Monday, 2014-04-07

*** Bezleputh <Bezleputh!~Bezleputh@> has joined #ingres08:32
Bezleputhhello, i've got a strange issue using ceil08:33
Bezleputhhere is my request : select ceil(0.8/0.3), ceil(larpal/0.3), larpal, larpal/0.3  from pal08:34
Bezleputhand here is the result : result is : 3, 2, 0.8, 2.6666708:34
BezleputhI cannot understand why ceil(larpal/0.3) = 2 when ceil(0.8/0.3) = 3 with larpal = 0.808:35
*** Bezleputh <Bezleputh!~Bezleputh@> has left #ingres09:25

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