Wednesday, 2009-07-15

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Deyanhi everybody01:52
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dykimorning all02:31
Deyanhello Ingres masta02:32
dykiguys, I have noob question. How do I find the port of the instance?03:35
grantcgrep -i port $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/errlog.log03:36
pborowhat port? Ingres port? (like II7, I67, or similar) or TCP/IP port? ahh...03:36
pboroahh, errlog.log contains both :)03:37
dykiingres port :)03:37
dykiI have some archaic installation that uses non standard port03:38
dykiits on OpenVMS03:38
grantcon a PDP/11?03:38
dykinah.. its too modern..03:39
dykiAlphaServer ES90 8-)03:40
grantcnot bad..03:41
grantcsingle cpu wildfire box03:41
grantctry "search ii_config:errlog.log port"03:42
dykii think it was dual alpha 733MHz or something lijke that03:42
grantcor search ii_config:errlog.log GCC03:42
dykii am getting some weird errors..03:44
dykierror in device name or inappropriate device type for operation..03:44
dykithanks :)03:46
dykiI got it!03:46
Deyangrantc: are you working on PECL PHP extension?03:52
grantcyup that's what i get paid for03:53
grantcamongst other stuff i should add03:53
Deyanwe will ask you millions of questions here soon03:53
Deyanso get ready ;)03:53
Deyanbtw. nowhere in the documentation is mentioned that it is possible to have "@<ip>;tcp_ip;<port>;[username],[password]::<dbname>" in the database parameter to ingress_connect04:02
grantcfair point04:03
Deyani cannot connect without that04:03
Deyanto our production server04:03
grantcyou can create a vnode defintion using netutil04:03
Deyanso you can imagine my happines when i discovered that i can use that ... :D04:04
Deyanyou are doing a very good job04:05
grantcthanks - if you have any suggestions feel free to email them to grantc@php.net04:06
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Deyanhello rossand & Gerhard05:04
GerhardHi all05:06
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dykigrantc: is there any way to make read-only connection from php, apart from creating another user with read-only access?06:16
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grantcyou can call "set transaction read only"07:12
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thiagomzguys, anyone knows if openroad migrate vision 4gl aplicattions ? my developer ask me if he can convert ingres vision 4gl to openroad...07:47
grantcthiagomz, Ingres has services that do that sort of stuff07:48
grantcthe product/service is called transforge07:48
thiagomzhumm... is that free ?07:48
grantcerr no :)07:49
Alex|hrhr :)07:49
VroomfondleI'd imagine it's quite expensive ;)07:49
Vroomfondlequite a lot of work involved in porting a large app, I imagine07:49
thiagomzbut it exist..07:49
thiagomzthat a good news07:49
grantc - one of our subsidiary companies in the UK that do this sort of thing07:50
grantcthey do everything from updating the interface to full conversions07:50
thiagomzgrantc: tkz07:51
Deyanmy company wanted to do the same07:59
Deyanbut they changed their mind08:00
Deyanand hider two developers to do the job08:00
thiagomzi have 2 developers in vision...08:01
thiagomzand they need to migrate vision to powerbuilder08:02
thiagomzthat is our framework...08:02
grantcat the end of the day it depends on whether you want to retain business logic08:02
grantcABF/Vision apps have lots of business logic which can be re-used08:02
thiagomzi like vision...08:02
thiagomzbut the users not..08:03
thiagomzthey like windows...08:03
grantcthe interface can be disposed with but the logic can be put behind OpenROAD appserver and then made available in to .NET/Java/OpenROAD/etc applications08:03
Deyangrantc: really?08:03
Deyani think i will ahve to read more about openroad08:04
grantci believe Luminary can do a proof of concept08:04
* Deyan has no idea what is it08:06
grantc (based in leeds)08:06
grantcthey are a subsidiary of Ingres Corp08:07
dykiis there any opensource ABF/vision converter to openROAD ?08:09
Deyanor one which translates ABF/Vision to Java :)))))08:10
grantcnice try08:10
dykithe company Deyan mentioned has some app called Transforge which apparently does the translation08:10
Deyani would give my left kidney for that08:10
dykibut it cannot port any supporting FORTRAN support procedures etc.08:11
dykiwhich sucks big time08:11
dykiDeyan: left kidney would be worth around £2MM so for that amount of money you can get decent number of dedicated developers ;)08:12
grantci am sure luminary could do something with them08:12
Deyanerm... find me a buyer!08:13
dykiit shouldnt be too difficult :)08:14
dykiThe problem with Fortran programs we have is that it uses VAX/DEC extensions, which are not fully supported by major compilers.08:16
dykiif esql would be able to get rid of them it would be brilliant :)08:17
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