Tuesday, 2009-07-14

pboroah... I got bug 119283 reproduced on 9.201:07
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pboroHi Deyan02:51
pborodamn, that would be cool02:51
pboronerds usually wear product t-shirts etc. so it would work nicely work Ingres too :>02:52
Deyanyeah, i have already ordered it02:59
Deyanpboro: i have a noob question for you02:59
Deyani have noticed the TID field02:59
Deyanis that some sort of primary key in the table?02:59
Deyani understand it is perhaps used behind the scenes to perform relational algebra on tuples02:59
pboroTIDs are tuple identifiers or row addresses03:00
Deyani typically have something like: tablename_id INTEGER in almost every table03:00
Deyanwhich is my primary key03:00
Deyancan i use TID for that?03:01
pborono I would not recommend doing that03:01
pboroTIDs may change, they are only meant for DBMS... you need your own key for your own purposes03:01
Deyani did not think about that!03:01
Deyangood point03:01
pboroThis is a bit outdated by the idea is the same today: The TID contains the page number and the index of the offset to the row relative to the page boundary.  TIDs are presently implemented as 4-byte integers. The TID uniquely identifies each row in a table.  Every row has a TID.  The high-order 23 bits of the TID are the page number of the page in which the row occurs.  The TID can be addressed in SQL by the name 'tid'.03:02
Deyani have already done some stuff using TIDs03:03
Deyanjust for testing03:03
Deyanpboro: thanks for information mate03:04
Deyani appreciate it03:04
pborono prob :)03:04
Deyani am asking because i am doing a major redesign of a huge database03:04
Deyanand i typically added primary keys03:04
Deyanin fashion i described above03:04
pborothere were none before?03:04
Deyando not ask...03:04
Deyanyeah, most tables did not have PKs :)))03:05
pborohehe :) that's the history here too03:05
Deyanpboro: welcome to the dark side :D03:05
pboroI have done huge work in adding proper indexes etc. into our legacy databases...03:05
Deyanwell, we had some indices...03:05
Deyanin our legacy database03:06
Alex|regarding the use of the Ingres logo... I think the logo itself is not trademarked - only the name.. so the TM would be wrong anyway...03:06
Deyanhowever, most of tables did not have any primary keys03:06
Deyanty Alex03:06
Deyani will remove TM from there03:06
pboroAlex|, TM even doesn't mean it's registered, (R) does. TM is something that anyone can add to their logo or name when trying to get ownership of it03:07
pborousually most logos and names are TM until they are registered, when it becomes (R)03:07
Alex|ah ok... we had an (R) in the logo for a while and had to remove it03:07
Deyanwell, i suppose Ingres Inc is the owner of that logo?03:07
Deyanwell, that is what i guessed03:07
Deyandid not know it is not03:08
Alex|no idea... marketing will know I hope03:08
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Deyandyki \o/03:08
Alex|I just know that my business card no longer has the (R) on the logo :)03:08
pborooh, weird :-o03:09
pboroAlex|, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark03:10
pboromaybe Ingres Corp. has not registered it and (R) was put in mistake03:10
dykidid that change after CA abandoned Ingres?03:10
Alex|don't know03:11
pboro"Ingres" is owned by... "(REGISTRANT) Ingres Corporation CORPORATION DELAWARE 1080 Marina Village Parkway Alameda CALIFORNIA 94501"03:11
pborohttp://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/gate.exe?f=searchss&state=4004:sbosno.1.1 and just type Ingres and search :)03:12
Alex|the name - but the logo?03:12
pboroyou can use (R) for the logo too but it must then only refer to the name... I don't know if it's possible to search logos anywere :/03:13
pboroah, it says "Typed Drawing"03:13
pboroso it means the name as in certain form03:13
Alex|and in the form it was in 1992 and at Alamada :)03:17
pborohmm should it be possible to investigate core dump from iidbms with gdb?03:32
pboro#9  0x00588290 in adc_compare ()03:32
pboro#10 0x005afba8 in adt_compare ()03:32
pboroI'm missing some data, Ingres is prolly not compiled with debugging?03:33
Alex|not the releases, no... you'd need to compile it yourself03:33
pboro#8  0x00000000 in ?? ()03:34
pboro#9  0x00588290 in adc_compare ()03:34
pboro#10 0x005afba8 in adt_compare ()03:34
pboro"If the routine does run across a datatype that is not in this list, it will call the general routine "adc_compare()", thereby guaranteeing that it will function (perhaps slower), for ALL datatypes, even future user defined ADTs."03:35
pboroI wonder what gets passed to adt_compare :/03:35
Deyanlooks like 9.4 is bugged04:02
Deyani am trying to copy table from a file04:03
Deyanand it goes over the actual amount of rows04:03
Deyan"E_CO0024 COPY: Unexpected END OF FILE while processing row 3813."04:03
Deyanand i have 3735 rows in it :D04:03
pborowell yeah, 9.4 is still under heavy development04:03
pborolatest production release is 9.204:03
dykiDeyan: I have the same issue here!04:05
dykiI think I might go back to 9.304:07
Deyangood idea04:08
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Deyanhey grantc \o/04:41
grantcmorning all04:41
grantchi Deyan04:42
dykiafternoon :)04:42
grantcDeyan: regarding getting DBjmin working with Ingres you will need to hack the source code04:42
Deyanaha, okay04:43
grantcnot much work from what i saw but i am no java developer04:43
Deyani am using razorsql anyway04:43
Deyanjust wanted to try that dbjmin proggy04:43
grantcdbvisualizer is quite good04:46
* Deyan thinks ingres should switch to CMake04:49
Alex|go ahead04:50
Alex|I was told by some ppl "this can't be too hard to do"... never heard of them anymore04:51
DeyanAlex|: i do not say it will be easy04:51
Deyani saw the src structure04:52
Deyanit is huge04:52
Alex|some Ingres devs say the jam files aren't that hard to understand and overlook... I never believed them.04:53
Alex|I managed to add a few things to them without breaking anything - that's the best I could do04:54
Deyancan i somehow easily make the current build system to just build database-related components?05:13
Alex|not easily... you'd have to remove them from the jamfiles without breaking dependencies05:17
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thiagomzguys... why it doesn´t work ? statdump -zc iidbdb05:53
thiagomzoptimizedb -zk -zu200 -zr200 -u'$ingres' iidbdb -riidbdepends06:13
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thiagomzguys, how does you optimize iidbdb ? i mean command07:06
thiagomzi have 104  without stats...07:06
thiagomzon iidbdb07:06
thiagomzi thing that is bad07:07
thiagomzor not ?07:07
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