Friday, 2009-11-13

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thiagomzmorning all04:09
thiagomzguys, i have the index name ... i wanna know what is his table...04:09
thiagomzin what table the index is based.04:10
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Deyandyki: :)05:11
Deyanhow's everybody?05:11
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ccsidiotHey, are the ucosp students having a meeting now?06:57
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rossandHi Sara07:27
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Deyangrantc: i suppose you have a code that can be used as replacement for identities08:46
Deyanor someone else?08:46
grantchow do you mean?08:47
Deyani need to for an old version of ingres08:47
grantchow old?08:47
Deyanwhich does not have sequences08:47
grantci don't have code only ideas ....08:48
Deyanwell, i know how i can solve it, but thought maybe someone already wrote something like that...08:48
Deyani can do exactly what ingres does with sequences...08:48
grantcit's messy however you do it and you will run into concurrency issues08:49
Deyanthe first thing that came to my mind was to write a procedure NEXTVAL() which would use "sequences" table in the current schema08:56
grantcone way i came up with years ago was to have a rule that would update the row of the table with the next number if the column concerned was a known value, say -109:06
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ccsidiotHey, guys, while I'm building the code on school's server10:52
ccsidiotthe code checked out from geospatial repo10:53
ccsidiotI got the following messages from Jam10:53
ccsidiotand on line 263, it says don't know how to make /usr/lib/
ccsidiotI'm confused how to tackle that10:54
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ccsidiotand on line 1240, there's another error buildrel: command not found10:57
ccsidiotis buildrel another component that I need to install?10:57
toumi01ccsidiot: seeing no other replies to you ... and knowing zip about the geospatial wrinkles to the build ... see for the sort of script I run from the root of the svn pull ... then I run these commands: cd jam; jam; cd $ING_SRC; mkjams; jam11:39
ccsidiottoumi01: Thanks for your reply! So I run this script instead of runbuild?11:40
toumi01runbuild is a does-it-all wrapper I think and I prefer to do it "by hand" ... just old fashioned? ;)11:41
ccsidiotHum, I ran the script in the pastebin11:48
ccsidiotcd jam, then jam, it says warning: unknown rule IISUBSYS11:48
toumi01the posted script is pretty generic, but you environment may vary11:49
toumi01the basic idea is: pull the code, set up some environment variables and then source buildrel to bootstrap other settings, go to the jam directory and run "jam" to bootstrap the jam tool, then go back to $ING_SRC and run mkjams to automatically set up jam build files, and finally run "jam" from $ING_SRC to build Ingres11:51
toumi01of course the details of where headers are in your environment, what gcc version you distro has, etc. is what keeps life interesting!11:52
toumi01when things go wrong ... always pipe jam output to a file ... "jam >& jam.out &" ... and then look for the FIRST problem, and fix things one by one11:53
toumi01if there are lots of build errors it is likely that there is a single root cause, or a few root causes at most, and a re-jam after setting things right will be the build to go cleanly11:54
toumi01after a clean (or mostly clean) build the command "buildrel -a" (an Ingres tool) will adjust file permissions and audit the build for missing files11:54
ccsidiotYea, the problem is now they code does not know the path to buildrel -a11:55
toumi01buildrel is created during the Ingres build, so if there were failures there's a good chance that it was not built11:56
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atrofastccsidiot:  You can also do jam -q  to stop at first error12:00
ccsidiotYea, I can see from my error log: It has problems in line 255 in //ING_ROOT/src/tools12:01
atrofastccsidiot: You need to have GEOS libs installed and available.. If they are installed in /usr/local/lib you need to add that to /etc/ and run ldconfig as root12:08
atrofastAlso I see that you can't find the libxerces files properly... How are you building? or jam?12:09
ccsidiotI'm doing runbuild12:10
ccsidiotI'm building via ssh to a server at school12:10
ccsidiotwhich has debian on it12:10
atrofastOkay cool, so are you able to install additional libraries?12:11
ccsidiotI will need to talk to the sysadmin about installing more things for me if installing at a non standard location will be really troublesome, since I only have limited rights to install, I can only install as a non-root user12:12
atrofastWell you can make that work too but it would take longer because you'd have to download the source of Xerces-C and GEOS and compile them and the libs somewhere like ~/lib and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH12:19
atrofastBut you could run into "dependency hell" going that route, I have never myself tried to compile Xerces on Linux but GEOS is not too bad12:20
ccsidiotThe sysadmin already got me libxerces-c2-dev libxerces-c28 pax jam libpam0g-dev12:20
atrofastOkay great12:20
ccsidiotand I got the error log after he's installed those dependencies for me12:21
ccsidiotI mean the error log above12:21
atrofastOkay so the libxerces error can be fixed, but you will need GEOS to compile the geospatial branch12:21
ccsidiotJust now toumi01 also suggested that too :)12:22
ccsidiotSo the GEOS lib is in the repo? or I need to get that from ESD?12:23
atrofastNo you need to get it from:
atrofastYou'll have to compile the source, there are some instructions here:
ccsidiotSweet :)12:27
ccsidiotLet me follow that12:27
ccsidiotThanks toumi01 astrofast :)12:27
toumi01good luck!12:27
ccsidiotThanks, I think I really need that :)12:27
atrofastThat guide kinda assumes you have root access though so you're going to have to adjust it somewhat12:28
toumi01especially on Friday the 13th!12:28
atrofastOnly if you're superstitious :)12:28
ccsidiotXD, I think I am12:28
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ccsidiotHum, the make for the GEO library did not go well:
ccsidiotIt says nothing to be done for `all`13:56
ccsidiotOh nvm,13:57
ccsidiotthe make was done13:57
ccsidiotIt was the make install that gave me problem13:57
atrofastccsidiot: Yes since you don't have root access make install is not going to work14:15
atrofastWhat you could do is when you run configure: ./configure --prefix=~/14:15
atrofastThen make/make install it should work14:15
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ccsidiotHummm, I make clean, configured ./configure --prefix=/abs_path//geospatial/geos-3.2.Orc1, then make, then make install14:20
ccsidiotIt gives me the same error14:21
ccsidiotNothing to be done14:21
ccsidiotOh, right, I think I spot the problem14:25
ccsidiotLet me double check the paths14:25
atrofastThe --prefix option needs to point to a directory where you have write access (usually your home directory)14:26
atrofastWhich ~/ is code for :)14:26
ccsidiotIt prompts me for absolute path though14:27
ccsidiotthat's why I put the absolute path there :(14:27
ccsidiotAfter I've fixed the paths, it's doesn't have any error14:29
ccsidiotHum, how can I tell I install that correctly?14:29
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atrofastCheck the directory you specified in --prefix, it should have a lib dir in it with something and something14:35
ccsidiotSweet, I've got them :)14:39
ccsidiotThanks atrofast!14:39
atrofastMost welcome, just remember if you want to compile against them you should set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the lib dir14:43
ccsidiotOh, I don't get the meaning of "compile against them"14:45
ccsidiotWhat does that mean?14:46
atrofastIngres requires those libraries to compile so when you try to compile Ingres, it has to compile against them14:47
atrofastso you would do a export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libs so that the compiler picks them up when running14:48
ccsidiotOh, I see :) atrofast: Thanks for your reminder14:48
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