Tuesday, 2012-04-24

*** quelgeek has joined #ingres09:42
quelgeekAnyone building ingres-10.1.0-120-gpl-src on Windows (XP)?09:45
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DarylMGreetings quelgeek:  I am only building 10.1 on OS/X Lion.  Do you have a specific build question?14:13
quelgeekHi Daryl: no, no specific questions at the moment.  So far I've figured out all my (numerous) problems.  I just don't want to stray too far from civilization in case I do need help at some point.  I've built on Linux many times but this is my first Windows build and it has been quite..."quirky".  Roy14:34
Dejanquelgeek, i build stuff within MSYS14:42
Dejanbut never tried to build Ingres, there...14:42
DarylMIf you hit anything, just stop by here and ask!14:44
Dejani had planned to work on CMake for Ingres, but never had time for that...14:44
pboroit's a project for a lifetime14:46
Dejangetting rid of jamfile would be great for Ingres...14:46
DejanCMake has very good support for Windows14:47
DarylMI hate jam14:47
quelgeekjam is the one thing that hasn't tripped me up yet.  (I've never had to write a jamfile so it seems pretty inoffensive to me.)15:02
DarylMJam is one of those things that can be ignored if it works, but if something goes wrong, there is probably nothing worse to debug...15:06
DarylMHere is what I always use to build non-production:    jam -sIIOPTIM=-g -q -dx15:11
Dejanor ninja or waf...15:30
Dejanninja is brilliant15:30
Dejanit is insanely fast15:31
DarylMI just haven't run across anything that is so substantially better than GNUmake that I was drawn to it.15:32
Dejanmake is good for small projects, i agree15:49
Dejancmake is not just build tool - it is a configuration tool as well, and has built-in testing15:50
Dejanand can be connected to CDash - CI server15:50
quelgeekI'd love to discuss which build tool is best, but jam just delivered the goods. I've got his stinker built and running.  It's beer o'clock!16:19
quelgeekOh--it's only 4:15pm.  Damn.16:19
DejanBeer... lucky you!16:21
Dejani still have few bugs to kill16:22
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