Wednesday, 2009-02-18

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troal01Could anyone direct me to a good document regarding partitioning in Ingres?13:31
grantcwhat are you looking for?13:33
troal01Well I've got a table with too many rows essentially so I run out of tids... I need to partition it so that it will all fit13:36
grantcyou need to add new data locations (see create location) then execute modify to regoranize13:37
troal01What modify command exactly?13:38
grantcmodify yourtablehere to reorganize WITH LOCATION = (loc1, loc2,...)13:39
grantcif you want to use table partitioning which is something different see
troal01Ahh so with reorganize I can fit more in there then?13:40
grantcyes but you have no control over what data is in each locations where as tp gives you that control13:41
troal01Okay I don't care so much about where it is as to how much fits into my table :)13:43
grantcthen bog standard loc and extending the table to use those new locations should be good enough13:44
troal01Thanks grantc13:47
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troal01What's the max value of tid again?15:31
grantcgoogle is your friend :)15:32
DarylMHaven't seen the latest news about Google installing hidden startup software yet, eh grantc? ;)15:34
grantcdon't i fecking know it15:35
grantcif picasa was not so useful....15:35
troal01Thanks grantc... I always assume google doesn't know anything about Ingres :P15:36
grantcgoogle helps me out quite a bit with respect to Ingres15:38
grantcDarylM, that program got installed with the Picasa Mac beta, i would not mind so much if it actually worked15:40
DarylMYup, it gets installed with everything Google now on Macs.  Sigh.  Which reminds me; we need a system boot startup package and an preference panel for Ingres on Macs15:56
grantclike the MySQL panel which is a start/stop button :)15:58
DarylMI started making one using MySQL as a basis (using Xcode) but the MySQL stuff is a bit of a hack15:58
DarylMPlus, I think we would want support for multiple II_SYSTEM installations15:59
* grantc thinks DarylM is in for a world of pain15:59
* DarylM thinks that would be no change from normal16:00
grantcmanaging a single installation/instance (or whatever it's called now) would/should be a no brainer16:00
grantcsomething like porting the linux init.d script to OSX16:01
DarylMStartup is easy.  Preference GUI panels are not16:02
grantcwhat about checking the status?16:03
DarylM(or at least not easy for a n00b)16:03
grantcpreference pain^H^Hne does a call to the startup script with a param of status16:03
DarylMStatus is also an interesting problem.  What constitutes "up"?  (In general, that is not a Mac specific question)16:04
grantci would argue that if the number of servers/processes running matched the startup count then you are good to go :)16:05
grantcor you could have a green light for each item in config.dat that has a startup entry...16:06
grantcbut that gets a bit complicated16:06
grantc - is what there is on linux16:07
DarylMThe thing I like about the MySql panel is its simplicity.  ON or OFF. :-)16:09
* DarylM attention will be directed at a client problem for a bit....16:10
grantchmm - perhaps16:10
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troal01Why would I get this error message: E_US1206 The specified location name is invalid.  when doing a modify to reorganize?17:35
troal01I can do createdb in those locations so I know they exist17:35
troal01Ahh I have to use extenddb?17:37
grantcyou need to extend the db in to that location before you can use it17:38
troal01Yep now it work17:39
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troal01Hmm my copy statement got aborted because it tried to grow beyond the max tid20:47
troal01But I did a modify table to reorganize with location =(loc1,loc2,loc3,loc4) before20:48
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