Thursday, 2010-04-01

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Dejanhello everybody01:59
Dejanguys, does Ingres terminal monitor have something like \G in MySQL/MariaDB ?02:23
Dejanwhere rows are displayed vertically02:23
Dejani really need that functionality...02:23
Dejanare new admin tools already in ingres 10 ?03:25
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DejanFinally i wasn't lazy to make a proper tunelling - so I can use X-Chat for IRC, from my office :)04:03
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* Dejan is going to have a lunch05:00
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* Dejan is back05:33
withdefaultDejan, why are you looking for terminal monitor output like MySQL \G?05:41
Dejanbecause when you have a table with 20 columns you cannot see what is what05:41
Dejansimple as that05:42
withdefaultok, fair point - I usually use something other than tm05:43
Dejani mostly use TM05:47
Dejan(sql actually)05:47
Dejanbut SQL just calls TM :D05:47
Dejanans Squirrel-SQL05:47
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Dejanhiya DarylM06:06
DarylMGood day.  Glad to be back (from college visits....)06:06
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Dejanquestion - if i modify a table to reconstruct, and different fillfactor - does it immediately shows?07:01
Dejanfor some reason i still see the same number of overflow pages07:02
Dejanafter i modified the table07:02
Dejanor i need to do something else07:02
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Dejanhey paul :)07:11
Dejanhow's going ?07:11
PaulM05not bad - hopefully have a fix for my latest issue - final stages of testing now07:12
PaulM05Dejan - have you used isql?07:15
Dejani prefer sql07:20
Dejansql with -history_recall :D07:21
PaulM05fair enough07:21
DejanPaul, short question - when i modify table07:21
Dejanwill Ingres change it immediately ?07:21
PaulM05just looking at the IRC logs - that \G thing doesn't exist right now - but it's a nice small(ish) open source project07:21
Dejanbecause what i did - i modified a HASH table07:22
Dejanthat had 5000 overflow pages07:22
Dejanto reconstruct, with fillfactor 60%07:22
Dejanand when i queried iitables07:22
Dejanit still shows those 5000 overflow pages07:22
Dejanfor that particular table07:22
PaulM05did you specify minpages?07:25
Dejani think i did not07:25
Dejani did not create that table...07:25
Dejanit is some legacy crap...07:26
PaulM05you can change minpages when you modify07:26
PaulM05I usually increase minpages when trying to get rid of hash overflow07:27
Dejanit is set to 10...07:28
Dejanand it has 25k allocated pages...07:28
PaulM05hmm - probably going to get a *few* key collisions then ;)07:28
Dejani thought when i specify fillfactor, ingres automatically finds out how many min/max pages to set07:31
Dejanjudging how many rows i have in the table, row widths etc07:32
PaulM05I don't know for sure but based on my experience I'd say it probably doesn't07:32
Dejanstrange, now i changed minpages07:40
PaulM05still showing overflow?07:40
Dejanwhatever i set for minpages, it always shows the same number of overflow pages07:41
Dejanlooks like it does not change anything07:41
Dejanby default it changes maxpages to like 80k pages07:42
PaulM05are you commit-ing after the modify? Shouldn't need to to see the change but it might make a difference07:42
Dejanno, 800k pages07:42
Dejani did commit07:42
Dejanreally, whatever i do - it does not show change in number of overflow pages...07:45
PaulM05you could look at the underlying files to see if they've changed size07:45
PaulM05do you know about iifile_info etc?07:45
Dejani thought iitables is immediately updated...07:45
DejanIMHO this is a bug07:45
PaulM05have you looked at what the distribution of keys is?07:46
Dejanfor this particular table i do not have keys07:46
Dejanit is just a simple backup stuff07:46
PaulM05I mean the column(s) it is hash on07:46
PaulM05physical key07:47
Dejanno, underlying file did not change07:51
Dejanat all07:51
PaulM05that is strange07:51
Dejanok, i will now SHA1 sum it07:52
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Dejanyeah, it is not changed07:57
Dejancould it be in cache ?07:57
Dejanpretty much impossible...07:58
PaulM05how big is it?07:58
Dejanthe file is 9M07:58
Dejanstill, iitables should be changed...07:58
Dejaneven if it is in cache07:58
Dejani am really buffled07:58
PaulM05me too07:59
Dejanfunny thing is - iitables shows modification in minpages, maxpages...08:04
Dejanbut does not change overflow pages08:04
Dejanno matter what i dod08:05
Dejanwhich is impossible08:05
Dejanthat number should change, if i understand how ingres works :)08:05
PaulM05thing is those values are stored but overflow pages is read directly from the file header08:05
PaulM05so it's even more impossible ;)08:05
Dejani checked with sha1sum - file is not changed08:06
withdefaulthi rossand, atrofast - is there an automated way to create svn repository folders for new community projects? or is it a manual process?08:06
atrofastwithdefault: It's pretty much a manual process08:07
withdefaultwho should I direct requests to :)08:07
rossandwithdefault: just about to say ;-) We need to set up some access rules for the project, LDAP.08:08
atrofastIf you email me the name of the new branch you'd like and your user-name I'll set it up for you08:08
PaulM05Dejan - try running trace point 1314 - will force an archiver refresh and therefore a consistency point08:08
withdefaultok, thanks - expect something via your email08:08
atrofastNo problem :)08:08
PaulM05DM1314 that should be08:09
Dejanis it safe to run on a production server ?08:11
withdefaultthanks rossand, atrofast - have passed the information along08:12
DejanPaulM05, no change in file08:15
Dejanafter the tracepoint08:15
Dejani will investigate this later at home...08:16
Dejani am getting tired...08:16
Dejanit must be something i am overlooking :D08:16
PaulM05my next suggestion would be to try modifying to heap then back to hash08:16
Dejanok, will do that :)08:16
PaulM05if it doesn't change after that - well by then I'll be home ... :)08:17
Dejanit changed08:18
Dejankhm... when i modified it to HASH, again completely the same as prefiously :D, 270 overflow pages...08:22
Dejanthis is interesting08:22
Dejanmaybe settings i gave are not good :D08:22
PaulM05maybe you just have lots of the same key values08:23
Dejanok, i learned something08:27
DejanPaulM05, i have found where was my mistake08:27
Dejansee, as this table did not have any keys set08:27
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Dejani thought i should not hash it on anything08:28
Dejanso i just used MODIFY tablename TO HASH WITH ...08:28
Dejandid not specify what08:28
Dejanthus i always got the same number of overflow pages i guess08:28
PaulM05what did it do - first column?08:28
Dejani thought ingres takes care of what to hash in that case :D08:29
Dejanbut what i did now - i analysed the table08:29
Dejanand found what columns could be used as good candidates for a key08:29
Dejanand hashed on 3 columns08:29
Dejan(because table contains duplicate data...)08:29
Dejanand from 8900 overflow pages i came to 2908:30
Dejannice, now table takes 2.2M08:31
Dejanfrom 9M to 2.2M08:31
PaulM05what was it using for the hash before? the first column?08:31
Dejanso i suppose yes, first column08:32
Dejanand that column has maaaaaany duplicates08:32
PaulM05it used to be that if you didn't specify a column it would give an error - I suspect now it will use a primary/unique key if there is one otherwise the first column08:33
Dejanso... CREATE TABLE tablename (tbl_id ... PRIMARY KEY, ...) WITH STORAGE=HASH will efectively HASH on that PK specified?08:36
PaulM05possibly - I'm partly guessing - let me look it up08:37
Dejanwhat i did so far is - created table, MODIFY-ed it to HASH, keyed on a PK, then made a PK that uses storage structure's key08:39
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Dejanhehe, a question that i never asked myself before - how to find out what is the column underlying HASH structure uses?08:40
Dejanlet me find out08:41
PaulM05help table08:41
Dejanhell i hate when it makes a BTREE index for a primary key08:46
Dejaneven though i have a hash table08:46
Dejankeyed on that column08:46
PaulM05did you use "WITH INDEX=BASE TABLE STRUCTURE"?08:46
Dejanno, because i do not know how to specify what column is going to be the key for HASH structure08:47
PaulM05MODIFY mytable TO HASH ON col1(,col2,...)08:48
Dejansure, i know that08:48
Dejanbut how to do that in the create statement ?08:49
Dejanerm, is it possible at all ?08:49
PaulM05are you doing a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT?08:50
Dejannope, i am just playing, and want to do as much i can in one single statement :)08:51
Dejani guess i want too much :)08:52
PaulM05have a look at table_autostructure in CBF08:53
PaulM05something else to play with (and find bugs)08:53
Dejanguys, is it possible to have connection information in the auditdb ?08:59
Dejani want do see who did particular transaction09:00
Dejanand possibly from which host09:00
PaulM05that's not in the files - just the user name09:00
Dejanhow to get username ?09:01
PaulM05should be in the BEGIN record isn't it?09:02
Dejanwe have a legacy (OpenVMS) application which connects to our new Ingres server09:05
Dejanit always connects as a specific user09:05
Dejanhowever, when i examine current sessions09:05
Dejani can see their username09:05
Dejan(because on vms they connect using their own usernames)09:05
Dejanbut in auditdb i always get one, single user :(09:06
Dejanrecently someone deleted some information using that application09:06
Dejanand we wanted to find out who09:06
PaulM05only the user on the DBMS side is stored in the journal file. The client side info isn't part of that.09:07
Dejanbut information who did cannot be extracted from auditdb09:07
Dejanis there any way to enable something09:07
Dejanon VMS side09:07
Dejanso i can later on pinpoint user ?09:07
PaulM05for the future? yes09:08
Dejanreally? how?09:08
PaulM05actually - I was thinking of security auditing but that doesn't log the client information either09:10
PaulM05can you change the legacy app?09:11
Dejanwe can store info09:11
Dejanabout session09:11
Dejanin some table09:11
Dejanthat was the first thing that came to our mind09:11
PaulM05well you could change the connection to use installation password and then the client user would be the DBMS user09:12
PaulM05of course you might need to set those users up09:12
Dejanyou mean that VMS app uses "ingres" user to connect ?09:13
Dejanpardon, should use09:13
PaulM05at the moment it uses a vnode with a single user name in it correct? so it always appears as the same user09:13
PaulM05so you can set up the vnode so it uses a special password called the installation password and instead of a username you put "*"09:14
PaulM05then when it makes the connection it uses the local client user as the target user09:14
PaulM05which must exist in the target installation09:15
Dejani have all users migrated to the new server09:15
Dejanso basically both servers have them all09:15
Dejani will try that, thanks09:15
Dejana lot09:15
PaulM05have a look at the connectivity guide and look for "installation passwords"09:15
PaulM05I need to go - have a good Easter everyone!09:19
DejanYou too!09:19
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