Wednesday, 2010-04-07

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PaulM05good morning01:19
Dejanmorning paul01:19
DejanWed Apr  7 09:16:41 2010 E_DM105C_JSP_INV_ARG_VAL       auditdb: The argument value, -b05-04-2010, is invalid for this utility.01:20
Dejani did: auditdb mydb -b05-04-2010 -e06-04-201001:21
Dejanwhat am i doing wrong ?01:21
PaulM05needs to be -b05-apr-2010:00:00:0001:21
PaulM05same with -e01:21
Dejanbut documentation says:01:21
Dejan"If you specify a date and omit the time, the time defaults to 00:00:00 (midnight)."01:22
PaulM05sorry - it's the using "04" instead of "apr" that's the problem01:22
PaulM05you're right that the time is optional01:22
DejanPaul, example of -b and -e flats should be in the DOC, imho01:23
DejanPaulM05, thanks01:25
Dejanit works now01:25
PaulM05no problem01:26
Dejanone thing i discovered is - aaaaaaaa.cnf in II_DUMP gets overwritten01:33
Dejanevery time i change something in the database01:33
Dejandid not check if it gets overwritten when ingres does recovery01:34
PaulM05It gets updated quite frequently depending on what you're doing - that's normal01:35
Dejanno the reason it is good i noticed this is in case i do recovery of the database01:35
Dejanfrom backup01:35
Dejani should, i think, make a backup of aaaaaaaa.cnf from II_DUMP location as well01:36
PaulM05although if you're restoring the data areas (with ingres down of course) then the one in the root data loc will be used first and the II_DUMP one overwritten anyway01:37
PaulM05the II_DUMP copy is for when you do a rollforwarddb01:37
Dejanwell, i use rollforwarddb when i want to use backup01:38
PaulM05ok - well you should back II_DUMP as well as part of a system backup01:40
Dejanthis looks promissing01:46
Dejanbtw do you, guys, use any other translation isolation method other then SERIALIZED ?01:47
DejanI just love it01:47
Dejani can't type this morning01:48
PaulM05yep - have a look at the SET statement in the docs and the CBF parameter system_isolation01:48
Dejani know i can change it01:52
Dejanbut i am asking if people use other methods in reality01:52
PaulM05oh ok01:52
Dejanjust curious :D01:53
PaulM05since I no longer qualify as a real world user I'll not try to answer that01:53
Dejani tried to install empire on winblows02:02
Dejanand it stopped saying i need OpenRoad Development package02:02
Dejanwhere can i find that ?02:02
Dejan"Image:announce_news.png  08-apr-2008  :  OpenROAD 2006 Development Build 080408 is available for download. "02:06
Dejanand there is no way to download it02:07
PaulM05I don't think it's available for general download - I think you need to have a support contract - it's not open source02:11
Dejancheck this: empire1-9.2.0-100-trial-gpl-win-x86-NoDoc02:13
PaulM05empire is open source but empire is not openroad - it's an open source subset - I think that's right anyway, OpenRoad's not my area02:21
Dejanso there is no way one can download openroad just for educational purpose ?02:23
Dejan(to learn about openroad)02:23
PaulM05I think you have to contact Sales and they'll arrange it for you02:24
Dejani might do that02:32
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PaulM05I see you've asked on the forum - maybe you'll get a more knowledgeable response02:46
Dejanyeah, hope so :)02:46
Dejangod.. installation password is a perfect thing03:34
Dejani wish i knew about it before03:34
Dejanty PaulM05 for the enlightenment03:34
PaulM05it's handy03:37
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* Dejan <3 Ingres!04:25
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Dejanwb PaulM0506:16
Dejandoes anyone here know if there is an (open-source) script which shows sessions as a tree, so it is obvious which session blocks others (subtree)06:18
Dejanif not, i think i am going to write it myself06:18
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PaulM05not as a tree no06:20
withdefaultwhy does it need to be a tree?06:21
Dejanbecause it visually shows what session holds a lock06:21
Dejan  00002AAAD2600480:109308960006:23
Dejan  00002AAAD288DD00:110221139206:23
Dejan    00002AAAD2B80D00:110167072006:23
Dejansecond session is blocked by first06:23
Dejani want a view like that06:24
Dejansure, with some more details06:24
Dejanlike time06:24
Dejan(in seconds), user, database...06:24
PaulM05I've got a script that'll analyze a lockstat and give you the blockers and how many sessions they're blocking - but not as a tree06:26
PaulM05there's also a wrapper so that if you run it on inglogs output it gives you session info06:27
DejanPaulM05, will you please send it to me ?06:27
PaulM05I will06:27
Dejani have iisess script06:27
Dejanthat is awesome06:27
Dejanwritten by Paul White i think06:27
Dejanbut that one does not do this06:27
PaulM05I warn you it's a shell script written by someone with a morbid aversion to awk06:27
Dejanit uses "normal" awk06:28
Dejannot nawk06:28
Dejanor whatever is the name06:28
PaulM05tell you what I'll put the scripts up on the forum06:29
Dejanjust post the link06:29
Dejanso i can fetch it06:29
withdefaultyou can get that information from IMA if you're using more recent versions of Ingres06:29
Dejanwithdefault, yeppers, I am going to use IMA for that06:30
withdefaultthis may help
Dejanthis is similar to the one from the DBM handout06:32
Dejan(DBM course)06:32
withdefaultyeah, it's probably similar06:33
* Dejan learned new thing! iitypename() !06:52
Dejandid not know about that function06:52
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PaulM05Dejan -
Dejanthanks paul!07:00
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Dejanhuh... I need to write parser of infodb output...09:12
Dejani want parser to give me jnl start/end, and dump start/end (numbers) for given ckp number09:12
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Dejanhi grantc10:14
grantcHi Dejan10:16
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Dejani am thinking about making a small script that will do few ckpdbs at time11:32
Dejani am running an offline ckpdb atm11:33
Dejanand 1 core is at 40% on average11:33
Dejanand other 3 cores do nothing11:33
Dejanalmost 0% usage11:33
Dejanwas thinking of making a script that will spawn 8 ckpdbs11:34
Dejanand "poll" if some of them is done or not11:34
Dejanif so, run next one11:34
Dejanso basically as long as i have DBs to checkpoint, script will maintain 8 processes running11:35
Dejanuntil all databases are done11:35
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