Friday, 2010-02-12

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gerhardHi all00:24
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pborohmh, seems to be broken02:24
pborooops, I mean the wiki part02:25
pborojust getting blank page: looks a bit broken in general to me02:28
VroomfondleI'm sitting here waiting for docs.ingres and esd.ingres to load02:28
Alex|there was heavy load on apache... I've restarted it now02:30
pborowiki still giving blank02:30
Alex|I see it :(02:30
VroomfondleAlex|: ah yeah, working now02:31
KermitTheFraggerhi all02:32
Alex|still all very slow02:32
KermitTheFraggeri've got a question about identities02:32
KermitTheFraggerif you use something like GENERATED BY DEFAULT02:32
KermitTheFraggeris there a standard way of 'finding' the sequence that ingres created for that table ?02:33
KermitTheFraggerfor example to get the current val02:33
Alex|not sure what's with the wiki... nothing in the log02:34
pboroah, wiki works now02:34
pborofor now :)02:34
Alex|it does? ok, I still get a blank page02:35
pborotry force reload02:35
Alex|yeah, that helped... ok.02:35
Alex|looked like a bot, DoS or something that brought apache down02:36
pborothanks mate02:36
PaulM05Kermit: - HELP DEFAULT mytable - should show the defaults for the table, which in the case of an identity will name the sequence02:51
PaulM05if you access the sequence directly you'll need double quotes around it as it starts with a $ e.g. SELECT "$iiidentity_sequence_0000250".CURRVAL02:52
KermitTheFraggerPaulM05: thx02:53
KermitTheFraggerdo you know if there is something similar to SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() in MySQL or VALUES IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() in DB 2 ?02:53
PaulM05does look like it02:56
KermitTheFraggerPaulM05: do you know if there is any 'logic' in the sequence names ?02:58
KermitTheFraggerlike in postgresql, where its tablename_columnname_seq ?02:58
PaulM05looks like a generated number02:58
KermitTheFraggerin ingres all i see is a number i can't really trace02:58
KermitTheFraggerhmm i guess that would require me to specify the sequence name when i create the column03:00
PaulM05there will be a way to trace it via the system catalogs03:02
PaulM05just having a root around now03:03
PaulM05iicolumns.column_default_val has the string that's output in HELP DEFAULT - but you'd need to parse that a little - not sure if we store just the name03:06
KermitTheFraggerPaulM05: thx, ill experiment with that03:09
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