Tuesday, 2010-07-06

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Dejanhello everybody01:46
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Dejangrantc, \o/01:53
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pborogood day02:40
Dejanvery nice day02:41
Dejanguys, i wonder if Ingres has something similar to MySQL's unix socket domain for connecting to the local database?02:46
Dejani usually connect to /opt/mysql/mysql.sock or somilar02:46
Dejaninstead of using "localhost"02:47
grantcit's possible by using domain sockets rather than TCP/IP for the interconnect02:49
grantci think setting II_GC_PROT=UNIX will do what you want02:52
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Dejanthat is brilliant06:24
Dejani am going to investigate06:24
Dejantoo bad JDBC probably cannot use that...06:24
pborosockets fit badly to JDBC anyway, since you always need JNI...06:26
pboroit's not very portable :)06:26
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atrofastIf you have a VARCHAR(5) column and try to insert 'hello!' (6 chars) Ingres just truncates it... is there any setting that will make Ingres fail instead?09:56
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pboroatrofast, I would like that too10:10
atrofastGeoTools expects it to fail, not to "silently apply voodoo magic and make it work" :P10:10
pboroyou got the locking problem solved?10:11
atrofastNope, still thinking about it10:11
atrofastI'm just making sure everything else works while I do10:11
grantcatrofast, what interface are you using to insert the varchar value?10:18
atrofastDoes it have a setting to disallow that?10:19
grantcthe das server has no support for the feature10:21
grantci'm not sure any driver does, OpenAPI has a connection option10:21
grantci lie - ODBC has it enabled10:22
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pborohmm JDBC Spec is a bit vague about the case10:25
pboroit's prolly up to SQL standard...10:28
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atrofastgrantc: So ODBC disallows inserts longer than the column length?11:33
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atrofastIs there a way to make Ingres simulate this behaviour: a program opens a transaction, reads a table, then opens another transaction as a copy of the first one, the first transaction writes a new value to the table, the old transaction is supposed to still have the old value in it but it does not for some reason, it re-reads the new value or some such12:00
pboroyou need cursors for simulating the java behaviour, so you would probably need to do it in esql :/12:01
atrofastembedded sql?12:03
pboroyeah, as far as I know esql can use cursors12:04
pboroin isql/sql it's not possible afaik12:04
pborothe other way would be writing it using jdbc to create a simple test case12:04
pboroif you can provide me the sql sentences in question, I'm happy to write a such small program12:04
pborooops, hmm12:05
pboroI probably misread your question...12:05
pborowhat isolation level are you using in the transactions? and are you using mvcc or not?12:05
pboroand do you commit in either of the transactions?12:06
atrofastWell it's all part of the GeoTools back end... if you look here: http://svn.osgeo.org/geotools/trunk/modules/library/jdbc/src/test/java/org/geotools/jdbc/JDBCFeatureStoreTest.java @ testAddInTransaction12:07
atrofastThis test fails: assertEquals(3, featureStore2.getFeatures().size());12:07
atrofastI've tried all isolation levels, none make a difference, and if I don't have readlock =  nolock it will hang on the write12:07
pborodo you have mvcc enabled?12:07
atrofastNo... for some reason it says it's not a valid lockmode level, whawt SVN revision did it go in?12:08
atrofastThe geospatial branch is pretty up to do date but my build might be slightly out of date12:08
pborodon't know :/ "The feature is available for early testing starting in community edition build 117 of Ingres 10"12:08
atrofastOkay I'll see if I can track it down12:09
pbororeadlock=nolock is prolly your problem atm12:09
atrofastBut it hangs completely without it :(12:10
pborosince the lock is supposed to protect the value from getting read by other transactions before its commited12:10
atrofastOkay MVCC is in geospatial branch, but my current install is out of date... let me reinstall ingres12:10
pborofrom http://community.ingres.com/wiki/MVCC_User_Guide#What_To_Expect_When_Using_MVCC12:11
pboro"if user 1 is using traditional locking, then the read from x2 will also see the newly inserted row. But that's because user 1 has to wait until the update transaction commits in order to acquire a lock on x2"12:11
pboroprolly cause you have readlock=nolock, there's no lock acquirement and you get to see the new value :/12:13
pborowithout readlock=nolock it should stall until the updating transaction commits12:13
pborowhich probably causes a deadlock for Geotools, 'cos it expects mvcc features...12:13
atrofastYup that's my theory as well at this point12:13
atrofastLet's see what happens with MVCC once I get the latest checkout compiled12:14
atrofastAnd installed12:14
atrofastAnd set up12:14
atrofastAnd started12:14
pboroProblems ahead? :) has it been long since you last merged?12:14
atrofastOh no the merge is all done, I just had a slightly out of date install :)12:14
pboroahhh okay :)12:15
atrofastmvcc worked pboro12:34
pborodid the test work too?12:34
atrofastYup it passed12:34
pborodid you drop readlock=nolock too?12:35
atrofastYup readlock=shared now12:35
atrofastDefault value12:35
atrofastThanks a lot for helping me out, it's greatly appreciated12:36
pborono prob, I've run to same kind of problems because of programs made to expect mvcc :)12:37
pboroat least you will be testing the mvcc stuff in ingres too :D12:37
atrofastYeah I love being able to port against the latest and greatest Ingres... :)12:41
pborodid the whole test suite complete without errors?12:55
atrofastNah there are still issues but concurrency isn't really one of them at this point13:13
atrofastThere are hundreds of tests and I'd say about 90% pass at this point13:13
pboro90% is pretty good amount anyway13:14
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