Thursday, 2009-03-05

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NoeJeko=[ Alex is never around anymore05:29
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pboroNoeJeko, I would not say tha07:19
pborothat even07:20
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grantchi NoeJeko - are you still up?08:20
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thiagomzGuys, Morning... How can I associate my table on iitables with my file on filesystem ?12:16
grantcsee the view iifile_info12:17
thiagomzgrantc: tkz12:17
thiagomzpboro: tkz too12:17
thiagomzwhen do I drop a table, it is removed from the filesystem ?12:18
grantci guess so but if "stuff" is also happening on the file it might not disappear until "stuff" has finished12:20
grantcalso temp tables (not session temp tables) remain until they are manually purged12:20
thiagomzgrantc: i am asking it.. because i have files on data directory from 2007 without any change...12:20
thiagomzand it is using space on filesystem...12:20
grantcdo they relate to actual tables in the db?12:21
thiagomzi will query iifile_info to verify that association...12:21
grantcif they are temp tables the verifydb command has a purge option12:21
grantcsee http://docs.ingres.com12:21
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Alex|rossand, what is the current status of the geospatial project?14:03
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thiagomzwhat is the site to past a output ?14:29
Alex|e.g. pastebin.com14:30
Alex|or many others14:30
thiagomzguys, where can i get the database name for that sql =>
thiagomzAlex|: ;-)14:31
Alex|not sure I understand the question14:32
thiagomzi wannt put a => and database name = 'mydb';14:33
thiagomzwhere can i get that info...14:33
Alex|why would you do that? iitables only contains the tables of one database and that is the one you're connected to14:34
thiagomzAlex|: tkz... i didnĀ“t now that ;)14:35
thiagomznewbie ingres dba14:36
Alex|each database has its own iitables, iiattributes, iisequences, etc...14:36
thiagomzAlex|: a i am a oracle dba learning ingres...14:37
thiagomzthat information was very usefull...14:37
Alex|no problem :)14:37
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troal01 :D14:55
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NoeJekohey Alex15:05
NoeJekoi got my questions taken care of lol.15:06
NoeJekodid you have time to check that admin user exception thing?15:06
Alex|not yet... was on the road the last two days15:06
NoeJekooh, i was having a trouble with the query I used to populate the popular downloads15:06
Alex|ah you mean the first 5 thing?15:07
NoeJeko... seems a temporary spell of insanity  as I tried to "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count" forgetting that 'count15:07
NoeJeko''count' is reserved SQL grammar15:07
NoeJekoheh... heh...15:07
NoeJekoyeah, you can see the "popular downloads" on esd-itdev15:08
Alex|doesn't work? hm... I would have guessed it does because the it's a context sensitive parser, i.e. it should know from the context when you want to use it as a keyword and when not15:08
NoeJekoit takes a number of queries to generate it, but i cache them in APC15:08
NoeJekoso it only requeries every 4 hours15:08
NoeJekoall testing has shown that it only adds .1 seconds to the page generation anyway and i figure thats acceptable once every 4 hours15:09
NoeJekowhen vtrenz adds 3-10 seconds to it =[15:09
NoeJekoya, but i'm hoping15:09
NoeJekothat's just because i'm calling the WSDL from behind the firewall15:09
NoeJekoand it'll speed up once its at rackspace15:09
NoeJekogo go gadget masergy15:10
NoeJekoand the thing with the query that didn't work15:10
NoeJekowas "CREATE VIEW popular_dls AS SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, file_id FROM dl_tracking GROUP BY file_id"(this worked fine) and then a subsequent call to "SELECT count, file_id FROM popular_dls ORDER BY count DESC" (this failed, for not-so-obvious-then-but-blatant-now reasons)15:12
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Alex|because of the count?15:13
NoeJekoyeah haha15:13
grantcNoeJeko, have you had a look at that ingres_escape_string() update?15:13
NoeJekowhen i changed it to something like dl_total it worked fine15:13
NoeJekoum, no sorry Grant I've been pushed really hard to get this vtrenz->ESD integration done15:13
grantcno worries - Alex| mentioned that they had you working on other stuff15:14
NoeJekoi'll play with it today as i'm pretty much done on the ESD 1.4.2 release unless someone finds some crazy bug15:14
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grantcnice work with the wiki login - a lot better than the 3-4 page redirect15:14
NoeJekothanks - it still breaks sometimes for reasons unknown to me15:15
NoeJekobut tricipher is in the process of adding a WSDL method to get the SAML15:15
NoeJekoso I don't have to cURL POST and then parse the returned HTML15:15
NoeJekoshould end the last of that15:15
NoeJekoalso i dont think i cc'd you on this15:15
NoeJekobut we had a couple reports of it breaking15:16
NoeJekoso i added a "click here if this appears more than 10 seconds"15:16
NoeJekothat takes you to a non-AJAX login form15:16
NoeJekoit still bounce, bounce, bounces but at least you get in15:16
grantcis it the same problem as the multiple IP thing kschendel was having?15:16
NoeJekoum, no - at first i thought the user had javascript disabled15:17
NoeJekobut if they had that they wouldn't have gotten the spinning progress indicator at all15:17
NoeJekobasically they clicked login and the progress indicator just remained forever15:17
grantcalways happen for them? or was it random?15:17
NoeJekoi think they only tried it once15:18
NoeJekobut they reported it to pam and pam reported it to me/the team as "a friend of rogers had issues"15:18
NoeJekothere's little i can do to account for isolated incidents that i cannot recreate but the "click here if 10 seconds" thing was a quick proactive step i could take to try and prevent them15:19
grantcyes those detailed bug reports are my favourites too15:19
Alex|what else do you need to know other than - it's broken! ? ;p15:19
NoeJekolol.. i test this stuff on a win vista, win xp, and win 2k3 box, using FF2, FF3, IE6, IE7, opera, safari, and chrome, then on my iphone, PSP, and PS3 before I release it =[15:20
NoeJekoand yeah, i asked pam if she'll capture some critical data - such as (at the least) browser, OS, and time .. so I can at leastr have a starting point =[15:21
grantcshe should know better being in support :)15:22
grantcas for the browser support - i feel your pain.15:22
grantcdifferent php versions against different Ingres versions on windows/linux/solaris/toaster15:23
NoeJekodo you ever get kschendels with the php driver?  by that i mean obscure setups that NO ONE ELSE on earth has?15:24
grantcno not really - the biggest problem is building for php releases15:24
grantcit takes a fair while to do the windows builds and every now and again i get someone on 5.2.3 or something old...15:25
grantcyesterday for example...15:25
NoeJekothose 5.2.3 cats are probably using RHEL15:25
grantcwhen 5.3 gets released that will be more interesting for me15:25
NoeJekored hat's repositories are ungodly out of date on some things15:26
grantcyeah - unix peeps can do their own builds15:26
grantcits the windows ones I have issues with15:26
grantcno phpize for windows :[15:26
NoeJekoah - yeah most windows users don't build their own15:26
NoeJekosolution: run a real server OS15:26
grantcnow there is a thing called easyingres which is making my life a bit more interesting15:27
NoeJekohonestly i don't see how they compete in the server market with an OS that has to be rebooted for every change or weekly maintenance15:27
Alex|sometimes I have the feeling you sound a little negative :)15:27
NoeJeko[root@mmog httpd]# uptime15:27
NoeJeko 09:27:41 up 196 days, 11:46,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0015:27
grantcAlex|, it's called being british, an unfortunate national trait15:28
grantcthe australians call us whinging poms15:28
Alex|your excuse to everything ;p15:28
NoeJekoi thought he meant my attitude towards windows as a server =P15:28
grantc Pom15:28
grantcA person of British origin who will consistently complain about any situation that they may face. They are emotionally unable to deal with any sort of adverse condition without commenting negatively about it.  - about sums it up :)15:29
NoeJekokudos on the progress with the php driver so far though, grant15:29
Alex|Chris Rogers was the first name that came to my mind, reading this :)15:29
grantcas you can tell i am not a "every problem is an opportunity" sort of person15:30
NoeJekowith the pre-100 rows one, there's no way in hell i would have been able to add that "popular download" section to ESD15:30
grantcNoeJeko, cheers - have you seen the docs?15:30
NoeJekoas php/ingres would have taken an hour to query the db15:30
NoeJekonot yet - it's another thing in queue lol15:30
grantcin 2.1.0 you can fiddle with the number of rows15:30
NoeJekoteresa sent me a note about them15:31
grantcunderstood - i hope to get the review mostly done this week then any additional changes can be done piece meal15:31
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NoeJekoyeah today i should have time - everything's done in ESD and i was able to clear a good bit from my queue yesterday15:31
NoeJekoso are we just replacing the documentation on and archiving the 1.4.3 docs on ingres wiki?15:32
grantccool - I am more interested in what you think is missing i.e. particular problems you have hit that are not addressed15:32
grantci tagged the 1.4.3 docs so i can recall them and re-generate them15:32
grantci never heard anything back from the php group regarding "copyright"15:33
NoeJekowell, IMHO15:33
NoeJekosince you don't work for the PHP group and you're the one that submitted them15:33
NoeJekoyou should retain copyright15:33
grantcnot sure about that15:33
grantcthe PHP driver is (c) php group since it was that way when i took over15:34
NoeJekoand its not like they're going to lose traffic from removing dead driver docs to replace with ones that would actually bring new traffic15:34
grantcthey just need converting to media wiki15:34
NoeJekowhat format are they in for - XML?15:35
grantcthe source material is docbook15:35
NoeJekomm - never heard of that15:35
NoeJekoill have to look it up15:35
grantcits an XML format for docs15:35
grantcon the one hand its a pain to edit but it allows you to generate web,pdf, ....15:36
NoeJekoso it should be pretty intuitive to write a php script to parse it then spit out wikiformat pages?15:38
grantclet me take a look - the current system, still under development, does have plugins15:39
NoeJekoah - nothing pressing - was just trying to find a way to automate it since it seems all our plates get fuller by the week15:39
grantcsure - or since there are only 20 pages it can be done once by hand and that's it15:40
grantci might need to back port some changes from the 2.0 docs but again its a once only effort15:40
NoeJekohaha nothing like trying to find an intuitive way to parse/format the authorit docs outselves =x15:41
grantcyeah - mull had a good go at that15:41
grantcnever been the same since :)15:41
NoeJekowell, they have the option to store it in a MSSQL server15:41
mullheh, I did notice that my stuff got trashed... that made me sad15:42
NoeJekoso i tried to migrate a library to the MSSQL and then parse it with php15:42
mullmy python code to do it was ugly, but it did work15:42
NoeJekofor the record, i don't condone the use of frames as i was forced to do on the new
grantcmull we lost on one hand and gained on another... now we need to sort those frames out15:43
mullNoeJeko: yeah, that was the primary reason that I wrote the python code to translate them to something frameless15:43
grantcNoeJeko, i might have something to convert the docs...15:43
NoeJekoi think the <iframe> tag should go die in a fire but management was pressing to get docs skinned like the rest of the community site and with authorit's limited capabilities i didn't see too many other options15:43
NoeJekodocs... ingres docs or php docs?15:44
grantcit needs some work but as a proof of concept15:44
NoeJekodoes it involve keeping them out of authorit?15:44
grantcor fortunately15:44
NoeJekohaha i met strong resistance when i suggested that15:44
grantcit seems to work for them, all we need is a post process thing that can take the stuff it now generates and de-frame it15:45
NoeJekowell, reading the authorit database itself in MSSQL was a pain in the ass15:45
grantcfrom what i can tell, it does not take much to do... the javascript needs modifying (since it tests for the frame) and some php code needs injecting...15:46
NoeJekothat's on CA service desk level of complexity15:46
NoeJekomm - so read the toc into the documentation as a  PHP include() or something you're thinking?15:47
NoeJekointeresting - i'll play with that if i get some time15:47
grantcalso you need to play with the JS but its not too difficult15:47
NoeJekoi have a copy of authorit15:47
NoeJekowhat would be really hot is if the tool could spit out URLs without spaces15:48
NoeJekoand that weren't 256 characters long15:48
grantci was working on the post generated html15:48
grantcindeed :)15:48
NoeJekomm - another alternative15:48
NoeJekothe tool can spit out an XML representation of the documentation15:49
NoeJekoso could have PHP parse that and generate the individual pages15:49
grantci used sed  but sure15:49
NoeJekowhat's sad15:50
NoeJekois that we completely lost our pageranks for that documentation15:50
NoeJekopreviously, if you googled for anything SQL-grammar related15:50
NoeJekoingres was in the top 1-4 results15:50
NoeJekonow.. nowhere to be found =[15:50
grantci had a blog post I was writting about why documentation is useful then it got updated15:52
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NoeJekogood documentationw is a godsend15:52
NoeJeko90% oif the reason i haven't coded any projects to date on ingres (other than ESD) is lack of sufficient documentation for the 2.x driver and lack of functionality for the 1.x15:53
NoeJekowell, on the side15:57
NoeJekoi'm writing a browser-based strategy game15:57
NoeJekoand i want to write it on ingres15:57
grantctake a look at
grantcignore the file name... a minor detail15:57
NoeJekoi'm guessing the tables were from authorit?15:59
NoeJekothat's pretty nice - as long as we could wrap the output into our look & feel that would work16:00
grantcyup - i need to sort out the toc16:00
grantcor an alternative would be to set php as the handler16:00
NoeJekolol i should get going so i get to the office at a reasonable time16:02
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