Tuesday, 2010-08-03

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stliuhi, is there a ingres 10.1 release for Mac OS X?02:18
grantchi stliu - let me check02:19
grantcthere's nothing on the staging server - your only option is to build from SVN02:20
stliugrantc, :( okay, thanks02:20
grantcdo you need the engine or just the JDBC bits?02:21
stliui want to install a ingres instance on my laptop02:21
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grantcassuming you have parallels/fusion/virtual box you're better of installing in a linux instance for the time being02:25
grantcI could try and build Ingres for you but my Mac is 32 bit only02:25
stliugrantc, nm, i have a windows machine too, let me try install it on that machine, thanks02:26
grantcsorry could not be any more helpful02:26
stliuwithdefault, Ray?02:27
withdefaulthi stilu02:27
stliuhi, man, you really should take a nick name :)02:28
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stliuwithdefault, anyway, just want to let you know that i was too busy on some stuff, and i'm going to look into your question tomorrow02:28
stliusorry for the delay02:28
notnullno problem02:28
notnullhave tried to debug through eclipse and can't see where the difference is02:29
stliui will update you02:29
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stliunotnull, Ray, how to create a identity column on Ingres?04:54
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stliunotnull, i fount why that test fails on ingres but mysql04:54
notnullIngres 10?04:55
stliuthat's because of the native generator for ingres is sequence , on mysql, it is identity04:55
stliufor sequence generator, it requires another connection to acquire the id value04:56
stliubut the SimpleJtaTransactionManagerImpl, used in the test, is just for simple scenarios04:56
stliuit assumes that there is only ever a single transaction active at a04:57
stliu * given time.04:57
stliuactually, this can be easy reproduced by change the generator to "hilo", for example, then that test fails on mysql i think04:57
notnullit will require a change to the dialect.  I've not tried to implement it yet04:58
pborohibernate dialect? or what04:58
notnullhibernate dialect04:58
pboroit really needs updating, has there been some progress on updating it to match 9 or 10?04:59
stliuit depends on which id generator strategy you think is the best on ingres04:59
stliuyou mean ingresdialect?04:59
pboroyup, ingres dialect for hibernate05:00
notnullthe sequence id generator for Ingres seems to work well in most cases, the identity column is a new feature in 1005:00
notnullpboro - there's an IngresDialect, Ingres9Dialect and Ingres10Dialect05:01
stliuso, we can add identity support to the ingres10dialect05:01
stliuand just skip this test if the dialect is not ingres10dialect05:01
pboronotnull, oh, great, are those included in Hibernate as-is or are they available for separate download?05:01
stliuthey are in hibernate release05:02
pborocool :) thanks05:02
stliunotnull did the most work, thanks Ray05:02
notnullstliu, still trying to get the core tests to run clean :)05:02
pborohehe, thanks guys :)05:02
notnullI try to keep this page updated http://community.ingres.com/wiki/Hibernate:testsuite_error_details05:03
stliunotnull, would you like provide a patch for these identity stuff? then i can just apply it, really do not familiar with ingres :)05:03
stliunotnull, is there a way to get notification once that wiki page update?05:04
notnullI'll work on adding the identity stuff05:04
stliulike jira, email notification05:04
notnullI believe that the watch should work05:05
grantcstliu, if you have a community account you can watch the page05:05
stliugrantc, oh, i see it, thanks05:05
notnullstliu, haven't move the hibernate code to current trunk - we have been trying to change one thing at a time05:06
stliunotnull, yes, that would be fine05:07
stliunotnull, for issues like JBPAPP-3312 and HHH-3637, i'd suggest you can open a jira and just provide a patch to skip the test05:14
stliunotnull, and in further, you can assign the issues to me, that would faster :)05:20
notnullI'll try to remember05:21
notnullstilu, there are two patches in HHH-3637 that attempt to skip the test - which one is preferred?05:25
stliunotnull, there is no difference between the two patches..05:26
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notnullone requires update to the dialect and the other adds a dialect check directly in the test05:27
stliunotnull, it depends on the situation, if the function we need among mutil dialects, then we may need a supportsXXX methond in the dialect05:29
stliuor if the test fails since it uses a native sql syntax that ingres does not support, then just a simple return would better05:30
notnullok - I think it just affects Ingres05:30
notnullstliu, I can't assign the issue :) but here it is http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-543405:43
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