Friday, 2010-04-23

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FrankWyippee!  Success in building ingres-geospatial from source!08:38
FrankWatrofast: FYI - CPLFree() only does something if the passed pointer is NULL, so there is no need to pre-check the pointer.09:02
FrankWatrofast: also, now when I load data I get:09:06
FrankWINSERT on table spatial_ref_sys: no GRANT or GRANT compatible permit exists.09:06
FrankWWhat do I need to do to deal with that?09:06
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atrofastFrankW: You need to grant permission to your user on spatial_ref_sys, the easiest way to do this is (let's all users edit it but easiest way when testing): echo "grant all on spatial_ref_sys to public" | sql dbname +U09:27
FrankWok, srs handling is now working.09:30
FrankWhmm, loading one of my layers I'm seeing:09:32
FrankWINGRES: IIapi_query(INSERT INTO can_caps (shape , capital, province_name, pop_1991) VALUES (POINTFROMWKB( ~V ), 'YELLOWKNIFE', 'Northwest Territories', 15179))09:32
FrankWERROR 1: IIapi_getDescriptor(): IIAPI_ST_ERROR09:32
FrankW'50000' 0x6542309:32
FrankWSRID specified does not match column SRID. Data was not saved.09:32
FrankWbut two others worked.09:33
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FrankWatrofast: I don't see the logic in CreateFeature() for including the SRID with the geometry, but the code seems to be failing on a geometry/srid related issue.09:42
FrankWAh, I see.09:42
FrankWThe SRID is not included in the POINTFROMWKB() case, but it is in the others.09:42
FrankWin PrepareNewStyleGeometry().09:42
FrankWI shall try the obvious patch.09:42
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atrofastWhen you create a feature it should try to create the SRID/SRS if it doesn't already exist. The error you get would be if it failed or never tried to do this I think09:45
atrofastFrankW: And you're right, seems like I missed to add it to POINTFROMWKB, terribly sorry abotu that09:46
FrankWno problem.09:46
FrankWI'll include the fix with the others you provided.09:47
atrofastThanks a lot!09:47
FrankWThe next problem I am encountering is that layers with geometry type wkbUnknown are not being translated.09:47
FrankWIn my case this is a layer with a mixture of polygon and multipolygon geometries.09:48
FrankWDo we not yet have a generic geometry type?09:48
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atrofastFrankW: Yes you can use GEOMETRY, and geometryfromtext/geometryfromwkb. One note though is that it names the datatype of the column as GEOMCOLLECTION if you query geometry_columns09:53
FrankWok, later today I'll try and incorporate that in the OGR driver.09:53
atrofastThank you :)09:54
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