Monday, 2010-06-07

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awatkins_hello, i understand that for copy, the best performance is using the byte copy, but for some of our tables it creates an unnecessarily large file becaus eof hte amount of nulls we have.  however, loading up a csv file is significantly slower, does anyone know of a happy medium?05:41
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DarylMmember:awatkins_: Nulls in a binary copy should not create an unusually large output file.  Unless you are talking about a "copy table" in ascii mode.06:40
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awatkins_DarylM: the command we're using is copy <table> () into 'file';  the output is binary, however, for a varchar(255) field, the output padded for hte full 255 characters with \000, which makes the file quite large, since we have a lot of columns06:54
pboroawatkins_, you can overcome that problem by using ascii copy06:54
awatkins_pboro: right, but then isn't the reimport a fair amount slower?06:55
pboroawatkins_, I suggest you try it out at least, for us it wasnt06:56
DarylMIt isn't the nulls, it is a strict image copy of the data.  There is a trick.  You can use Unix named pipes as the "copy table" output file and route the binary data straight to gzip06:56
pboroawatkins_, also remember, than those varchar(255)s take the full 255 for every row in your db if you are not using compression06:56
awatkins_we're actually using vectorwise, and i'm pretty sure it does heavy compression06:57
DarylMProcess 1:  "copy table ..... into '/tmp/namedpipe'       Process 2:  gzip -c </tmp/namedpipe >yourfile06:57
pboroawatkins_, ah, not familiar with vectorwise06:58
awatkins_DarylM: huh, actually thats pretty cool, and then to reimport just pipe the output of gzip back to 'sql'?06:58
DarylMright.  Just reverse the process06:58
DarylMIt is a bit tricky and you incur the CPU overhead, but it works quite well06:59
DarylMThe only other common option is "-1" on the gzip.06:59
DarylMIt reduces CPU load substantially at minimum increases to disk space use.06:59
DarylMCaveat:  I have not tested that on a Vectorwise install but It should work fine.07:00
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awatkins_DarylM: after talking with one of hte engineers, the copy in/out was ripped directory from 10.0, so it should work07:08
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awatkins_has anyone every exported using hte binary copy, and then on reimport getting Unexpected End of File on row 1?08:41
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