Monday, 2012-03-19

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TylerM10 members in here, is that a record? ;-)20:30
Alex|in good old times we had even 12...20:32
TylerMexcellent :)  I'll create a few bots to get us up past that again20:33
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TylerM_Alex|: you're an ingres user then?  not sure if we've met before20:45
TylerM_met plenty of Alexes this year :)20:45
Alex|yes and no... used to work for the company, now community :)20:52
TylerM_ah, well good to meet you20:59
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TylerM_tried much on the geospatial stuff before?20:59
TylerM_speaking of geo... ;-)20:59
atrofastI've taken it for a spin TylerM_ ;)21:00
TylerM_there, we're up to 11 users in the channel and i didn't have to spawn any bots yet ;-)21:00
Alex|I did a few demos with it years ago21:00
atrofastWas that the old or new spatial library Alex|?21:01
Alex|Nope, the new lib. Early versions of it21:02
TylerM_ah good..21:03
Alex|still waiting for a new build of 10.1 with the lib in...21:05
TylerM_Alex|: do you build from source?21:08
Alex|Well, yes, most of the time since there are not many prebuilt binaries around21:09
TylerM_enterprise release of 10.1 is likely in a 1 - 1.5 months21:09
TylerM_is my guess21:09
TylerM_i thought the 10.1 community release that's been out for a while had it in there too21:10
Alex|but ESD didn't see any new community builds for the last year or so and the svn is no longer being tagged21:10
TylerM_but that was built before my time, so can't vouch for it21:10
Alex|I'm not sure if the build on the page has it built in already or not but it is really old21:11
TylerM_I hear ya, keep an eye open around end of april21:12
Alex|will do :)21:12
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