Thursday, 2009-07-16

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Deyangood morning01:16
pboromorning :)01:17
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thiagomzmorning all03:29
thiagomzguys, i changed my isolation level to RC (read commited), but... if I execute a update on session S1 and a select on S2, I see the new value... why ?04:34
thiagomzI not commited yet04:34
grantcauto commit enabled?04:36
thiagomzhow to disable autocommit ?04:50
thiagomzim using isql04:50
grantcset autocommit off04:52
thiagomzcould be it ==>  system_readlock     │nolock              │string04:54
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thiagomzgrantc: how to do to ingres work as oracle, i mean... i changed the isolation level do read_commited... but.. if a update a row on session 1, and on session 2 i execute a select, it get still in wait... why ?05:55
thiagomzi would like to see the old value ....05:56
thiagomzon S205:56
thiagomzi have a fresh install of ingres 9.205:56
thiagomzi just changed ==> system_isolation    │read_committed05:56
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pborothiagomz, did you restart after changing system_isolation?07:26
thiagomzingres doesnt support MVCC07:26
pboroyeah I know it doesn't, it's a shame for web apps07:27
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thiagomznow.. I understood !07:27
pborobut that should not affect system_isolation, you should still get the old value07:28
pboroor at least the second session should wait until the other succeeds, since the other session has exclusive lock (or at least it should afaik)07:28
pborohave to try that on our installation :)07:29
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pborothiagomz, for me, the other session hangs because the other session is keeping exclusive lock on the page07:34
pborotry putting "set lockmode session where readlock = shared;" in beginning of your sessions07:34
thiagomzpboro: yeah...07:34
pboromaybe your readlock is nolock at the moment07:35
thiagomzpboro: that works, but you get a dirty read07:35
thiagomzyou see ta NEW data...07:35
pboroyeah, that's how it should work07:36
pboroit's not MVCC, you don't get a snapshot, you only have classical ANSI isolation levels07:36
pborowell, dirty reads depend on isolation too, but anyway07:36
pbororead uncommitted allows dirty reads (in principle)07:37
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mc_Hi I have a .NET Data Provider question.09:22
mc_I'm trying to insert some unicode into a nvarchar field but am getting garbage09:23
mc_I'm specifying character set as UTF-809:23
mc_is that correct?09:23
pborowhere do you specify the character set?09:23
mc_Connection string:   ;BlankDate=NULL;TZ=UNITED-KINGDOM;" + "CharacterEncoding=UTF-809:24
mc_If I don't specify the CharacterEncoding   it just replaces my unicode characters with ????09:24
mc_Is there a unicode example anywhere?   Can't find much on the web. :-(09:25
pboronot that I know of :/09:25
grantcis the data in your .net app already in utf-8?09:25
mc_The data is in a standard VB.NET  String   data type and it looks okay on  screen.     I think that's UTF-16?09:26
mc_But if I choose an encoding of UTF-16 the driver doesn't connect to the database09:26
mc_it errors with some japanese / chinese error message,  but when I trussed the back end it said invalid username / password   so I don't think it understood what I sent09:27
grantcingres's nchar types are also UTF-1609:27
grantcso i don't believe you need to add any extra charset encoding to the url09:27
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grantcone test would be to get the hex value of what you are putting in and compare that with select hex(ncharcol) from ....09:28
grantcthe ???? could be a font issue or garbage data09:28
mc_If I don't add the character set encoding it just replaces my unicode characters with '?'  characters,   I stepped through the driver code and watched it do it!09:28
grantcwhen you say unicode chars, which codepoint/language is the data?09:28
mc_I "trussed" the outgoing stream from the driver and it does actually change them to ? ascii characters.09:29
mc_It's some sample chinese text, but it does it for all values >25509:29
grantcok - another test - you should have a database called demo db09:29
mc_Oracle worked perfectly first time.   ;-)     But I want to use Ingres09:29
grantcsorry "demodb"09:29
grantcmc_,  :)09:29
grantcin there there is a table which has some chinese data09:30
grantctry the query "select up_first, up_last from user_profile"09:30
mc_No demodb on my installation,  is there a script to build it.     I suspect if I could get the unicode in, that getting it out again wouldn't be a problem.09:30
grantci'll have to check to see how the db gets created09:31
grantcwhich version of Ingres is this?09:31
mc_Just about to say this is a fairly old installation:  II 9.0.4 (su9.us5/105)09:32
mc_Solaris 809:32
grantchmm, and the Ingres client?09:32
mc_But I took the latest .net data provider to try things with.09:32
mc_I'm thinking about writing a  Unix  ESQLC program and inserting some   wchar *  stuff,  hopefully that will work.09:33
grantclet me see - perhaps there is a better way09:33
grantci have the data for demodb but its for an intel macine not sparc09:33
mc_If it's UTF-16 I should be able to create a file and do a copy in?09:34
mc_I'm mostly concerned with getting the data out and I'm hoping the DataAdapter / DataSet will be okay,  but we'll see.09:35
mc_QBF doesn't like the table at all.   ;-)09:35
mc_Okay,  thanks for the responses.   I'll try a few things (tomorrow now,  it's 17:36 here)  and let you know how I get on.09:36
grantcmc_ no problem - can you /msg me your email address, i might have a zip file with the demodb data09:37
mc_it's    spam  dot  mc  at gmail dot com       (my spam address!)09:37
grantc:) - i'll mail it out in the next 20 mins or so09:38
mc_thanks very much09:39
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Deyanwassup fellows?10:19
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