Monday, 2012-07-16

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xenuDejan: github, codeplex, etc. are supporting git, so only difference is UI15:32
xenuand i love codeplex ui :)15:32
xenu(also they have nice wiki syntax)15:33
Dejanfair enough15:33
Dejani just can't stand anything that has Microsoft's stamp15:33
Dejanit is just me :) ignore me15:34
xenui'm working on ingres driver for tcl15:34
Dejanomg... you love archaic programming languages, do you? :D15:34
xenuit actually works, just needs documentation, more tests and15:34
xenuautoconf script15:34
xenuDejan: i don't think that perl and tcl are archaic ;p15:35
Dejanyou know that Osterhaut long ago preached that concurrent programming is evil :D15:35
Dejan(father of TCL)15:35
Dejanand was against thread support in TCL15:35
xenuonly thing that i dislike in tcl is poor unicode support15:36
Dejanyeah, both are still in use :D15:36
Dejanif i had to chose between the two, i would pick TCL15:36
Dejanbecause PERL invites bad programming style15:36
Dejanbut I am not goint to start yet another anti-PERL talk ...15:36
Dejanpeople use whatever they know and think will solve the problem15:37
DejanPERL was always about hacking solutions that fix the problem now15:37
xenu"there's more than one way to do it", you can write ugly code and beautiful code :)15:37
Dejanwhat happens in the future is irrelevant ;)15:37
Dejani respect PERL project15:38
Dejanbut PERL as a language is an abomination15:38
Dejanno sane language designer will say that PERL's design is good15:38
DejanPERL is like C++ from that perspective - both languages are examples of bad language design15:39
DejanI think people will love to see TCL driver :)15:40
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