Wednesday, 2009-07-08

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pborohi Deyan04:19
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thiagomzguys, when i run optimizedb it invalidate the executions plan at memory ?04:58
thiagomzand generate a new on ?04:58
pboroexecution plan normally only exist during the execution of a query, but cache_dynamic stores them? do you mean whether cache_dynamic invalidates the cached plans?05:05
thiagomzpboro: i have been working with oracle and now i am a ingres dba too... so i have someone concepts from oracle that i have to convert to ingres, in oracle when i run a sql it create a plan on memory, if i run it again my plan is on memory and it doesn't need to create it again....05:07
thiagomzis in ingres the same ?05:08
thiagomzor ingres create a plan for every sql run...05:08
pborothere is a new plan every time if you don't have cache_dynamic enabled in CBF05:09
thiagomztkz !05:09
pboroI tried cache_dynamic a month ago on 9.2 with patch 13322, but it was buggy :(05:10
pboroI hope they get it fixed, it's a pretty new feature05:10
thiagomz[ingres@sel-did-01 files]$ grep cache_dynamic config.dat05:11
thiagomzII 2.6/0604 (a64.lnx/00)05:11
pborooh well that's pretty old :)05:11
thiagomzi known05:12
thiagomzpboro: i am using powerbuilder with odbc ....05:12
thiagomzand i am with a screen slow....05:12
thiagomzat my company system...05:12
thiagomzhow can i trace it.. to identify the SQL that this screen ran...05:13
thiagomzprintqry ?05:13
thiagomzor odbc trace ?05:13
pboroI guess ODBC trace could work at least05:14
pboroI'm not too familiar with ODBC :)05:14
thiagomzare there a way to trace a session on server ?05:15
pboroNot that I know of05:15
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Deyandoes anyone know if there is luasql module which can work with Ingres? :)07:58
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thiagomzguys, set trace point dm42012:40
thiagomzdoesn't work12:40
thiagomzwhy ?12:40
DarylMAlways works for me.  What version and where are you looking for the results?12:44
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