs there a way to convert a char* into a long byte data value?07:42
cthibertI've tried putting the char* into a vbyte and using adu_lvch_move but that truncates large streams.07:43
grantccthibert, are you doing this in the server or via an external app?07:44
cthibertIn the server.07:44
grantcin that case i don't know - i suspect you will need to stream/segment the data07:45
grantcdrop alison stilway an email, i think she has dealt with LOB data in the server07:45
cthibertOkay, cool.  Thanks.07:46
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ccsidiotI'm back08:24
ccsidiotI was playing around with the username with the Ingres database, is there a way to login to a database, say, drupal, as another user  other than the windows account username?08:26
ccsidiotLike login as system?08:27
Vroomfondleon unix I'd do "isql -usystem drupal"08:27
Vroomfondleso Ingres is capable of it... whether it can be done via VDBA I'm not sure08:28
ccsidiotVroomfondle: I typed in sql -usystem drupal08:29
Vroomfondleand it didn't work?08:29
ccsidiotand then select dbmsinfo('system_user')\g08:30
ccsidiotIt gives me my user account name08:30
ccsidioti mean the windows user account name08:30
ccsidiotI'm still stuck in the same place, want to let Drupal know that the windows default account "SYSTEM" also have access to the database drupal that I created under my windows user account name, say "ccsidiot"08:33
grantcccsidiot, it should be possible - the basic steps are documented for Linux in the Ingres wiki08:41
grantc@google ingres apache ubuntu08:41
ii_loggrantc: Ingres with Apache on Debian Etch - Ingres Community Wiki: <http://community.ingres.com/wiki/Ingres_with_Apache_on_Ubuntu>; problem while install PHP Driver on Ubuntu - Ingres Community Forums: <http://community.ingres.com/forum/php/2552-problem-while-install-php-driver-ubuntu.html>; Servers/Ingres - Community Ubuntu Documentation: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers/Ingres>; Servers - Community (2 more messages)08:41
grantcthe first link has the information for ubuntu08:41
grantcfor windows replace "www-data" with system08:41
grantcyou may need to give the system account the ingres security administrator privilege08:42
ccsidiotThe system user already exists08:44
ccsidiotwhen I do select name from iiuser\g08:44
ccsidiotafter login to iidbdb08:44
grantccan you get a simple php application working that does a select?08:45
ccsidiotHum wait, maybe not, I thought that I did, but just spot something silly in the code08:48
ccsidiotYes, it failed08:55
ccsidiotGives me errno 350208:57
grantcok - does your code connect using  - ingres_connect($dbname)08:57
ccsidiotYes, the code connects08:58
ccsidiotnow googling 350208:58
ccsidiotYay: it says no GRANT or GRANT compatible permit exists08:59
grantcif you use the function "ingres_error" you should get some text09:00
grantcor the error message09:00
ccsidiotYea, that's the error message print from there09:00
ccsidiotBut I thought the table by default is created as public, and system should have access?09:03
grantcit depends...09:03
grantclet me check something09:03
ccsidiotSure :)09:04
grantcok - when you create a database the access to the database is public, when you create a table/view/procedure the access is restricted to the owner until you issue a "grant...." on the object09:05
grantce.g. "grant select on xxxx to public"09:06
grantcor "grant all on xxxx to public"09:06
ccsidiotGranted, something wrong, I don't think it's with the code itself. But the browser is continuously waiting09:17
ccsidiotI removed the loops in the code, and it did the same thing09:17
grantccan you paste your code to http://ingres.pastebin.com09:18
ccsidiotHere: http://ingres.pastebin.com/d6b46d07909:21
ccsidiotThis is with the while loop, but when I took it off, it does the same thing09:22
ccsidiotFunny, Firefox has this line before it says "Waiting for localhost", "http://drupal.org/requirements"09:27
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grantcwhat do you get if you change your script to http://ingres.pastebin.com/d103ab09109:47
ccsidiotThere is nothing printed09:51
ccsidiotI tried with var_dump($rc) before to see what's in $rc, but same thing happens09:52
grantcah - add "echo " before ..10:03
ccsidiotI tried that too10:04
grantcyou should get something for $rc10:04
grantcit should either be a boolean with a value of false or an ingres result resource10:05
ccsidiotThat's what I'd expect too :( But no10:05
ccsidiotWhen i took out every line under var_dump then Firefox waiting for localhost, when I put it back, the script prints nothing10:06
ccsidiotI know why10:07
ccsidiotI logined that database drupal :)10:07
ccsidiotI just logged out10:07
ccsidiotand then it gives me something10:08
ccsidiotYes :) It's now printing values from the table10:08
ccsidiotThanks Grant, Vroomfondle10:09
grantcerr no problem..10:09
ccsidiotBack to the drupal10:12
ccsidiot:( Still the old message10:13
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