Thursday, 2009-11-05

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* Vroomfondle wonders if he's going nuts02:09
Vroomfondle$results_handle = ingres_query($handle, $sql, $params, $types);02:09
Vroomfondle[05-Nov-2009 10:06:34] PHP Fatal error:  ingres_free_result() [<a href='function.ingres-free-result'>function.ingres-free-result</a>]: php_ii_result_remove : An unknown resource type was passed in /u1/www/php_include/ on line 8102:09
Vroomfondlegrantc: we've been having trouble with the new Ingres driver, btw. It crashes immediately whenever we try to run a query.02:11
* Vroomfondle will attempt to replicate the fault at some point but for now we're back on 2.0.002:11
grantcVroomfondle, what does "var_dump($results_handle)" give?02:12
Vroomfondleresource(35) of type (ingres result)02:13
grantcwhat sort of query?02:14
VroomfondleA select02:14
VroomfondleI should point out that between the two rows above I'm using ingres_fetch_array02:14
Vroomfondledunno if that's important02:14
Vroomfondle    <-- full code02:15
Vroomfondlewell, minus the query, which as I say is just a SELECT - nothing fancy02:16
grantcthe "types" being passed?02:17
Vroomfondlegimme a sec. I'll dump the array.02:17
Vroomfondlesorry, string02:17
grantcjust string values?02:18
Vroomfondlestring(10) "cccccccccc"02:19
grantcwhat happens if you change the c's to v?02:24
grantcreading the paste, when you rollback you in effect "free" the result resources02:26
Vroomfondleit shouldn't be rolling back, though - there's no ingres error occurring02:26
Vroomfondlewhich should mean the SQLState is 0, unless I'm remembering wrong02:27
grantcsorry i am talking rubbish...02:28
Vroomfondlechanging 'c' to 'v' doesn't seem to make much difference02:28
grantcit seems you are trying to free a result that is not associated with a link02:30
grantcor that is what the code thinks02:30
Vroomfondlecould it be an autocommit issue? does commit free the result?02:33
Vroomfondlethough... nah02:33
VroomfondleI'm turning autocommit off earlier on02:33
grantcauto commit is switched off for selects due to the way cursors work or not with AC enabled02:34
grantccan you try - i've put an E_NOTICE diag in php_ii_result_remove which prints the link_id for the result02:35
VroomfondleNo, I can't. the 2.2.2 driver doesn't work for us.02:35
Vroomfondleit seems to be segfaulting or something02:35
Vroomfondlewe've just had the dev box out of action for a few days while our pet admin struggled to get it to work, then gave up02:36
grantcin that case i need a test case02:36
grantcespecially for the segv02:36
VroomfondleThere is no test case. It was segfaulting immediately whenever we tried to do anything at all with it.02:37
Vroomfondleit was causing the Apache child to exit02:38
VroomfondleI can give you a test-case for what I'm trying to do right now with the 2.0.0 driver though :)02:38
Vroomfondlethis may all be down to the fact that we're running a slightly odd setup. The client system is a T-series Sun box (so it's coolthreads rather than standard USPARC) and we're still running against 2.6 databases02:41
Vroomfondlethe client ingres install is 2.6 on Sol10, which we've been informed has never actually been tested02:41
grantcit's not a combination i test for certainly02:43
grantcI'd like to get continuous integration testing setup but I don't find the time02:45
Vroomfondlewe're moving to 9.2 ASAP, but it's taking a while02:45
grantci'm going to test teh latest SVN code against a copy I have of ESD02:45
Vroomfondleseveral systems to upgrade, one of which is running a rather large 4GL app02:45
grantcperhaps i can pop in on my way up in december from the chunnel02:46
grantcalthough i am not sure the other-half will approve02:47
* Vroomfondle just got curious and did a 'wc -l' on the 4GL source code for the main app02:48
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grantca weekend job then02:50
Vroomfondleplus 288588 lines of PHP in the main web app02:51
Vroomfondlethis is what 15 years of feature-creep does...02:52
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grantci can reproduce a segv but it happens in PHP not in the driver02:55
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siman01anyone come accross the error mentioned here
siman01its suggested that this is "E_US1265 Database reorganization activity has rendered the query plan invalid."03:17
grantcsiman01, i'm not sure dropping a table before you want to execute a query is a "good idea"03:21
siman01I'm not doing that :)03:22
siman01I was wondering if that error message always maps onto E_US126503:22
siman01I think it might have to do with using cursor.prepaired = 'y' in the python driver03:23
grantcthere might be similar errors for procedures and views that reference tables that no longer exist03:24
siman01I'm using our sqlalchemy dialect to save some object to the database its not doing anything complicated, when the error occurs its checking to see if the object has already been stored - the query looks fairly simple03:29
grantcis the query being rolled back?03:29
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siman01its a select so can't, it raises an exeception in python so any open transactions will be rolled back03:32
siman01s/so can't/so can't tell/03:33
grantccan you get an odbc/openapi trace to see what's going on?03:35
siman01yep good idea03:35
* Vroomfondle reads up03:37
Vroomfondlegrantc: so... it's a PHP issue?03:37
grantcperhaps/perhaps not03:37
grantcUnfortunately I need a test case to confirm/deny one way or another03:38
Vroomfondlewell, what kind of info do you need?03:38
grantcthe steps to reproduce it - so table + data + a php app/script03:39
grantci assume UoK is an Ingres client?03:39
VroomfondleI can probably track down the first query the app tries to do, come to think of it03:41
grantclogging an SD issue for either the SEGV or the php_ii_result_remove problem will get priority over non-client issues. I would prefer to be dealing with the former problem since it's in the current codeline03:42
grantci have a solaris 11 (opensolaris) machine setup in a VM at Ingres Towers which I can test your setup against. I'll need to know the PHP version and where it came from, i.e. is it a Solaris package or hand-rolled from source03:43
grantcif it's a driver problem then the latter is less important but i would rather setup an environment which is as close as possible to your own03:44
Vroomfondleit came from the tgz you sent me the other day :)03:44
grantcerrr and the PHP engine itself?03:44
grantcalso what web-server...03:44
Vroomfondleoh right, I misread03:44
Vroomfondlegrantc: I have asked our Systems Manager to raise a report via SD03:59
VroomfondleI've sent her all the info I can find, including versions numbers, a sample query and relevant portions of our PHP code, with table dumps03:59
Vroomfondlethis is for the SEGV issue. I'll beaver away at the other problem myself for a bit.04:00
VroomfondleI think I04:00
Vroomfondlemight set up a local install and play around04:00
Vroomfondle-= THIS MESSAGE NOT LOGGED =-04:03
grantci guess it will end up in my Q later today/tomorrow. I'm working on some rails stuff still so it will be next in my list off stuff to be looked at04:03
Vroomfondleok :)04:03
grantci should check to see if "[off]" still works :)04:04
Vroomfondlehehe. I'm not too bothered really - I imagine my address has found some way to leak out, given the amount of spam I receive04:05
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Dejanhi everybody05:27
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ccsidiotHey, guys I was trying to destroydb in Ingres, and receive this error "User does not have permission to destroy this database", is it okay to let me know what are the possible reasons causing this?09:47
Dejanyou do not have access right for that action09:49
ccsidiotDejan: I thought by default when the user created the database, it's public accessible, no?09:50
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Dejanthe database is owned by that user09:51
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Dejan(as far as i know)09:51
Dejanif you want to give access to someone else, use accessdb09:52
Dejanor grant access09:52
Dejanhi Sara09:52
SaraDanaher_thanks for the tip..09:54
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ccsidiotSara: Dejan was just answering my question XD09:54
ccsidiotI'm Eva by then way09:54
SaraDanaher_hi eva09:56
SaraDanaher_still have some problems with php not talking with ingres09:56
SaraDanaher_i checked your tutorial that you used but it looks that is good only for windwos ..09:57
SaraDanaher_no linux09:57
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ccsidiotHum, but the idea should be similar(someone corrects me if I'm wrong)09:59
ccsidiotHum, you made sure you have the right extension_dir, and extension?10:00
ccsidiotand then have the php.ini in the correct path identified by the command php -i10:00
* Vroomfondle just set up PHP+Ingres on Linux earlier today10:01
ccsidiotHum, I used the accessdb command and then a few key strokes, it brings me to a page to change Access for certain user, I inputed my windows user name and yes, tried deleting again, still no10:04
ccsidiotBy the way, I checked: Default Access is public for a database10:04
Vroomfondleindeed it is10:05
ccsidiotSo that does not explain why this message "User does not have permission" when I was destroydb10:07
VroomfondleI should think destroydb needs greater access than the default public permission10:08
ccsidiotOh, the access column of accessdb only has yes or no option10:09
ccsidiotOr should I set that in somewhere else?10:09
VroomfondleI could've sworn accessdb was more fine-grained than that10:11
Vroomfondlebut I don't have an Ingres installation handy so can't check, sorry10:11
SaraDanaheri used for the extension=php_ingres.so10:13
SaraDanaheri have two files for php.ini10:14
ccsidiotOh, right, and the one under the path given by php -i will be read10:14
ccsidiotso make sure that php.ini have the correct extension_dir and extension10:15
ccsidiotVroomfondle: I successfully deleted the database by having -usystem10:20
ccsidiotI just tried stuffs out and no clue why this works..10:21
ccsidiotOh right, for windows' user model, system has more power than administrators10:25
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ccsidiotWhile I was installing Drupal on Ingres, at the stage of configure site, is there a way to skip the warnings here:, and finish up with the installation??10:32
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SaraDanahercan someone help me...12:10
SaraDanaheri have problems with data table  on ingres12:10
SaraDanaherthis the code that i found in one on the web sites createdb -udrupal drupal12:11
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