Wednesday, 2010-11-24

Vroomfondlewe've had various patches made for / given to us by Ingres Support over the years. Do they end up in the main build (i.e. the one off the website) eventually?01:04
Vroomfondleand if so, is there a changelog online so we can see what's made it into the main build?01:04
Vroomfondle(I can't find one so far)01:05
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grantchi Vroomfondle - the bug numbers are placed in the release notes or patch notes01:24
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Vroomfondlegrantc: sorry for being dense, but where *are* the release notes? I can't find them online (only the Release Summary) and they don't seem to be obvious in the TAR file, unless I'm being blind02:26
grantcwhat patch do you have?02:28
VroomfondleErm... various ones I think. To be honest I haven't quite got that far yet. Basically there're three of us sitting in a room trying to install Ingres using the install notes given to us by our Systems Manager, and at some point soon we'll hit the "install patches" stage and I'm wondering if we could skip that by just using the latest release02:32
Vroomfondlethis has just made me realise that she hasn't told us where to find the patches02:33
Vroomfondleah, as an example: Patch 1365002:38
Vroomfondle(found that in a vageuly recent Service Desk issue)02:38
Vroomfondleah, found 'em02:40
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Vroomfondlethere's a list of them in the Service Desk if you dig around enough02:42
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grantcfrom what i remember we ship patch notes with the patch03:30
grantcunless that's changed03:30
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