Tuesday, 2010-05-04

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gerhardMorning all00:05
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Dejangood morning01:40
grantcmorning Dejan01:40
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jundihello guys.02:58
jundii am new to both linux and ingres. i have installed a linux openSuse 10.3 on my laptop using using VirtualBox and installed ingres 9.2.1 on that image. i have installed the client application on my windows machine (the virtualbox HOST machine) and now i am trying to connect to the ingres db on the linux machine (the virtualbox GUEST machine)...03:01
jundii can ping from the linux vm to the windows box and vice versa.. but the vnode wouldn't connect03:02
jundithe errlog.log file shows the following message (on the client machine)03:03
jundi2010 E_GC2809_NTWK_CONNECTION_FAILNetwork connection failed for protocol TCP_IP, to node, port II; status follows. JUNDI-PC          ::[I2\COMSVR\17d4    , 6100      , 00000002]: Tue May 04 08:52:03 2010 E_CL2781_GC_CONNECT_FAILAn attempted network connection failed03:03
jundiconnect() failed with operating system error 1225 (The remote computer refused the network connection.)03:04
jundiam i making any sense? :)03:04
grantcdo you have the SuSE firewall running?03:05
jundihow do i know that?03:05
grantcsudo iptables -L03:06
grantcpaste any output to http://ingres.pastebin.com03:06
jundisorry http://ingres.pastebin.com/Yybzaacx03:12
grantcthe firewall is enabled - either you need to shutdown the firewall using "rcSuSEfirewall stop" or open up the relevant ports03:17
jundircSuSEfirewall: command not found.... :(03:23
jundican i access the firewall settings from yast?03:23
grantcyup - yast firewall03:24
grantci guess i misspelt the script name03:24
grantcit's been a while since  i've used suse03:25
jundiits ok.. i have disabled the firewall now.. still not working but with a different error now:03:31
jundiconnect() failed with operating system error 1225 (The remote computer refused the network connection.)03:32
jundithats the same error... hold on03:32
jundimy bad.. its the same error03:32
Dejanor /sbin/service iptables stop03:33
Dejani think that may work too03:33
jundiwell.. the yast firewall worked.. i have stopped the fw03:33
Dejanbut in general you should be able to disable firewall from yast03:33
Dejani rarely use openSuSE too03:33
jundii dont know if this could help... i have an installation pwd for the server machine.. and when using the in the netutil command i've put the following:03:37
jundilogin = *03:37
jundipassword = installation password03:37
jundiand in the client machine:03:37
jundiuser name = ingres03:38
jundipassword = ingres user passwrod03:38
grantcon the client you have to use the same as the server03:43
jundiingres usr password is the same as installation password :)03:43
grantcthat is login=*03:43
grantci think...03:43
jundinow it is giving me two errors:03:48
jundiconnect() failed with operating system error 1225 (The remote computer refused the network connection.)03:48
jundiTue May 04 09:47:00 2010 E_GC0001_ASSOC_FAILAssociation failure: partner abruptly released association03:48
grantcdo you still have the firewall enabled?03:48
jundifrom yast firewall the status says Firewall is not running03:49
jundibut i disabled it from root... should i disable it from the ingres user .. or can i ?03:49
grantcno that's fine03:50
jundii tried it any way.. cant be done :)03:50
grantcon the windows box can you "sql @server_ip,tcp_ip,ii[ingres,secret]::iidbdb"03:52
grantcchange "server_ip" to the ip of your linux server, "ii" to the server installation code ( ingprenv II_INSTALLATION) and the "secret" password03:53
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jundifailed to connect to dbms server03:54
jundiand in the errlog it says:03:55
jundiconnect() failed with operating system error 1225 (The remote computer refused the network connection.)03:55
jundii am able to ping between the two machines.. but i can NOT telnet03:57
jundibut thats because the telnet service is no installed on the linux machine..03:57
jundi*is not installed03:58
grantcon the linux box what does "lsof -i | grep ingres" show?03:59
grantcthat looks ok...04:03
grantcand iptables -L has nothing in it?04:07
jundinothing in there04:11
grantcon the server what does "ingprenv II_SHADOW_PWD" return?04:12
jundiit gives the path for the ingvalidpw file04:13
grantcwhat does  ls -l of that file show?04:14
jundithe owner is root -- i cant copy and paste between the two machines :( so i am just trying to guess what you need to know04:17
grantcand the permissions on the file?04:19
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grantccan you ssh in from the windows box to the linux box?04:20
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grantcand ssh?04:22
jundithe command is not found... i tried from linux to windows.. but it did not work04:25
jundiconnection refused04:26
grantcwindows to linux? try downloading putty04:26
jundido you mean i should download putty on windows?04:28
jundidamn it!! connection refused again..04:30
jundii have to say thank you grantc for your patience with me so far!04:30
jundibut i am learning a lot from this..04:31
grantci need to prepare lunch - i'll be back later04:32
jundicould it be because of me using virtualbox? i mean this mess could be caused by the way the two machines share the same network adapter (physically)04:32
jundibon apetit :)04:32
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tripitakaHi, probable dumb question here, I'm trying to install 9.2 on a rhel5 x86_64 machine, I've selected a linux terminal and a package install, I have selected the components I want to install, but I cannot figure out how to proceed with the installation04:37
tripitakaI see 'Install (f5)', but when I press f5 it overwrites the yes/no option in the installation selection table04:37
junditry the vt100f termcap.. when you're done choosing the components press f1 and type install04:43
tripitakajundi: thanks, got it to work using vt100f and using the keypad as a selector05:06
jundigood luck mate :)05:09
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Dejani use xterm in putty05:29
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awatkinshello, i'm trying to build the ruby driver for ingres, however, i'm using a mac running snow leopard, so wheni try to build against the normal 32-bit install, it fails.  so i tried building hte 64 from source and am running into trouble05:56
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Dejani can't help - wait for grantc to come back06:04
Dejanhe is the developer :)06:04
grantc_awayhi awatkins06:25
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awatkinshi grantc06:25
awatkinsi hear you're the guy to help with getting ingres to compile on a mac06:26
grantccan you paste the errors you are seeing into http://ingres.pastebin.com06:26
grantci can try - i have a mac but it's 32 bit only06:26
awatkinscool, yeah, we'll give ti a whirl.  one thing, is i had to compile xerces 3.1 or whatever because of the 32bit, 64 bit issues with 2.706:27
siman01xerces :(06:27
grantcfor ingres you mean - I used to have a build of ingres on my mac but it's not been updated in a while06:28
grantci need to step away again for a bit, i should be back in 40 mins, if you have to disappear you can email me via grant . croker @ ingres . com06:29
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awatkinsok, its up for when you get back06:36
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awatkinsi guess for when you get back.  a lot of my errors go away when changing ucontext.h to sys/ucontext.h as outlined here:07:09
awatkinsnot sure if this screws up anythign07:09
grantcDarylM, might know the answer as he's working on a port07:19
DarylMHey, my chat icon just jumped on the dock..... :-D07:19
awatkinsso my next issues seems to be with ranlib and libcompat.a07:19
awatkinsloks like it can't compile ercompile07:20
DarylMGive me a sec, I remember doing something about ucontext but it has been a while.07:20
awatkinsi just changed ucontext to sys/ucontext and it seemed to go ahead07:20
grantcDarylM do you have your code submitted or is it in a branch?07:20
DarylMNo, I route all my changes through Jay07:21
grantcso they should be in main then?07:21
DarylMI think so.  Let me check.  "tm" is broken in the latest build.07:21
awatkinshere's the latest pastie bin07:22
Dejanguys - do we have some "powered by" Ingres button, for webs07:23
Dejanlike lighttpd: http://www.9nu.eu/07:23
Dejansee that logo at the bottom of my 9nu.eu website07:23
grantcDejan we used to but that was at the old firm07:23
Dejani think it would be cool to have it for ingres07:24
grantcawatkins, i'm pulling headrevs and will try a build on 32-bit 10.6.307:25
awatkinsgrantc, ok, but the problem is that with the 32 built build, i can't get the ruby libraries to link properly07:26
grantcwhat errors do you see with that?07:27
awatkinslet me see if i can pull them up again., though they stem mostly from my ruby be a 64bit build07:29
DarylMawatkins:   In clsigs.h I wrapped the #include <ucontext.h> in a #ifndef OSX07:30
DarylMYou don't need ucontext.h >at all< on SnowL.07:30
DarylMI apparently have not submitted that back (yet)......07:30
grantcDarylM: tsk tsk07:31
grantcperhaps it's worth you branching main so people can try out your changes?07:31
awatkinsah cool07:31
awatkinshere's hte ruby error07:31
awatkinsld: warning: in /opt/Ingres/IngresII/ingres/lib/libq.1.dylib, file was built for i386 which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)07:31
grantcah the universal binary problem07:32
DarylMOh my, that problem07:32
awatkinsyeah, so i figured i'd bulid ingres from source to get around this07:32
DarylMEasy to fix on OS/X, ridiculously hard on AIX....07:33
grantcawatkins: you can ignore it if you are only working with 32 bit07:33
awatkinsreally?  cause i jsut nee dthe ruby driver to connect to our main db which is on a linux machine, which compiled fine07:34
grantcyup - i had this issue on 10.5 but then it was ppc vs i38607:34
DarylMgrantc:  Branching for my stuff would be overkill since the changes do not represent a new feature set.  I just need to be less sloppy and submit them (basically smaller fixes for now) into main07:34
DarylMAll the 64 bit port stuff was already submitted.07:35
awatkinsi'm not sure it'll work07:35
awatkinswhen i try to require Ingres i get LoadErrors07:35
DarylMI still have Mac Rudy/Ingres playtime on my to do list...07:36
DarylMSadly, it is not really high on my list, but I am the local resource for all your Ingres/Mac porting needs :-D07:37
grantcawatkins, err that bug should have been fixed07:39
grantc_CM_Attrtab is an extern in one of the Ingres libs07:39
DarylMInteresting, I thought that was fixed.07:39
awatkinsgrantc thats linking against the 9.3 os x download, i couldn't find a 10.0 os x download anywhere07:39
Dejanwhat's OSX ?07:40
DarylMThat is a good clarification grantc, I am using the SVN repository.07:40
DarylMJust the really cool BSD Unix system.07:40
VroomfondleDejan: Mac OS...07:40
Dejannever heard of it07:40
awatkinsDejan: a highly overrated...07:40
* grantc dons his flame proof trousers07:41
DarylMSo, Dejan probably doesn't want to hear that I have a 3G iPad now.......07:42
grantcall i can say is it's a darn sight better than slowaris07:42
* DarylM << Fanboy ...........07:42
Dejaneverything is better than slowaris07:43
DarylMPlease,  I am still in mourning over the recent history of Solaris......  It the old days it was such a nice system.07:43
* DarylM Eeek, I just dated myself.07:44
DarylMBy the way, 9 times out of 10 when I have a new OS/X port issue, I just look at the Linux port code and add defined(DARWIN) to it.07:45
awatkinsDarylIM: I'm not sure I follow07:46
DarylMFrom a porting point of view, OS/X an Linux are extremely close.07:47
DarylMSo for example, some Xerces compatibility changes I made for Xerces 3.0 support matched the LInux version of the code.07:48
awatkinsDarylIM: yeah, thats what I figured, so hence my kind of failed attempt to recompile under os x.  but it sounds like hte port is another way to go?07:48
awatkinsDarylIM: acutally I think its dawning on me.  You're saying just download the linux port, and give that a whirl07:49
rossandDarylM: Cool. Did I miss the Xerces IP/code inspection? Is that in main at the moment?07:49
DarylMMainline development is pretty swamped right now so there has not been a new Mac build for a while.07:49
DarylMNo, you cannot run the LInux Ingres on OS/X07:50
DarylMI grabbed the SVN repository source and simply build it.07:50
DarylMI keep two versions, 32 bit and 64 bit.07:50
DarylMPersonally, I think the 64 bit version works better, but I have no concrete testing evidence to prove that.07:51
awatkinsDarylIM: are the instructions the same from building from svn, i.e. using jam, etc. or does it support the ./configure, make, make install07:51
DarylMI am of the opinion we should ditch the 32bit OS/X port entirely and just post the 64 bit.07:51
DarylMYou have to follow the readme instructions in the source repository.07:51
DarylMIt isn't the standard open source configure/make/make install cycle07:52
DarylMBut it is close.  Ingres uses the "jam" build tool.07:53
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DarylMBut don't start me on that one......07:53
awatkinsum, yeah....07:53
grantcawatkins: darwin port can provide most of the supporting libraries/tools07:56
grantcI'm using libxerces-c-2.8 from there07:56
grantcsorry macports - http://www.macports.org/07:57
awatkinsgrantc: if at all possible i'd like to avoid mac ports and just hand build if i can help it.  i have a lot of beef with what macports ends up doing to my system at the end of the day07:57
Dejanthe only apple machine i ever had had macosx for less than 20min07:58
Dejanbecause it took me that much to install Linux over it07:58
grantcawatkins: fair enough07:59
grantcwell svn head rev's just built with one failure -  /Users/grant/src/ingres/main/build/sig/inglogs/inglogs: No such file or directory08:00
awatkinsgrantc: cool, i'm exporting it right now08:00
DarylMDejan:  ROFL, that is exactly what I do with any Windows machine I receive.  Immediately install Linux over it :-D08:11
DejanDarylM, that machine was noticably quicker with PPC Linux on it08:12
Dejanno joke08:12
* DarylM is impatiently waiting for a new Netbook specific port of Ubuntu 1008:12
DarylMPPC?  Yea, I'm probably not surprised by that.08:13
DarylMGrantc:  I think "mkdir /Users/grant/src/ingres/main/build/sig/inglog" will solve that08:14
grantcDarylM: cheers, that sorted it08:16
grantcso why did it not get created?08:17
DarylMIt is in the actual installation directory.08:18
DarylMThe Jamfile apparently assumes the directory layout of the build directory has already been set up.  I suspect that a "from scratch" build would not have that problem but I never bothered to check.08:18
awatkinsis libcompat.a needed to build?08:50
awatkinsseems like its not included in os x08:51
grantcthat's our library and it should get built08:51
awatkinshmm, pretty much getting hte same error as this guy now09:01
grantcJeremy might be along later on, he pops in from time to time, better known here as uk_jay09:04
Dejansee you tomorrow09:05
Dejantime to go home09:05
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awatkinsDarylM you still around?12:58
DarylMyes, but on a CC13:04
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DarylMawatkins: How may I help you?13:26
awatkinsDarylM: just wondered if you had any advice or heard of an issue where libcompat.a wouldn't link correctly13:27
DarylMDoesn't seem familiar.13:28
DarylMMore detail?13:28
awatkinsits basically what this guy ran into13:32
awatkinsexcept mine is on siprintf.o13:33
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awatkinsDarylM: huh, using the -sIIOPTIM=-g with jam seems to have fixed hte problem13:55
DarylMI suspect then it is likely that the recompile fixed some problem with the object files used to build the library13:56
DarylMBut I recognize the error in the link you posted13:58
awatkinsWas there ever a fix?  its more for my curiosity since i spent so long on it14:05
awatkinsor somethign i'm doing wrong14:06
DarylMnot sure.  will do some checking...14:21
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