Monday, 2009-02-16

grantc@config supybot.plugins.ChannelLogger.rotateLogs true18:19
ii_loggrantc: The operation succeeded.18:19
grantc-= THIS MESSAGE NOT LOGGED =-18:20
grantcnot so secret..18:20
grantcwhat would be nice is to be able to inject the logs into the community wiki18:21
grantc@insult Alex|18:24
ii_logAlex| - You are nothing but a vassal-willed accumulation of rude-snouted samples. 18:24
grantcperhaps we can replace IngBot with ii_log but for the time being I will keep things as is unless there are any objections18:26
pboroI'm fine with it18:27
grantcso far the bot only has channel logging and insults enabled.18:27
pborothe insults part being the most critical18:28
grantcof course..18:28
pborodamn, 12 hours at work already...18:28
pboroI wonder if I ever get home, this data transformation project is taking hours :(18:28
pborodamn organization restructuring :) why can't we just keep static...18:29
DerMeisterIs this bot written in Java?18:35
grantcno - it's supybot - written in python18:36
grantc.g supybot18:36
DerMeisterAh... The config-option-names reminded me of Java-class names, that's why I asked :)18:37
grantci did see a Java IRC logger but i am running ii_log from my vps and did not want the hassle of setting up java18:45
*** Alex| is now known as Alex|off21:04
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