Sunday, 2010-05-02

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jundihello all. i am a newbie just starting with ingres and linux (openSuse 11.2). i am trying some of the commands but the ingmenu and ivm commands are not working (bash: ingmenu: command not found) although many other commands are working.. can any one help?05:27
Vroomfondlethere's a shell script in the Ingres directory05:28
Vroomfondle .ingIIsh is what it's called05:28
Vroomfondlesource it ("source .ingIIsh")05:28
Vroomfondlethat will set your PATH and a few other environment variables which are required05:28
jundii've already sourced it and put it in the bash_profilel05:29
Vroomfondlehmm, odd05:29
Vroomfondlewhat's your $PATH set to now?05:29
Vroomfondlethough I suppose it's probably correct if you've got access to most of the other commands05:30
jundithats what i think too05:30
jundii just tried the catalogdb command and it is working05:31
Vroomfondlethere's a "files" directory inside your main Ingres directory. Is ingmenu in it?05:31
jundilemme check!05:31
jundino ingmenu file there..05:33
Vroomfondlewait, sorry05:33
Vroomfondlenot "files" - "bin"05:33
Vroomfondle(brain fart, sorry)05:33
Vroomfondlefor instance, on one of our systems if I do the following I see ingmenu:         cd /u4/ingres/AI/ingres/bin/ ; ls ing*05:34
jundihehe.. its not there..05:34
jundii am using ingres 9.2.105:35
jundiwhen i installed i used the express install05:35
Vroomfondlethat seems strange05:36
jundicant find the ivm file too05:37
Vroomfondlemight be worth doing a "find / -name ingmenu" as root to see if it's been shoved somewhere else05:37
jundione minute05:38
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jundinope! it can not find it..05:39
Vroomfondleseems very odd. I'm afraid I can't think of a solution though - when I installed Ingres on SuSE a while ago it all just sort of worked05:43
jundicant i just copy the file from somewhere and put it in that folder?05:44
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VroomfondlePossibly, if you can find someone who's running exactly the same version of Ingres on the same architecture05:48
Vroomfondle(we use sparc/solaris, sorry)05:49
jundihmmmm.. i'll try to re-install the db again without using the express option and see what happens.. thanks any way mate..05:50
Vroomfondlegood luck05:50
jundibut i was wondering if u ever used the idw tool available in the ingres download page05:50
jundior if you know where i can get support on the tool05:52
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