Monday, 2010-11-22

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Vroomfondlegrantc: had any reports of problems with CREATE queries via PHP driver (specifically, warnings about being unable to close the statement)? Am trying to troubleshoot a long-running problem we've had which is causing (apparently perfectly legal) CREATEs to fail.04:29
VroomfondleI can't see anything in the bug tracker which matches04:29
Vroomfondlethe warning is preceded by a couple of "Server or API error ... status 7" warnings from ii_success()04:30
* Vroomfondle is ploughing through ingres.c but isn't much good at C debugging04:31
Deyan-rw-r--r-- 1 ingres ingres  58G Nov 22 09:09 errlog.log04:33
grantcVroomfondle: this might be a fixed problem04:38
grantclet me see if I can find the bug/change04:38
grantcdo you execute the create without assigning the return value from ingres_query()?04:41
grantci.e. "ingres_query(...)" vs "$rs=ingres_query(..)"04:42
Vroomfondleno - all calls to ingres_query go through a wrapper, and the wrapper always assigns to a resultset04:56
Vroomfondlegrantc: see for a full list of the warnings generated by a single CREATE04:57
* Vroomfondle wanders off for lunch - BBL04:57
Vroomfondle(oh, btw, the wrapper is literally just doing "$results = ingres_query(..." and then later on $results will fall out of scope and be garbage-collected04:58
Vroomfondleautocommit is off04:58
Vroomfondle(but we fake our own autocommit)04:58
* Vroomfondle really goes to lunch now, honest04:59
grantci'm guessing a test case it out of the question?05:00
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Vroomfondlegrantc: unfortunately, this is the test case:05:28
VroomfondleCREATE TABLE test (test char(1))05:28
Vroomfondle(or any other CREATE TABLE as far as I can tell so far)05:28
VroomfondleI can furnish you with various details about our systems of course, if you let me know what you need05:28
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Vroomfondlethere are other oddities, such as the fact that although I'm fairly sure it only used to crash on our development server, now it seems to crash when run on our "demo" (user testing) system as well. The dev system is Ingres 9.2 running on Sol10, and the demo system is on Ingres 2.6 running on Sol9 (according to our sysadmin).05:32
Vroomfondlewe're using driver 2.2.3 on dev and 2.0.2 on demo05:32
Vroomfondleso I'm really struggling to find any commonalities other than the application code, but as far as I know everything we're doing is just standard stuff (I wrote the wrapper code)05:33
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Vroomfondleooh, hang on05:36
*** cthibert has joined #ingres05:37, damn :(05:38
Vroomfondleit occurs when I try to iterate over the result-set after doing a CREATE05:40
Vroomfondlenaturally there won't be any results, but I'd assumed it was safe to just do that for every query05:40
Vroomfondlegrantc: is that a bug, or am I just Doing It Wrong?05:40
Vroomfondle(I'm doing:  while($results_handle && ($row = ingres_fetch_array($results_handle)))05:41
grantc18006 is a bug - the un-assigned result handle gets garbage collected (closing resources etc) and then on the next query the driver tries to do the same05:42
grantcit could be that the fix for 18006 also helps in this situation05:43
Vroomfondlehas the fix made it into an actual release yet, or shall I load up an SVN client?05:44
grantconly in svn right now05:49
* grantc wanders off to prepare lunch05:49
Vroomfondleokay, cheers05:51
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Vroomfondlegrantc: just a bit of further info - this appears to be the same issue which is sometimes causing segfaults when we do INSERTs on our dev system. Anyway I'll see about getting the SVN version running, and stop pestering you :D06:28
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Deyanwow, some activity here :)06:49
Deyani did not see this bug06:49
Deyanmaybe because I build svn quite often06:49
grantcVroomfondle: that's good to hear :)07:28
grantcDeyan: i'm surprised you've not hit this as it's probably been there for a while07:29
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Deyani will check it09:48
Deyantime to go home guys09:48
Deyansee you tomorrow09:48
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