Friday, 2010-04-30

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grantcmorning all00:42
Vroomfondlegrantc: will look at that patch today if possible01:13
grantcthanks Vroomfondle01:13
* grantc is still hoping not to celebrate that issues 1st year birthday01:14
Vroomfondlegrrr... annoyingly, at the moment my test box is refusing to connect via php at all, even using an unpatched driver01:17
* Vroomfondle digs around a bit to find out what he's screwed up01:17
Vroomfondlehmm... executing the script as the correct user might help01:25
grantchey it's friday and you're off monday :)01:27
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grantcmorning Dejan01:31
Vroomfondlegrantc: have downloaded latest trunk and applied patch. "make test" is failing completely - is that expected?01:47
VroomfondleI presume I was meant to use the head rev of trunk01:47
grantcunfortunately yes it's expected - It's somethign I'm looking at now01:47
Vroomfondleah, okay01:48
grantcthe tests depend on my setup which is undocumented - before the next release I want to sort out the tests so you can run them on any install that uses demodb01:48
Dejani wonder if that French guy is working on PDO::Ingres ...01:49
grantcDejan - they would like help if you are willing ?01:49
Vroomfondleright, patched driver installed. Will run my test code in a bit and see if it fails. Will then ask our admin to put it on our main dev box so that we can confirm whether it's working there.01:50
Dejani have source package he sent me long ago...01:50
Dejanand he wrote it is going to be in PECL's repository01:50
grantcVroomfondle, thanks - let me know if you encounter anything (not that you need to be told :)01:50
Dejanbut it seems nobody put it there01:50
Dejangrantc, i have too much work already01:50
grantcDejan, they are reluctant to publish it until it's been reviewed / finished01:50
Dejanwith IUA and Ingres Migration ToolKit01:51
grantcre publishing to pecl - i'm not sure it's possible01:51
Dejanwhy not, there are many PDO modules there01:51
Dejanlicense ?01:51
Dejani did not read his license, to be honest01:52
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gerhardHi all02:25
grantcmorning gerhard02:25
gerhardDoes anybody know if Crystal Reports 2008 can use ingres.client.dll a.k.a Ingres-Dotnet-Dataprovider?02:25
pborogerhard, nope, but if you get it to work, notify me :D02:25
Dejanno idea, i never use such software...02:28
gerhardI stumbled upon this
gerhard...which sounds a little bit like it...02:30
gerhard...but have no idea how to use it.02:30
gerhardIn the moment we use CR 2008 with the Ingres ODBC driver but that needs a full-blown Ingres-(Client)-installation on every PC...02:32
gerhard... so replacing ODBC by ingres.client.dll would be fine.02:32
pboroI would like that too02:36
pboroJDBC driver setup is awful too02:36
grantcI would like that for php too ...02:43
gerhardan ODBC driver capable of directly connecting to DAS would also be nice.02:47
* Dejan can only agree02:49
pborome too :)02:50
grantcraise a forum post/support issue02:51
grantcunless you flag it as a want to have/need to have it aint gonna happen02:51
gerhardI raised an issue months ago but never heard of it again.02:52
grantcwhat's the issue number?02:53
gerhardI'll have a look02:55
gerharda full-text-search function over all issues on would also be nice, hard to find it....03:04
grantc134502 :)03:07
gerhardWow, you were one minute faster that me..., yes you are right that is the number03:08
grantcI have the ability to search by company/person which makes it easy to find issues03:11
gerhardfine (-:03:11
grantc"easy" being a relative term with respect to service desk03:12
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Vroomfondlegrantc: first hurdle successfully jumped (patched driver appears to work fine on my sandpit box). Have emailed our SA to ask him to apply the patch on our dev box so that I can test it with our actual application rather than just running my test code.03:39
grantcthanks for the update03:40
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Dejanhello Mud & cthibert04:27
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Mudyo Dejan :)04:28
Dejanomg I hate Apple, but Steve raised some valid points, kudos04:48
DejanI hate Adobe too04:48
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grantcHi Vroomfondle, in response to your question - soon....07:56
grantci've submitted 2 change requests, yours will be the 3rd. Once they are submitted I'm going to work on the tests and make sure they run clean07:56
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