Friday, 2010-01-15

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Dejanhi everybody00:59
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Dejanhiya grantc01:49
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KermitTheFraggerhi all!01:52
grantcHi Dejan, KermitTheFragger01:52
KermitTheFraggercan anyone tell me what the state of XA is in the JDBC driver for ingres ?01:54
KermitTheFraggeri've googled online a bit, but can't seem to find anything concrete01:54
grantcthere is an XA class - let me find the doc page01:54
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KermitTheFraggergrantc: g' morning!01:55
KermitTheFraggergrantc: yeah i know XA is there, but postgres also has 'XA' support01:56
KermitTheFraggerand that XA support is so little, that its basically useless01:56
KermitTheFraggerso i was wondering how much is implemented in Ingres01:56
gerhardMorning all, what does 'XA' stand for?01:57
KermitTheFraggerfor example you can't really use postgres with JOTM or Atomikos01:57
KermitTheFraggergerhard: morning! Its a standard for distributed transaction management01:58
KermitTheFraggerbasically a standard for a two phase commit01:58
KermitTheFragger(its a little more then that, but thats what it boils down to)01:58
grantcgerhard, DTP via JDBC01:58
grantcThink tuxedo01:58
KermitTheFraggerXA isn't a Java specific standard, JTA is the Java specific XA implementation01:59
KermitTheFraggernice all those acronyms ;-)02:01
grantcKermitTheFragger, you might be better off asking in the community forums02:01
KermitTheFraggermakes me feel all important :-)02:02
Dejanand it even gets more complicated, as there are several JTA implementations02:02
DejanJTA is more like JAVA-related specification02:02
* grantc is glad he does not do much with java02:03
KermitTheFraggeryeah true, i put it all wrong there, JTA is indeed the Java interface for XA02:04
KermitTheFraggerAtomikos, JOTM, etc are the implementations02:06
KermitTheFraggergrantc: ok ill try that!02:06
grantcthe people that work on JDBC are all US based so you might have to wait a bit to get an answer unless there is someone from one of the EU offices that knows the answer02:06
KermitTheFraggeris XA really that uncommon ? I thought most Java people loved elaborate standards :-)02:06
gerhardThanks for the information02:07
DejanKermitTheFragger: i am not much of Java lover too, even though i do java more than anything else these days02:09
Dejanfrom what i see - java developers care more about what SUN says more than anything else02:09
Dejanso JTA is what they know about02:09
Dejanand what matters02:09
KermitTheFraggergrantc: whats your poison then ? :)02:09
Dejanthey do not care about XA that much02:09
grantcruby and php02:09
gerhardIndeed, there are lots of abbreviations around (-:02:09
grantcand a bit of python when needed02:09
Dejanand lots of hype02:09
Dejanan example is BLOG02:09
DejanBLOG is a replacement term for something that existed for decades - JOURNAL02:10
gerhardmy all time favorite....02:10
Dejanor you can even call it a DIARY02:10
Dejansome smart ass just decided to call it BLOG02:10
Dejanand term-freaks adopted it02:10
gerhard= people can't memorize computer industry's acronyms    (-:02:11
Dejanyeah, it gets crazier and crazier02:11
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KermitTheFraggerDejan: well i dont listen much to sun :)02:13
KermitTheFraggerI mostly use Spring and OSGi02:13
KermitTheFraggerand JDO02:13
KermitTheFraggerwhich is done by Apache02:13
DejanI can bet my right hand that 50% of Java developers do not know what XA is02:13
Dejanmore precisely X/Open XA02:13
KermitTheFraggerthats probably more because there are not many people who need distributed transactions :)02:14
Dejanbut ALL Java developers know what JTA is02:14
Dejanok, not all, but most02:14
KermitTheFraggerthere is no alternative for XA in JTA02:14
DejanJDO is not done by Apache, i think02:14
Dejanit has been donated to Apache ?02:14
KermitTheFraggerbut JTA are just the XA interfaces in Java02:14
Dejani always thought it was, like Derby, donated to the Apache foundation02:15
KermitTheFraggerSun donated it when they decided to go for JPA02:15
Dejanby IBM02:15
Dejanor SUN yeah02:15
Dejandid not know which one02:15
DejanDerby was made by IBM i think02:16
KermitTheFraggeryes derby was IBM02:16
Dejanused it only once though...02:16
Dejanbecause i had to02:16
KermitTheFraggerwell its nice for embedding02:17
KermitTheFraggeri use it for an GUI application which needs to do online and offline stuff02:17
Dejani would rather embed SQLite :D02:17
KermitTheFraggerwell there is a big difference between SQLite and derby, SQLite is, well errrr Lite ;-)02:18
KermitTheFraggerwere as derby supports full SQL, the works, even XA to some degree02:18
KermitTheFraggeras with all, it depends on what you need :)02:19
KermitTheFraggerbut in all i think derby is nice02:19
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KermitTheFraggerwell i've posted something on the board:
KermitTheFraggermeanwhile im going to do some trial and error02:29
KermitTheFraggerwith datanucleus (JDO), atomikos(JTA) and Ingres02:30
grantcif you want to look at the source for the XA code take a look at
grantcto check out, with SVN, use the URL
KermitTheFraggergrantc: nice, thanks02:30
grantcno problem02:31
KermitTheFraggerim going to need those since i see the standard jdbc driver is optimized, not giving line numbers at stacktraces02:31
KermitTheFraggerat com.ingres.gcf.jdbc.JdbcXADS.recoverXID(Unknown Source)02:31
KermitTheFraggernot very useful for debugging ;-)02:31
grantcfeel free to download the ingres code base and build from source :D02:32
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pboroany java + ingres users around with 9.2? i need someone to verify that my test case reproduces :)05:03
KermitTheFraggerpboro: im a java + ingres user, but im using 9.305:05
KermitTheFraggerand im a ingres noob :)05:06
KermitTheFraggeri only started using it yesterday :)05:06
pborohmm 9.3 might have to bug too05:07
KermitTheFraggerwhat bug ?05:07
pboroI have a dump of a small table and a small java program, which during execution, throws an exception because of an error in the dbms05:07
pboroit's a concurrency bug in querying long varchars simultaneously05:07
pboro(my java program spawns two threads and runs the one and same query in both, resulting in error in ingres for at least me)05:08
KermitTheFraggerconcurrency bugs are often hard to reproduce05:08
KermitTheFraggeron different systems05:08
pboroI have been able to reproduce this on both Linux and Solaris05:08
pboroHaven't tried Windows yet, tho' :)05:09
KermitTheFraggerwhat kind of error does ingres throw05:09
pborolemme post it in pastebin05:09
KermitTheFraggerpboro: weird, and running the queries serialized does not produce the problem ?05:15
pboroyup, or if I replace the LONG VARCHAR column with VARCHAR05:16
KermitTheFraggerwell i guess you can then just file a bug report05:17
pboroI did :) but they could not reproduce it (at least not yet), so I started to suspect myself :D05:17
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pborothere's the bug shown starting from Installing 9.2.1 + patch and executing the test case :)06:30
KermitTheFraggerpboro: lol, nice06:30
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SaraDanaherhi every one06:56
SaraDanaheri am building ingres on ubuntu machine and i got in error06:57
SaraDanaherinstalling additional packages for intrepid using the code  sudo apt-get install jam g++ gcc make libpam0g-dev libkrb5-dev pax ccache gcc-multilib g++-multilib flex \ libicu3806:58
SaraDanaherthe error says that Couldn't find package  libicu3806:59
SaraDanaherdo you know if there is any othe command used for the libicu3806:59
KermitTheFraggerSaraDanaher: you probably need libicu38-devel06:59
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SaraDanaheri am using the command apt-get install libxerces27-deve07:03
SaraDanaherand i am getting Couldn't find package libxerces27-deve07:04
SaraDanaheri found out that on ubuntu the code is Couldn't find package libxerces27-dev but now it got this error Package libxerces27-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package libxerces27-dev has no installation candidate07:06
PaulM05what version of Ubuntu are you using? Xerces is probably > 2.7 in recent versions07:07
SaraDanaheryes i am using the recent version07:09
HeavyEquationlsb_release -a07:14
SaraDanaheri am using the ubuntu version Ubuntu 9.1007:15
HeavyEquationI've got ubuntu 8.0407:17
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PaulM05looks like 9.10 comes with xerces 3.0 - not sure if that'll work with Ingres07:19
* Vroomfondle looks at his 9.10 system07:20
* Vroomfondle looks at his Ingres installation07:20
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PaulM05you managed to compile it on 9.10 or just installed it?07:21
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Vroomfondleah, good point07:21
Vroomfondleshe's *building* it. I missed that bit.07:21
PaulM05IIRC someone on the forums was trying to compile with 3.0 and hit problems. 2.x and you can usually make it work, it's just fiddling with build config to get it to see the right libraries07:22
PaulM05but I haven't built on Ubuntu for a while07:24
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GeorgeHi when I build the Ingres on my Ubuntu, I have /src/cl/clf/handy_unix_win/cldio.c:1685:26: error: linux/falloc.h: No such file or directory07:42
Georgeanyone has idea why this happened?07:43
DarylMNot sure.  My Linux system has a /usr/include/linux/falloc.h07:43
grantci've not built ingres on ubuntu (9.10) in the last month or so but it did build07:44
DarylMGeorge:  Do you have an falloc.h in /usr/include ?07:44
grantcnot that it helps... i'll update my build area07:44
atrofastYeah Ingres does not build against Xerces 3.0, I tried that07:45
atrofastIt does work fine against 2.8 though07:45
Georgeodd, i don't have that header in my /user/include07:46
DarylMIngres does build against X 3.007:46
DarylMYou just need our changes for it :-)07:46
DarylMI am pretty sure the latest SVN repository files support Xerc3.007:47
atrofastOh okay, I tried it a week and a half ago and it didn't work but if it's been fixed, that would be great07:49
DarylMYou will see code supporting Xerces 3.0 like this:07:50
DarylMfront/misc/impxml/SAXImportHandlers.hpp:# if XERCES_VERSION_MAJOR > 207:50
DarylMThere are some fixes to Jam build information also07:50
DarylMbecause the Xerces folks made a gratuitous change to the library file name07:50
PaulM05looks like falloc.h is in linux-libc-dev07:51
atrofastOkay yeah If I grep SVN head it has a few lines wit hthat in them07:52
atrofastWhy doesn't Ingres figure out your version properly though? I have 2.8 installed but it always tries to look for 2.707:53
atrofastIs there any fix for that in main yet?07:53
atrofastAlso even if I set XERCVERS BEFORe I source bldenv, bldenv clobbers it and I have to set it after07:54
grantcatrofast - running then setting XERCVERS works fine07:55
atrofastDoesn't help if you use though07:56
Georgemaybe I did something wrong in my installation, ereq.h, erfe.h are missing too08:00
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SaraDanaherhi every one i am trying to dowload the two libraries08:07
SaraDanaherfor libxerces-2708:07
SaraDanaherand got the following error Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libicu38 (>= 3.8-5)08:08
SaraDanaherdo you know how i can fix it08:08
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