Wednesday, 2010-01-06

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Alex|anyone here who installed the rpms in openSuse lately?03:52
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Alex|a user tried and got "su: invalid password" everytime the rpm post script tried to run su -c03:53
Alex|since he ran the rpm as root I don't see a reason why su shouldn't work03:54
Mudwhy using su when you are root already 8)704:12
Alex|the rpm is doing that. It executes some things as user ingres04:13
Alex|might be an SELinux problem04:14
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atrofastDoes Ingres work with Xerces 3.0?04:54
atrofastI'll just try it :P04:59
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atrofastBlah that was a no go05:28
atrofastthis is where it died: /devsrc/ingres_main//src/front/ice/ICETranslate/ICETranslate.cpp:288: error: cannot declare variable ‘handler’ to be of abstract type ‘SAX2ICETranslate’05:29
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atrofastIs it just me or is createdb in ingres-svn slower than it used to be?05:57
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bonro01atrofast: There is a way to exclude the lp32 compiles when building on Linux 64bit07:51
atrofastbonro01: Thanks Bob, I figured out how to do it by editing VERS.a64_lnx :)07:52
bonro01atrofast: Edit the VERS file for your build and replace "BUILD_ARCH = 64+32 ; #set: arch 64+32" with "BUILD_ARCH = 64 ; #set: arch 64"07:53
bonro01The VERS file is an override for the VERS.a64_lnx file.  You don't need to change VERS.a64_lnx07:53
atrofastAh okay that's great stuff, thanks bonro0107:54
bonro01create a copy of VERS.a64_lnx to VERS and then edit the VERS file to make local changes.07:54
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Alex|Hi rossand11:23
rossandHi Alex|11:23
Alex|I am trying to commit something to my branch in svn but I'm not sure about user and password11:23
Alex|is svn connected to ldap?11:24
rossandAlex|: yes11:26
Alex|ok, then I may not have access rights11:26
Alex|I was using "alex" to commit to branches/advisor11:26
Alex|oh dear, I think I helped adding ldap to svn... I'm getting old11:27
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Alex|I have access to ldap but there is more than just adding a group.. do you know what to do or is atrofast around?11:28
rossandIt's just a matter of your account in the group. I pinged atrofast to see if he could check for you.11:29
Alex|there is no group for my branch11:29
rossandthat's odd.11:29
rossandMaybe we set it up just as you wrapped up your project.11:29
rossandAnd thus didn't do the group.11:29
Alex|it was there before but I didn't touch it for a long time11:29
rossandYou should have access to help yourself... the path/group definition is in Apache's config11:30
rossandAnd you have access to ldap... in fact more access than us for sure. ;-)11:30
Alex|indeed ;)11:30
Alex|now I need to think hard if I can remember my login on the machine11:31
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