Tuesday, 2009-06-30

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GerhardHi all05:00
GerhardWhat are your experiences with virtualized Ingres servers running under VMware ESX?05:06
grantcproviding you have decent hardware it should be ok05:08
grantcas with a physical server you will have bottlenecks especially IO05:09
GerhardAny guidelines from Ingres how to configure the VMware guests?05:10
grantci am not aware of any that would go beyond configuring Ingres in a standard, physical environment05:12
GerhardLike preallocating the space for the virtual hard disk or use dynamic growing disks?05:12
grantcfair point05:13
Alex|as dynamic growing always adds an overhead, I don't see why anyone would not recommend preallocation...05:14
Gerhardbetter use virtual IDE disks or virtual SCSI disks?05:14
grantcdo you get the choice of IDE with ESX?05:14
GerhardNot sure, to be honest. Only have the free VMware products here for testing which allow both.05:15
grantcregarding pre-alloc - i guess it would depend on how write intensive your system is but I would go with Alex|'s assesment05:15
grantcyup vmware server (2.0) gives you the option05:15
grantcthe last time i setup a vm on esx i was given the choice of two different SCSI  interfaces05:16
grantcLSI and another one..05:16
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GerhardSo one question is: which one is better for Ingres - LSI or the other one? I think it was BusLogic...05:30
grantcthat's the one...05:31
Gerhardstumbled upon this: http://docs.ingres.com/Appliances/Database/Ingres%20Icebreaker%20Database%20Appliance%20Installation%20and%20Configuration%20Guide/create_configure_icebreaker_vm.htm05:32
grantc@google vmware buslogic vs lsi05:33
ii_loggrantc: VMware Communities: BusLogic vs LSI Logic and vmscsi errors: <http://communities.vmware.com/thread/67148>; VMware Communities: LSI Logic vs.Buslogic: <http://communities.vmware.com/thread.jspa?messageID=51148&>; Storage Subsystem Performance in VMware ESX Server: BusLogic ...: <http://www.vmware.com/pdf/ESX2_Storage_Performance.pdf>; Storage Subsystem Performance in VMware ESX Server: BusLogic ...: (2 more messages)05:33
grantchttp://www.vmware.com/pdf/ESX2_Storage_Performance.pdf has some information, but is from 200605:34
GerhardThanks for these hints.05:35
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atrofastIn Ingres source code I keep seeing comments like "Created for Jupiter"... What the heck is/was Jupiter? :)06:12
DarylMThe Ingres 6.0 rewrite I believe06:16
DarylMCompletely new architecture.06:17
DarylMAnd the upgrade from 5.X to 6.X was the stuff of legend (not a good legend either)06:17
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atrofastDarylM: Haha, I'd like to hear that legend :D07:06
* DarylM thinks atrofast has a sadistic streak..........07:07
* atrofast likes disaster movies07:08
atrofastThought that was an appropriate comment :P07:09
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thiagomzGuys, what means that "QUERY PLAN 15,1, timed out, of main query" I mean the time out ?07:38
DarylMThe optimizer discovered that the time to continue optimizing exceeded the total projected run time of the query itself.07:40
thiagomzopf_timeout_abort ?07:41
thiagomzdefault is 0 ? that means unlimited ?07:41
DarylMIt means the heuristics will be used rather than an exact timeout in milliseconds.07:43
thiagomzare there a way to change some ingres parameter without restart the instance ?07:48
DarylMNot at this time.07:48
thiagomzguys... how can i write a SQL to create a command, in oracle i do .. : select 'alter table ' || table_name || ' move tablespace XXX;' from user_tables;08:00
thiagomzhow do that on ingres ?08:00
DarylMI don't understand the question.  Ingres does not have "tablespaces" but the closest thing is either "locations" or the new partition scheme.08:04
VroomfondleI think he's asking about creating a dynamic SQL statement08:05
Vroomfondleso that table_name will be filled out with a table name which is selected from the database, and then the resulting string will be executed as SQL08:05
VroomfondleI don't think that can be done in pure SQL in Ingres. It could be achieved via 4GL or a higher-level language, of course.08:06
grantcyou can do "select  'alter table ' + table_name +' ......' from ii_tables08:07
grantcsame idea different concat operator08:07
Vroomfondlereally? neat08:07
Vroomfondleas in, it'll execute it?08:07
grantcerr no08:08
Vroomfondledidn't think it would08:08
grantcit will give you a table you can copy/paste from...08:08
grantcin Oracle the above would execute?08:08
VroomfondleI presumed that was the point... maybe I assumed too much08:08
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thiagomzgrantc: tkz10:34
thiagomzis that... dynamic SQL10:34
thiagomzgrantc: yes.. that works10:34
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