Tuesday, 2009-07-07

*** Deyan has joined #ingres00:52
Deyangood morning00:52
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pborowow... ODBC is really, really slow with Ingres 9.203:44
pboroI mean... the query in isql doesn't take any longer as it did with 2.6, but retrieving the results over ODBC takes over 20 minutes instead of 1-2 minutes03:45
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thiagomzguys, where can i find the ingres certify matrix ?04:57
pborocertify matrix?04:58
pboroah, the problem is not in ODBC, but the query... 2.6 executed it better than 2006 does now04:58
thiagomzpboro: ingres and redhat versions...04:59
pborothiagomz, ah! at least supported versions are listed in the documentation (release notes)05:00
thiagomzwe are with license problems with redhat...05:00
thiagomzand we are think in change to oracle enterprise linux05:00
thiagomzon non critical apps05:00
thiagomzredhat just for the production05:00
pborooh, that's nasty :/05:00
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