Wednesday, 2010-10-06

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Dejanhello everyone02:05
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Dejanany ideas when will 10 GA be released? :)02:20
pboroas far as I know, before end of 2010, but no official info :/02:21
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aqueryhi all07:39
aqueryanyone here familiar with dbi and ingres?07:40
pboroperl's dbi?07:47
aqueryyep perl's dbi07:50
aqueryfound one item already, it uses int(0) which ingres doesn't have07:51
pboroitem? int(0)?07:51
pborothere's a simple perl script which uses DBI07:52
aqueryyep.. that one fails :(07:52
pborohow does it fail?07:52
aqueryjust a moment.. rerunning07:54
pborocopypaste the errors or whatever output you get to pastebin or similar07:54
pboroahh... which Ingres version?07:58
pboroand did you run the script as ingres user?07:58
pboroi.e. the installation owner07:58
aqueryIngress 200307:59
aquerying 2.607:59
pborook, too old ingres then08:00
pboro2.6 is an ancient version :)08:00
aqueryII 2.6/0305 (su4.us5/00)08:00
aqueryanyone know a dbi version that works with 2.6?08:01
pboroyup, the script doesn't work with that old ingres, since there's no imadb/ima_server_sessions table08:01
pborothe problem is not in the dbi08:01
pborobut simply in the script... it tries to query table called 'ima_server_sessions' but it does not exist in 2.608:01
pboro(it's a system table or similar, provided by ingres as an interface to IMA data)08:01
aquerythe make_accessor functions call int(0)08:02
aquerybut when I changed the code to ing4(0) it just crashes perl08:02
pboroin DBD:Ingres source code?08:02
pboroor what :D08:02
aquery /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/DBD/Ingres.pm08:02
pborook, so DBD:Ingres does not compile for you but gives the error about int(0)?08:03
pborowhich DBD:Ingres version?08:03
aquerylatest 0.53?08:03
pborobut... apparently you do have the DBD:Ingres working since you're able to run the script
pborocan you paste the errors regarding the int(0) problem to pastebin?08:05
aqueryI did a force install08:05
aquerythat's why I was looking for the version of DBD:Ingres that worked with 2.608:11
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pboroaquery, well you could try older DBD:Ingres08:14
aqueryany guess on a version?08:22
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pboronope, sorry :/08:23
aqueryk. I'll start trying older versions08:24
aquerythanks for the help08:24
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