Monday, 2010-04-26

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Dejanhello everybody01:51
Dejanguys, check this out:
Dejani get that error when i try to sysmod a database01:51
Dejanwhat could cause that, and how to fix it? any advice is greatly appreciated01:52
Dejanthe database seems to work well01:52
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DejanKermitTheFragger, hiya02:49
KermitTheFraggerDejan: hello!02:49
Dejanquestion: is there an SQL statement like SHOW GRANTS on MySQL/Maria ?02:50
Dejani do not want to use visualdb or accessdb just for this purpose...02:50
KermitTheFraggerDejan: you can use show grants as SQL in MySQL iirc ?02:51
KermitTheFraggerDejan: here it is:
KermitTheFraggeror am i missing something ? :)02:53
Dejanthat is what i want in ingres03:00
Dejani am aware of show grants in maria/mysql03:01
Vroomfondleselect * from iiperms?03:01
grantcHELP PERMIT ON x03:04
grantcwhere x is the object you wish to query03:04
Dejanhell, how did i miss that one...03:06
Dejanthanks grantc03:06
Dejaniiperms seems inaccessible03:07
Dejanmaybe i have to be superuser03:07
KermitTheFraggerDejan: ah sorry i missread, I need more coffee ;-)03:08
Dejannext question: how to grant NEXT for a sequence ?03:29
Dejani am trying to find this in the documentation, and i am failing...03:30
DejanGRANT NEXT ON SEQUENCE '$iiidentity_sequence_0011666' TO USER app_pma;\g03:34
Dejanwhat is wrong with this?03:34
Dejanthis sequence exists03:34
Dejanuser exists too03:34
Dejani noticed this because my Java app throws an exception:  SQLException: NEXT VALUE: you lack 'NEXT' on sequence '$iiidentity_sequence_0011666' owned by 'ingres'.03:34
Dejanhell, it was frekkin' quotes...03:47
Dejanwhen i used double quotes it worked...03:47
Dejanis there a way to name the sequence autogenerated for AUTO_INCREMENT field?03:50
Dejanor a way to easily grant NEXT to those sequences...03:50
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* Dejan wishes AUTO_INCREMENT(seq_name) in CREATE TABLE :D04:10
Dejanbecause i just hate autogenerated sequence names...04:11
Alex|you know about "always as identity" in 9.3?04:21
Alex|ah, you want the other way? You know about default seq_name.nextval?04:22
Dejansure i do Alex| , question here is - can i specify the name of the sequence if i use AUTO_INCREMENT alias?04:39
Dejanwhat I want is: GENERATE ALWAYS AS my_sequence_name IDENTITY04:39
Dejanwhat I want is:04:40
DejanCREATE TABLE tt(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT(my_sequence_name), ...)04:40
Dejanbecause I cannot know the sequence name that Ingres is going to make for the AUTO_INCREMENT04:40
Dejansure, my option is to forget AUTO_INCREMENT, and stick to the longer syntax04:41
Dejani need this sequence name, because i need it to set access to it04:41
Dejan(in GRANT NEXT ON SEQUENCE...)04:42
DejanI consider it a bug actually - if i grant access to a table with identity column, the sequence should be automatically updated as well04:42
Dejanif it is, i would not have this problem at all04:43
Dejanso users would have access to all those $autosequences_NNNN04:43
Dejanand sure, i do not exclude posibility that i just do not know how to do it :D04:44
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