Friday, 2009-07-17

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Deyanhello everybody05:47
pborohi Deyan05:51
Deyanguys one quick question - GENERATE ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (or BY DEFAULT) is not part of the SQL standard, right?05:56
Deyanwell, at least I was trying to find something related in the 1992 paper05:56
pboro92 is way too old05:56
Deyanthere is IDENTITY there05:56
pborobut... not sure05:57
Deyani do not have 2003 :(05:57
Deyanit costs a lot05:57
pborohmm ANSI SQL 2003 prolly has that05:57
pborodon't have that at hand right now so can't check05:58
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Deyangrantc: when you come to London we could meet and have a beer09:20
Deyanbeer is on me :D09:20
Deyanyour PHP extension rocks09:20
grantcsure :)09:20
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Deyandyki will come too09:21
grantcnot sure when I am coming over next... possibly not till dec09:21
* grantc believes that an offer of a beer is tantamount to a contract and cannot be rescinded 09:21
grantcwhere abouts are you based in the uK?09:22
Deyan"< Deyan> grantc: when you come to London..."09:23
grantcit's been a long week09:23
Deyansame here lol09:24
Deyanwe are writing some amazing code here...09:24
Deyanhundreds of bugs per minute09:24
Deyanhour more precisely09:24
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* Deyan thinks sql should have history like mysql client09:57
Deyanand completion ;)09:57
grantcthere is a history option, it's just not available by default09:57
Deyanomg, THANKS09:57
Deyani am going to investigate09:57
Alex|just edit the "sql" script in the bin/ folder - add it to the "tm something" line09:58
Alex|then you'll get it as default09:58
DeyanAlex|: you are my hero!09:58
grantctime to knock off... have a good weekend all09:59
Alex|very useful... still no history across sessions and no bash completion but at least the cursor keys work and history within a session09:59
DarylMIf you like GUI tools for running SQL try
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Deyani do not like squirrel10:00
Deyanmy colleague uses it10:00
Deyani use DbVisualizer10:00
Deyanand IDM10:01
DarylMDbVisualizer costs money :)10:01
Alex|the dtp plugin on which idw is based on is integrated in Eclipse 3.5 by default10:02
Alex|i.e. everything the main dtp supports should work with Ingres out of the box then10:02
Deyani like IDW10:08
Deyanis there some way to AUTOMATICALLY install IDW plugin in Eclipse via some website?10:10
Deyanlike all those typical plugins10:10
Alex|IDW is a standalone application - you want the DTP Ingres plugin. IDW is eclipse + dtp in an rcp app10:13
Alex|that's an update site for the plugin.. but as I said.. it's now included in main dtp at - so you may want to take it from there10:14
DeyanAlex|: yeah10:21
Deyanfor now i am going to use update from ingres10:24
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