Friday, 2015-07-17

*** Mud <Mud!d44edb12@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> has joined #ingres12:12
*** Mud is now known as Mud212:12
Mud2Hi Majikthise12:12
Mud2Majikthise: Any experience with php 5 and ingres_query issues?14:17
Mud2Ubuntu 14.0414:17
Majikthiseer, maybe. We do use php5 with ingres here.14:21
Majikthisewhat's up?14:21
Mud2when I run a simple php script with a ingres_query, I get a crash in apache2, but when I run the same php file in cli..its running fine14:22
Mud2the curious part is that it goes wrong on ingres_query.. ingres_link is working fine14:23
Mud2[core:notice] [pid 2180] AH00051: child pid 2198 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in /tmp/apache-coredumps14:23
Mud2but there is no dumpfile..14:24
Mud2out of var_dump($result):  string(17) "WAUZZZ4B23N112820"   'chs_num' => .... etc etc in the cli :) I compared the difference between php.ini in the cli folder and in the apache2, and corrected those in the apache2 php.ini file, but no difference..14:26
Majikthisewhich version of the driver?14:26
Mud2of php? of ingres client?14:27
Majikthisewell, which version of both :)14:27
Majikthiseit might be   ?14:29
Mud2pecl/ingres is already installed and is the same as the released version 2.2.414:29
Mud2and ingres client installation file: ingres-10.2.0-100-eval-linux-ingbuild-x86_6414:30
Majikthisein fact it rings a bell, as we actually used a hacked version of the drivers here because we had weird segfaults when we moved to Linux. Unfortunately I can't remember the details of what we did :/14:31
Majikthisethe PHP driver's a bit neglected these days I think. Actian don't seem to bother fixing any of the bugs that are still open on PECL.14:32 is in the pecl driver?14:32
Majikthisethe PECL driver is the same as the one you have14:33
Mud2on ubuntu 8.04 LTS with PECL ingres  2.2.1   stable I dont have any problems14:34
Mud2but I have to upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 because of newer version of php5 and Zend Framework 2 + OsTicket...14:35
Mud2is it somehow possible to get the 2.2.1 version somewhere to try that out ?14:36
Majikthiseit might be easiest for you to just use ODBC instead? We almost did that when we migrated to Linux, because we'd had so many problems with the native Ingres driver over the years14:36
Mud2also I cant make a dumptrace with gdb, ingres in a bit hard to get working with apache2 in single user mode..14:36
Majikthiseyeah you can get the old one from and compile it14:36
Mud2so cant tell you if it is that bug14:36
Majikthiseyou'd probably have to update the PHP version string 2.2.1 code, mind.14:38
Majikthiseto make it work with PHP versions greater than 5.314:38
Mud2aha ok14:39
Mud2Majikthise, never worked with ODBC before? Which packages I need and do you have guide?14:39
Mud2before? = before.14:39
Mud2already installed php5-odbc but it does not reconize odbc_connect yet14:40
Majikthiseyou basically have to install UnixODBC, which will be in the Ubuntu repos so that's easy, and then you get Ingres to generate a config file for you and you put the generated config into the UnixODBC config files. If you go to and read the Connectivity manual for Ingres, you'll find some instructions in there somewhere14:41
Mud2I have tried to work before with actian-vector-client-4.2.0-202-free-linux-deb-amd64, but never figured out how that worked14:41
Mud2aha..I gonna read that :)14:41
Majikthiseunfortunately getting anything non-Java-based to connect to Ingres is like pulling teeth :/   I do actually quite like Ingres these days but blimey, they make it hard.14:42
Majikthisethe PHP driver used to be maintained by a nice bloke called Grant, who was very responsive (he used to hang around in this channel) but then he went away somewhere and since then they seem to have largely ignored PHP14:43
Majikthiseand Python (I use the ODBC driver for that)14:44
Mud2Ever tried to install ingres-10.2.0-100-eval-linux-ingbuild-x86_64 ? on Ubuntu 14.04? You have to do dirty tricks to get it working..14:44
Majikthiseno, I've not tried that. We use RHEL here, and we install Ingres from the tar-based distribution because we've never had much like with the OS-specific packages.14:45
Majikthise*much luck14:45
Mud2ah ok :)14:46
Mud2Which project/product I have to select on the docs page? Just Ingres 10 ?14:46
Majikthise10.2 I suppose14:51
Majikthisebut I don't think the procedure's changed much lately14:51
Majikthiseso the instructions for any version of 10 will probably do14:51
Mud2Alright, thanks!14:53
Mud2hmm the odbc utility works a bit different then the netutil... grr :P14:59
Mud2Weekend, afk :)15:02
Majikthiseheh, enjoy :)15:02
Mud2thanks for all your help!15:02
Majikthiseno problem, good luck15:02

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