Monday, 2010-08-09

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atrofastDoes Ingres have an option to turn off fsync?04:29
pboroafaik not without modifying source... but why? :D04:30
atrofastObviously never in production but for testing it sure speeds things up :)04:34
pborosure it does :)04:34
atrofastThere was a funny presentation at PGCon2010 about databases and fsync... He called it DBAs running with scissors :D04:35
bonsaikittenheh, and maybe don't let your DB swap, ever? ;)04:37
* bonsaikitten feels the need to get drunk now04:37
atrofastIt's only Monday! :)04:38
bonsaikittenoh, why did you say that now04:38
bonsaikittenthat's evil04:38
pborohahaa :D04:40
bonsaikittenI guess this demands more caffeine ...04:41
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atrofastHello grantc04:46
grantcmorning atrofast, did you have a nice break?04:46
grantci've just mailed you my thoughts on the driver problems you are seeing04:46
atrofastYeah, it was :)04:47
grantcone I can reproduce and the other needs more investigation04:47
atrofastGreat thanks, and yeah I don't get that commit error message on Ingres-PHP2.2.1 on Ingres10 either04:47
grantci made some changes to some of the internals for 2.2.2 to fix some issues with the way the driver handled non-result returning statements04:50
grantcit's possible that the auto-commit emulation needs some tuning as a result.04:50
atrofastyeah, alright, I'll file the two bugs and work on the dynamic vnode stuff with 2.2.1 for now, no problem... Thanks for looking into this04:51
grantcno problem04:57
atrofastHeh drupal isn't letting me put II in the port field, says it has to be a number.. jerk :P05:08
grantctry putting 2106405:15
atrofastOkay that works, thanks grantc... So do people who use vnodes generally know what ports to use?05:23
grantcnot really05:24
grantcperhaps you could look at the drupal code to see if there is a way you can subvert the type checking code for Ingres05:24
grantcthere is a C program that converts the listen addresses to a numerical socket, or you can look in the errlog.log for IIGCC05:25
atrofastYeah it's done in install.php, I could add a db_type check there05:26
atrofastProbably the best way to do it05:26
grantci'm not sure the following two statements are compatible either05:26
grantcreadlock=nolock and read uncommitted05:27
atrofastI cannot remember why I put them there either...  :(05:29
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grantccan you update the SD issue with the current status wrt to the driver05:35
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atrofastgrantc: will do05:44
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atrofastgrantc: I managed to get the E_GC0136_GCN_SVRCLASS_UNKNOWN  User provided a server class as part of the database name (dbname/class), but that server class is not known to the Name Server. error now as well06:37
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atrofastgrantc: nevermind06:40
atrofastthere was a / accidentally left in the dbname06:40
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Dexhello everybody06:43
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grantchi Dex07:20
DexDejan here, but I have to use webchat...07:30
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